The room was dark. The curtains were all down. It was uncertain if it was day or night. Deric sat in his study puffing a cigarette. His eyes bloodshot. He looks haggard with dark bags under his eyes. It has been almost two weeks since Euri locked herself in her room. This also made Deric sleepless.

As he was about to take another puff, a soft knock was heard on the door. A weak, female voice was heard, "I want to go to my old home." It was Euri.

Deric had been longing to hear that voice again. He put out his cigarette and took his jacket, "Alright."

Euri's old house was a long drive from Deric's current home. The whole ride was silent. Euri only looked outside the window while Deric concentrated on driving. Unlike the haggard-looking Deric, nothing much had changed in Euri.

After the long, awkward ride. They finally arrived at a run down house. Euri got down the car and proceeded to enter the property, not even waiting for Deric.

Deric, however, followed her closely, "Your family moved out from here 10 years ago. Your parents wanted to sell the place or rent it out, but your brother was against it. Although, no one comes to clean it up nor maintain it."

Euri just continued to ignore him. She went to the back yard to see if the tree was still there. The grass were tall and overgrown. The tree was taller in her memories, but it was shorter now that it was in front of her. She climbed the tree and observed her old house.

In the backyard, there is a porch. Their old bicycles were placed there. It has already rusted. The potted plants on the second floor balcony were wilted and some were just empty. The glass doors and windows have cracks as well.

The house did not survive the test of time. The laughter inside this house disappeared along with the people who lived inside it.

"Is the house locked? I want to see my room." Euri tried to climb down, but the snow made it slippery. She slipped and fell.

Fortunately, Deric caught her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm good." Euri pushed him away then ran towards the house.

The back door was unlocked. The inside of the house was empty. There were no furnitures left.

Memories started to play inside of Euri's mind. She could see herself and her brother fighting for the remote in front of the television. The whole family eating in the dining hall. When she went upstairs, she could see herself yelling at the bathroom door for her brother to hurry up.

Her parents' bedroom, her brother's bedroom and finally, her own. When she entered the room, unlike the empty house, it was untouched. Besides being worn out, everything was still the same as in her memories. Her pink, fluffy bed. Her stuff toys. Her study table, her books… everything was here.

Euri's heart skipped. She was confused and nervous, "Why? Did I not went with my family when they left?"

Deric, who was behind her, lowered his head and stuttered, "No…you… you stayed."

Euri stepped forward and look at her things, "For what? For college? Then why is the rest of the house empty?

"I don't know. Maybe…you left… eventually." Deric's head was still lowered, so Euri did not notice the panic that flickered in his eyes.

"Hmmm...." Euri hummed in understanding as she sat on her bed. Deric closed the door behind him and sat beside her.

Euri then noticed the scratches on her door, "It's still there."

"What is?" Deric followed her gaze towards the door.

Euri stood up excitedly and touched the scratches, "This! Eun and I would compare our heights every year by marking this door… this was when he was 1… and this was from elementary… middle school… then highschool… and... no more?"

Deric also inspected the scratches, "Because your family moved out… or maybe, you just didn't grow any taller."

Euri turned to look at him and glared, "Meanie! Short girls are cute, you know!?"

Deric met her eyes with a teasing look, "I know."

"…you better…" Euri said awkwardly. She remembered that they were in the middle of fighting.

Deric noticed this, "…yeah… I'm sorry, Euri…"

"About what?" Euri played dumb.

"Back in highschool… I wasn't really there for you. I was immature and petty… and ignorant…" Deric said remorsely.

"And a jerk… tried too hard to be cool… narcissistic… full of himself…" Euri continued light-heartedly.

Deric heard her tone lightened and pretended to be hurt, "Ouch!"

Euri laughed at his exaggerated expression, "Hahahaha… well, the point is… you grew up. You weren't like that anymore… or so I hope. I was wrong too. I didn't have much memories, so when I do recall things… I let myself be contained in that memory. It's like being stuck in the past… so I'm sorry too."

Deric showed a gentle and relieved smile, "I guess we were both at fault… I too, let myself be stuck in the past. Time continues to move forward, as I only stood there… watching. I can understand what you're feeling."

"You do? Then... Don't you feel scared? … like being left behind… because, I do." Euri became a little teary.

