Chapter 4; New friends and troubles

Second period quickly came, but I already confronted a problem....

I've already known about everything they've been teaching me, my home school teacher was much more entertaining than these teachers. They slug through classes in boredom, they pay more attention to what we are doing than what they themselves are doing. It is very annoying and tiresome. Scott and Stiles were already in class discussing something under their breath, luckily I can hear them, their talking about me. I sat down behind Scott and smiled at them.

"What's up you two?" I ask taking my books out and placing them on the table, we had mathematics, luckily I struggle at maths so this should be more entertaining. Startled they looked at me in shock.

"Nothing much, we were discussing lacrosse practice today, unfortunately we sit on the side lines but we still want to be there, what do you say Khaleesi, join us?" Stiles asks smiling. I blinked and tilted my head, is that what they called that weird game?

"I'll have to ask my butler but I'm sure he'll say yes. Mean while you can explain the gits of this game to me, please." I say. They stared at me before Scott asked slowly.

" You have a Butler? Where's your parents?" He asks.

"Their busy with work, they usually get home by 24 hundred so the maids and butlers look after me. And yes my family is Rich. You can come over after lacrosse practice if you want?" I offered but the teacher walked in. They turned around as they began to contemplate. The teacher began to preach and then he began to teach... but I fell asleep about halfway through. I did take a lot of notes though so I'm sure I won't get into to 'much' trouble. Hopefully. The bell rang startling me I sat up and stretched to find the teacher glaring down at me. Oh boy. I smiled sweetly at the teacher.

"I'm sorry sir, I did pay attention and I wrote down notes and had answered some of the equations you had written on the board." I say holding my book up. Contrary to believe I had actually done a lot more than that I had solved some of the equations he had mentioned in passing as well and had written his explanations down for reference. He frowned as he looked through my notes and answers. Flipping through the book and raising a skeptical brow at how much I had gone in detail. Maybe a graduate from the mathematical and wood work University should not complain and say she struggles in math, because that's not struggling. I scratched the back of my neck as I stood up and put my things away, a very itchy feeling had suddenly popped up and it's getting irritating. The teacher gave my book back and walked away. I gave a bitter smile as he walked away, yeah maybe I should let the teachers have their superiority from now on, and pay attention so that I won't attract attention to myself. Scott and Stiles waited outside for me since we shared the next class together again.

"How did that go?" Asks Scott as we began to walk.

"It was for the most part just the teacher reading through my notes and me standing there so I'd say it was awkward." I say. Both of them smiled.

" That's what you get when you fall asleep in class." Both of them say in unison.

" Okay, that was just creepy." I say cringing. They grinned at me as we entered literature. That was at least a little entertaining, the teacher rushed in and spilled her coffee on her white shirt, wolf whistles broke out as the teachers undergarment stood out. Brake came and we walked to the cafeteria, I picked my phone out of my back and dialed a number as we walked.

"Miss Rai, what is the matter?" Came a professional voice, I rolled my eyes.

" Nothing, Mr. Mason, I made new friends and they asked me to hang out with them at a school practice for lacrosse this evening, and I was wondering if it was okay if they were allowed to come home with me after school?" I ask as we walked. A moment of silence later we entered the cafeteria and stood in line.

" It is approved, all you need is their parents consent and they will be allowed entry, I will drop them off personally afterwards. I will be waiting in the parking lot in the family limousine. Have a nice day, Miss Rai." Mr. Mason says before ending the call, I blinked rapidly, I wanted to say thank you. I pouted slightly as I took my food and sat down at the table that Scott had chosen.

"He says it's fine, all we need is your parents consents then we'll be free to go, he'll even drop you guys off." I say smiling as I sipped at my juice but frowned at the taste, it didn't taste this way yesterday. It was blant, and tasted like nothing, it didn't help the rising burning sensation in my throat. Wait~ Oh, sh¶t. My eyes widen in shock as suddenly I saw Scott's veins as clearly as if they were under an x-ray. My eyes! Holding my hand over my eyes I grunted in pain. Stiles looked at me in confusion along with Scott.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asks. Ah, well I want them to investigate so might as well say it.

"My eyes are burning, I don't know why though, but it somehow improved my eye sight for a moment there." I say as I rubbed my eyes removing my hands I stared at them as they stated back in surprise and Stiles in interest. He leaned forward pointing his plastic fork at me.

"Your eyes are red. Have you been experiencing any other pains anywhere?" He asks. Wow, has he already began to investigate into the supernatural?

"My throat. It's been getting itchier and started to burn a few minutes back. But the juice didn't help." I say looking him in the eyes as my reflections eyes turned back to blue. His fingers tapped rhythmly against the table, in thought.

"Any urge to drink blood?" He asks his eyes flashing with interest. I blinked in shock, Holly hell dude not so loud!

"Um,I haven't been awake that long so I haven't been near blood so.... uh, no I don't think so. So you're suggesting that I'm a vampire now?" I ask him.

" Yep, we'll do more tests-Wait wake up? What does that mean?" Asks Stiles.

" Oh, uh, well there was an accident in my parents lab underneath the floor that I slept in and it exploded so I was in a coma for a few months and had only woken up just recently." I say leaning back after taking a bite from the food in front of me having cringed at the taste. Scott glared at Stiles.

"How can she be a vampire? She's walking in day light, Stiles." He pointed out, Stiles shrugged. Yeah that was apart of my wish, Scott don't blame him.

"True, but she can still be a vampire, like I said we'll do tests later." Stiles says as the bell rang.