Deric rented the nearest cinema to play his old movie. It was a love story between a serial killer and his lawyer. The movie was full of ups and downs. The movie ended with the protagonists getting married hours before the serial killer was executed.

Exiting the cinema, Deric noticed that Euri's expression seemed odd, "What's wrong?"

"…nothing… it's stupid." Euri shook her head.

Deric grabbed Euri's hand, "I want to know. You don't like the movie?"

Euri looked into Deric's eyes, "No! You were great… It's just… Seeing the wedding scene, I remembered Sophia. I just wondered if I'll be able to get married in the future as well… Will I be able to wear a wedding dress too?... Isn't that stupid of me? Hahahaha"

Deric returned her gaze and tightened his grip, "You will. You'll surely get married."

"Aren't we all the same age? I'm almost thirty. Who would marry me?" Euri said skeptically.

Deric answered her teasingly, "I'm almost thirty as well and I'm not married yet."

Euri felt her cheeks burn a little. She avoided his teasing look, "I-I'm hungry. Let's go have lunch."

Deric only smiled while looking at her.

They spent the rest of the day going around the city. It was almost dark, so Deric grew a little concerned, "It's late. Where do you want to go next?"

Euri yawned and stretched her arms, "I'm feeling tired. Let's just go home."

When they arrived back at the mansion, Euri threw herself on the bed and fell asleep right away. She had a dream... a dream about her past...


Euri was born in an average family. She had loving parents and a brother three years younger than her.

Her father was a taxi driver and her mother was a housewife. She was not able to have everything she wanted in life, but her parents always made sure she gets what she needed.

Euri remembered the day her brother was born. The whole family was overwhelmed. A small bundle of joy wrapped in a blanket laid in her mother's arms.

She was small herself and very curious. She poked her brother's cheek. Her brother unconsciously smiled and gripped her fingers.

She remembered how she felt back then, that soft and warm feeling. This tiny human is her little brother. He was even smaller than her. She felt the desire to protect him and love him with all her heart.

Euri's mother caressed her chubby cheek, "Do you like little Eun, Euri?"

"Wittle Eun… baby." Euri smiled widely.

Euri's father chuckled then patted her head, "Yes, he is. He is our little baby. Are you going to be a great older sister to him?"

Euri raised her tiny fist with determination on her face, "Euli will be besh sishter!"

That day... that one hospital room was filled with joyous laughter, as the family celebrated the birth of their newest member.

Eun was so cute back then. However, he grew up to be a little rebellious. A naughty troublemaker.

Euri recalled when she was only 12 years old while Eun was 9. Eun climbed the tree in their backyard, but he did not know how to get down. So Euri told him to jump into her arms. She admits that she was a dumb kid, but Eun was surely dumber... because without hesitation, Eun dived into her arms.

Euri broke her arm that day, while Eun only scratched his knee. Eun cried so hard. He felt guilty and sorry for his sister. They were also scolded by their parents. That day was so chaotic... but it was also a funny memory.

-----------FLASHBACK END--------------

Euri opened her eyes. She was happy... it was a happy memory... but her tears can't help but fall. She was longing for that happiness.

Euri continued to cry when suddenly the door opened.

Deric heard sobbing so he came to check on her, "What happened?"

"I dreamt about my family... I remember little pieces of my childhood memories." Euri said between sobs.

Deric tried to cheer her up, "That's great!... or was it a bad memory?... Did you dream anything about me?"

Euri shook her head, "I want to go to my old house tomorrow."

"Alright. Let's go together." Deric agreed as he left the room. He figured that Euri wanted to be alone and think things through.

The next morning, they were about to leave when Deric got a call from the company. There was an emergency so he had to take care of it. Unfortunately, they had to cancel their plans.

Euri felt sorry so she decided to cook for Deric. She approached Sebastian, however, he ignored her.

Euri felt hurt but somehow, she also understood. If a young, handsome CEO suddenly brought home an unknown girl. The girl claiming she has amnesia and have the CEO spoil her. People would surely think badly of her. It was suspicious even for Euri. She could be a manipulative gold-digger or something.

