Chapter 3; Beacon Hill's High

It just so happens that four months had passed, which means today is March the 11th of the year 2010. (Uh, maybe I'm wrong? If I am correct me please!) My parents had signed me into High school without telling me saying that it's too dangerous at home, well at least my plan worked out half and half. I hummed happily in the back seat of our Jeep, my father refused to ride me in a limousine, not that I asked, mom on the other hand.... I looked at her and noticed that she had her arms crossed and was pouting like I do when I don't get my way. ( Both are childish. 😉)

I ignored both of them as I practically jumped where I sat in excitement this is the firs time that I'll meet the pack leader. I can't wait! The car came to a screeching holt as I was sent flying forward luckily I wore the seat belt or I'd be out the window by now. My eyebrows twitched at that thought, I'm not sure yet if I could withstand pain or be immune to it, quit frankly I'm terrified to try that out, but I'll probably do a test or something later. Taking my bag from the floor, I unbuckled and climbed out.

"Bye Mom, dad." I say waving and walked off, swaying from the sudden light movements I nearly fell, ah crapadoodle, I can't control my strength or speed yet!

"Bye Honey! Mr.Mason will pick you up later! Have a good day. " Mom shouts. Twirling around I smiled and waved at them in acknowledgement. I turned around and walked off practically dancing. Walking past many people and student I entered the hall looking for the office, when- *Doof, crack* I flinched at the sudden loud sound and glared at it's source. The younger version of Scott and Stiles were pushed against lockers, a bully smiling down at them. I blinked rapidly in surprise, wow I meet them the moment I enter, amazing. I walked over and tapped the bullies shoulder as lightly as possible smiling sweetly. He turned around and froze. I had became a bit more of a beauty, my skin was as pale as the snow, my hair the same colour, my eyes had changed to a weird aqua blue hue.

"Would you mind leaving my escorts alone, please? My parents had asked them to guide me around and I don't want them to get in trouble for not assisting me." I say fluttering my eye lashes and leaning slightly to the side making my ponytail tilt. Shocked the boy could only nod his head and numbly walked away. My smile stretched in amusement. I turned to Scott and Stiles holding my hands out.

"Hello there, my name is Khaleesi Rai, mind showing me around since I did state that you would? And while we're at it what might I call you two?" I ask smiling in a friendly manner. Stiles shook my hand seemingly grateful.

"I'm Stiles Stilinski, and we'd love to escort you around Khaleesi, but why'd you help?" He asks looking at me in suspicion, tilting my head my eyes sparkled in amusement.

" Because I could. And I wanted to. Plus I want to be your friend, both of you. I've been homeschooled since I was a kid so I'd rather hang out with unpopular kids, sorry about the insult." I say.

"It's alright. I'm Scott McCall." Scott says shaking my other hand as well.

"So am I friend or foe?" I ask my face getting serious.

"Friend." Both replied. I suppressed the urge to dance as I grinned.

"Okay, first stop the office please." I say as I slung my back pack over my shoulder smiling up at them. They nodded in unison as they lead the way around the school, when bullies tried to interrupt or shout absentees I'd through in the defenseless cute girl act to send them away, sometimes it works sometimes it didn't then I'd get a little rude and say mean things back, things I would never ever speak of again. ( Or write.) Scott and Stiles waited outside of the office as I got my schedule, locker number and code and all of my books and a map, thank God for maps. (Sorry if that was rude.)

The bell rang for first period as we went out separate ways.