"Oh, that's why. I thought what our classmates are saying are true. They're so mean." the girl said and she walk together with Jeya.

"What do they say?" Jeya was asking her,Alice, in what about they are saying to her close friend, Jason behind his back.

"It's nothing." Alice walk with her to their first subject room.

"Alice, Jeya, do you know what happened to Jason? they say he died yesterday." One of their classmate approach and told them.

"He's recovering, I'm his doctor you know, I am great with my patients." Jeya was just kidding their classmate, she didn't want to mess her mondays so she just joke about it. 'They misunderstood his absence' she thought.

"His friends from junior year came with his death certificate to our adviser." the boy said.

"...." Jeya become silent but then she continued her steps slowly 'maybe it was his excuse letter'.

"Don't joke like that. It's not funny!" Alice scolded their classmate. "It's not early anymore why you're still here spreading fake news?" she harrumphed and follow Jeya to their designated room.

"What time is it? Why are they still here?" Jeya saw her classmates still dilly dallying around outside their subject room.

"Why are you still outside? Is our teacher was absent today?" Alice rush to the room and there is no one, Their Music And Art Teacher was absent.

Another girl who was sobbing approach Jeya. holding both her arms "Jeya don't be shock" she said.

Jeya got all her doubts connected inside her head, like someone on her head saying he is really dead, he died yesterday. "No" Jeya step back, some tears had fallen from her eyes. "No, It's not true" she shake her head.

"His friends and neighbor showed his death certificate to our teachers." the girl still sobbing while speaking.

"Jeya, let's go confirm it." Another girl classmate took pity of her. She knows Jeya and Jason are close friends. "Let's go to our adviser teacher."

"Hmn" she nodded. "He told me he won't be present today because he will rest today." she said trying to fake a smile. "haha I will report this fake news to our adviser."

Jeya and the other girl finally arrived at their homeroom. Their adviser, Mrs.Gu, was teaching her students.

"Teacher." Looking inside their window expecting even just only her to notice them but even the whole class was disturb. They all look at them.

Mrs.Gu saw her two students waiting outside so she excuse herself and saw Jeya's teary eyes. 'They already know and maybe they are asking' she thought. "We lost one of us" she calmly said to them. She clench her hands trying to control her emotions. She can't be too extreme with her feelings, because she is also having difficulty with heart disease.

Jeya step back and felt her legs got lumped on the ground. Tears keep flowing. Everything become so blurr and silent. She covered her face with her hands and embrace all of her emotions . She didn't know what will happen next , what will happen to them , what will happen to her without him.

It's already 3:00 p.m. when she notice that she was still in school and they are inside the second to the last subject room. She didn't know she was crying all day and she didn't hear what all the teachers have taught them during the class hours .

The teachers let her be because they know how close Jason to her. She was crying like she's guilty , guilty of being a bad friend , guilty of neglecting him , guilty of being a selfish and guilty of not being by his side when he needed her help or her presence.

Everything become so dark now, everything become so bland and there's nothing really matters to her now.

Despite being empty she made a promise to herself that she will cherish everyone of her friends or loveones who are with her and still alive. She will never be so selfish again.

She would die for her friends or

She would take revenge for her friends.

"What type of woman do you like?" Jeya ask Julian while he was still teasing her ears.

"I like your type." he answered her. He wanted to kiss her but she look away. 'Fine , not today'. he thought to himself.

"My type." ridiculous. She thought. 'You don't deserve anything from me. You don't also deserve any attention from Mae.'

More days had passed by and the summer vacation is about to end.

"Eat your lunch" Julian chatted Jeya.

"Okay,Eat yours too." Jeya replied.

"K" he dryly responded.

Their relationship become a frozen one. It's like a losing boring game. They we're secretive with each others even they we're in a relationship. They didn't met their parents so they we're like unofficially couple and they will only meet on Saturdays in Kim's house.

One night, Jeya goes to Kim's house to kill the time and surprisingly, Mae appeared.

"Hi." Jeya greeted them and Mae got speechless.

Mae looked like she wanted to tell something to her but she didn't know what or when to start. Jeya see through her expressions.

"Come sit with me." Jeya invited her to sit with her on the bench. "Tell me what you wanted to say, I'm won't be mad and I wish you are not too." Jeya said. She rarely explain herself but if explanations was needed, she won't mind to say few words.

"I know what you are planning" Mae said but she still doubting her thoughts. "You are trying to take revenge for me,right?" Mae said. "You wanted him to like you then dump him right?"

She was slightly nervous.

"You are right." Jeya look away. She told her before but rejected her plan. She can't stand it. Mae still like him, if she doesn't why would she still care about him.

Mae got a little better. "You mustn't! You just have to ignore him, It doesn't matter to me anymore. They told me secrets about him. He was a playboy, he forced many girls to his bed. And he was a member of a well known fraternity, BETA" Mae got a little nagger after she felt better. She hugged Jeya. "You should stop chatting him. Okay?"

"Okay." Jeya said. She wanted to say that she was already about to stop because she felt her plan is about to fail. He was not really interested in her. Her seductive body doesn't put him on frenzy whenever they met. He only kissed her ears or lips. And they felt no lust and no sparks. She was like being just a pet or just a kid he was taking care of.

Mae was so happy. She felt like that her brokenheart was reconstructed again.

Jeya can feel her happiness. She wanted to feel again some too. It was real and genuine. She doesn't know if it was because she admitted that she doesn't like Julian or because she still like Julian and she was not her rival, but whichever, she felt happy seeing her happy again.

Two Days had passed Jeya didn't recieve any chat from Julian. It was strange but it was fine but.

"Sweetheart" Julian chat pop up to her phone screen.