Euri slapped her cheeks to cheer herself up. She decided to make something for Sebastian as well.

She tried following the cook book, but it seems like she did not have any muscle memory regarding cooking. She tried her best but the food that she made were all burnt black. She felt discouraged.

Euri then saw Sebastian enter the kitchen. He eyed her burnt food on the table. Euri felt ashamed, "I'm sorry Sebastian. I tried my best but… I even dirtied your kitchen."

She expected him to scold her, but instead she watched him pour all her food into the trash can. This situation overlapped with a fragment of her memory...


Euri and Deric started to work together as class representatives. They took charge of the class activities and usually stayed late together at school to finish work or to plan things.

One day... one of the popular girls in class, Sahara Jones, and her two lackeys dragged her to the back of the school. They warned her not to get any closer to Deric.

It was general knowledge that Sahara was obsessed with Deric. She had been pursuing him since the start of high school.

Euri was annoyed, "How could I possibly ignore him when we have to work together. We're both class representatives."

"Then do it by yourself... I'm warning you!" Sahara threatened. She pushed Euri to the ground then left with her lackeys. The lackeys even glared at Euri.

Euri decided to ignore them and proceeded to live like usual. Until one day, they locked her in the janitor's closet and was not able to meet with Deric. The janitor let her out when he came to clean that night. She cried that day and tried to call Deric but he did not respond. So she sent a text saying 'I'm sorry'. She waited for a reply until she fell asleep but it did not arrive.

When she came to school the next morning, Deric ignored her. She learned that there were rumors going around that she didn't go to meet with Deric, although she went home late last night. There were several witnesses so she could not convince Deric. There were even exaggerations spreading that she was selling herself.

During lunch break, she tried to approach Deric, but he ignored her again and left. She silently ate her lunch with Sophia. Sophia tried her best to comfort her and asked her what really happened, but she did not feel like talking about it. Suddenly, one of Sahara's lackeys snatched her lunch box and poured it on her desk in front of her.

Watching it fall in front of her eyes evoked a feeling of hopelessness inside of her. It feels as if she was witnessing herself falling apart...

------------FLASHBACK END-------------

Euri fell to her knees. She screamed and sobbed. She remembered… she was bullied. After that incident those girls never left her alone.

Sophia tried to help her, but only got hurt along with her. She felt so sorry that she got Sophia involved in that.

Deric, the cause of everything, continued to ignore her. He seemed clueless... or was he? He stopped staying back after school and refused to help her with class rep work.

Euri would often go home full of wounds and bruises. She became irritable, especially when her parents and brother asked her about it. They eventually grew distant and stopped asking her.

Every time she went to school, her heart grew even heavier and when she went home, her body always burned in pain. This went on for months.

She grew even more silent and distant. Her classmates only watched. Sophia also eventually turned her back on her when she couldn't take it anymore. Deric, as usual, was still ignoring her.

Euri broke down on the kitchen's floor. Deric arrived home and saw her like this, "What's wrong, Euri? What happened?"

"I wanted to surprise you... so I tried to prepare lunch, but it was burnt and disgusting… Sebastian threw it all away… and it made me remember Sahara." Euri looked as if she was about to lose her mind.

Deric didn't know what to do and was confused, "Sahara?"

Euri looked into Deric's eyes with anger and disappointment, "Did you know I was bullied?Sophia even turned her back on me… you too… you left me too."

Deric was shocked, "This... I'm sorry…"

Deric's answer only confirmed Euri's suspicions. Euri was angry... disappointed... She was so sad. She got up, ran and locked herself in her room.

Deric continued to apologize and appease her outside her door. He wanted her to listen... to listen to his explanation, but Euri only ignored him.

This went on for days. Euri had been tormented by nightmares during this time as well. Deric couldn't do anything because he didn't want to force her. He could only leave food at her door and hope for the day she'll finally be ready to talk to him again.