Deric patted her head, "I do too, but I chose to walk at my own pace. I chose not to chase others… not to compete with others… I walk… so would you like to walk with me?" Deric opened the door and held out his hand to Euri.

Euri took Deric's hands. As their skin touched, she remembered another memory


Euri wondered how long has it been? How long has it been since she last smiled? Laughed… Be happy.

How long has it been since she last talked to someone? To look at their eyes. To listen to their voice.

How long has it been since she went out with her family? Arguing with her brother?

Euri felt like she had been nailed to the ground, unable to move… unable to scream… unable to ask for help. Everyone left her behind… She was alone.

The rooftop door has always been locked and off limits, so no one would come there. She sat on top of the stairs in front of the rooftop door. She was crying. She was mourning… mourning for her happiness… and mourning for everything she lost. Mourning for the person she used to be.

She wondered if her suffering will ever end, or will it be better if she ends it herself. As she was debating… Sahara and her lackeys came. Euri did not expect anyone to come to this place.

One of the lackeys laughed, "Oh look who's here!"

Sahara smiled mockingly, "We came here for a puff, but I guess a better stress reliever appeared."

Euri's legs were shaking. Her throat was dry. Her nose was sour and her eyes stinged a little. These girls recently made it a habit to make cigarette marks on her back. It hurts. It was so painful.

Euri was scared. She tried to run pass them but they grabbed her hair. Euri struggled and accidentally scratched one of the lackeys' arm, making her let go and Euri to fall down from the stairs.

Screams could be heard from below the stairs. A while later, the sirens wailed as the ambulance took Euri to the hospital. Euri was out of danger but since she hit her head, she was still unconscious.

That day, Deric and her family finally learned the truth about Euri. Her mother cried and collapsed when she saw her scars. Her father was angry, threatening to sue. They might not be rich but he would never allow his daughter to be abused like this. He did not raise his daughter so that others could hurt her. To think that she was enduring this all alone for so long.

Eun also felt guilty that he did not make enough efforts to helped her when she was clearly broken and being distant.

Deric was the most pained. He was the cause of all this. He was guilty that he was not able to tell who the real villain was. He felt selfish, petty and ignorant... just because he was jealous that Euri might have spent time with someone else instead of him that day, he had forsaken her. He was like a child throwing a tantrum. He did not even listen to her. Guilt was eating him inside out.

The next day, Euri regained her consciousness. The first thing she saw was Deric kneeling on her bedside.

Euri's voice was little raspy, "What are you doing?"

Deric pressed his forehead to the ground, "I'm sorry, Euri. You've done a lot for me, but I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. I even ignored you… and betrayed you. I didn't know. No one told me. Not my friends… not even Sophia. I could have guess it myself, but my tantrums made me blind. I hope you could ever forgive me."

Euri remained silent, so Deric continued, "I'll do anything… anything! So please... forgive me. Sahara and her friends were expelled. I also helped your parents send them to juvie. I even pressured our classmates to testify… it's the least they could do for not helping you and not telling me… If you want I can also…"

Euri touched Deric's head. When he looked up, Euri held out her hand, "I'm bored... so go on a walk with me, okay?"

Tears fell from Deric's eyes. He felt as if he was granted amnesty, "…of course… yes, thank you!... but the doctor… I have to call the doctor first." Deric stood up and ran outside.

Euri smiled looking at his back. She was supposed to be angry and shout at them, "See!! You're just waiting to see me die before regretting and realizing everything, huh."

But Deric's sincere and desperate pleas made it hard for her to be angry. It actually made her happy. It felt as if she was saved. She wasn't alone anymore. Someone is finally there to walk with her and talk with her.

A while later, Euri heard voices from the hallway. Her family came. When the door opened, everyone looked pleasantly surprised. Her parents immediately came to hug her and cried. They kept apologizing to her. Eun only stood there, but his eyes were also red.

Euri cried looking at her parents, "Mama! Papa! *sob* I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

Her mother's heart was pained seeing Euri breaking down like this, so she caressed her hair and whispered to her ear, "Shhh… don't cry, my dear. It was us that should be sorry."

Her family spent the time comforting her, until Deric finally came back with the doctor. Everyone was worried, so she wasn't able to get out of bed, until she was released days later.

-----------FLASHBACK END--------------