Event Catalog in Teen Wolf?

Season 1 

January 2011

Day 1 - Sunday, Jan 9†

Night when Scott gets bitten

Day 2 - Monday, Jan 10†

First day back at school

Lacrosse practice

Scott meets Allison

Day 3 - Tuesday, Jan 11†

Scott and Stiles meet Derek

Allison brings the wounded dog to the clinic

Day 4 - Wednesday, Jan 12

Day 5 - Thursday, Jan 13

Day 6 - Friday, Jan 14†

Scott wakes up in the woods

Jackson confronts him about using steroids

Stiles calls Scott over after researching werewolves

Date with Allison at the Friday night party at Lydia's

Full Moon (Actual full moon in Jan 2011 is on the 19th)

Day 7 - Saturday, Jan 15†

Stiles picks up Scott on the side of the road. 

Day 8 - Sunday, Jan 16 

Day 9 - Monday, Jan 17†

Scott apologizes to Allison for leaving her stranded.

Scott goes to the locker room in a daze because he just learned that Chris is Allison's father.†

Scott dislocates Jackson's shoulder and shifts on the lacrosse field.

Derek confronts Scott in his room and tells him he is not allowed to play. 

Day 10 - Tuesday, Jan 18†

Scott tries to tell the Coach that he can't play.

Scott confronts Derek at the Hale House.

Scott and Stiles dig up Laura's body. 

Day 11 - Wednesday, Jan 19 

Day 12 - Thursday, Jan 20 

Day 13 - Friday, Jan 21 

Day 14 - Saturday, Jan 22†

Scott's first game as first line

Scott and Allison kiss

Jackson discovers Scott's glove

Derek is released from custody

Day 15 - Sunday, Jan 23

Day 16 - Monday, Jan 24†

First day back at school after the game. Scott references his date "tomorrow"

Scott visits Derek

Scott and Stiles go to the school parking lot so Scott can trigger his memories 

Day 17 - Tuesday, Jan 25†

Date with Allison, Jackson, and Lydia

Argent threatens Derek

The bus driver dies

Scott and Derek fight and Derek tells Scott about the alpha 

Day 18 - Wednesday, Jan 26

Day 19 - Thursday, Jan 27†

Kate Argent comes to Beacon Hills

Kate shoots Derek 

Day 20 - Friday, Jan 28†

Allison greets her aunt

Derek goes to the high school to find Scott and ends up in Stiles's Jeep

Scott and Allison have a study date

Scott implies that Allison has lived in her house for over a month. If the Argents moved in a couple of weeks before school started, then that would be accurate.

7:19 Scott finds the wolfsbane bullet

Derek uses the wolfsbane from the bullet to heal

Derek takes Scott to meet Peter Hale

Kate and Chris discuss hunting the alpha 

Day 21, Saturday, Jan 29†

Alpha kills video store clerk

Derek tells Scott the full moon is in 1 week 

Day 22, Sunday Jan 30 

Day 23, Monday Jan 31†,

Allison grabs her stuff for school.

It's Allison's birthday.

Scott and Allison skip school.

Kate attacks Derek in his house.

Parent teacher conferences.

Chris Argent kills a mountain lion 

Day 24, Tuesday Feb 1†

Derek ambushes Scott in the grocery store parking lot

The alpha draws a spiral on Scott's car

Derek hides in Scott's room 

Day 25, Wednesday Feb 2

Scott tries to stay away from Allison†

Stiles teaches Scott to keep himself under control†

Derek visits Peter†

Derek beats up Deaton†

Scott, Stiles, and Derek summon the alpha to the school†

Allison, Jackson, and Lydia end up at the school as well†

The alpha tries to make Scott kill his friends†

Allison tells Scott not to call her†

Day 26, Thursday Feb 3 

School is closed 

Day 27, Friday Feb 4

School is closed

Day 28, Saturday Feb 5

Stiles takes Scott to the woods to get him drunk

Day 29, Sunday Feb 6 

Day 30, Monday Feb 7†

Full Moon

Stiles gets put on first line

Scott kisses Lydia at school

Jackson and Allison talk about the night at the school

Derek returns and stops Scott from attack Jackson and Allison

Kate and Chris decide Stiles is a werewolf 

Day 31, Tuesday  Feb 8 †

The alpha visits Mr. Harris

Scott and Stiles save Derek from the police 

Day 32, Wednesday Feb 9

Scott must ask Allison for her necklace†

Jackson gets his claw wounds checked out†

Quarter finals lacrosse game, and the first game Stiles will get to play in†

Stiles introduces Derek to Danny as "his cousin Miguel"†

Stiles and Derek find Peter perfectly healed in the hospital†

the Cyclones win†

Derek and Peter visit Scott in the locker room†

Allison finds the flash bomb in the garage†

Day 33, Thursday Feb 10

Allison tests the flash bomb arrow†

Scott returns her necklace†

Stiles gets his dad drunk so he will talk about the murder cases†

Peter takes Scott's mom on a date†

Derek tells Jackson he'll make him a werewolf†

Kate captures Derek and brings Allison to see him†

Allison gets caught speeding and then goes to practice shooting†

Day 34, Friday Feb 11 †

Scott wakes up the Animal Clinic

Scott tries to find his phone

Kate tortures Derek

Day 35, Saturday Feb 12 

Day 36, Sunday Feb 13 

Day 37, Monday Feb 14 

Day 38, Tuesday Feb 15†

Scott tries to quit the Cyclones in order to go to the formal

Lydia and Allison go dress shopping

Peter finds Allison in the mall

Kate figures out that Scott is the second beta

Day 39, Wednesday Feb 16  

Day 40, Thursday Feb 17  

Day 41, Friday Feb 18†

Winter formal dance

Stiles dances with Lydia

Scott dances with Danny and Allison

Peter attacks Lydia

Chris Argent tries to kill Scott, revealing to Allison that he's a werewolf

Scott finds Derek†

Peter kidnaps Stiles†

Everyone has a showdown at the Hale House†

Derek becomes an alpha by killing Peter†

Day 42, Saturday Feb 19

Beacon Hills Chronicle reports that Kate burned down the Hale House 6 years prior.†

Day 43, Sunday Feb 20

Season 2 

Day 44, Monday Feb 21†

Lydia goes missing from the hospital (Placed here because Stiles has been there "all weekend")

Day 45, Tuesday Feb 22

Day 46, Wednesday Feb 23†

Lydia finds Stiles and the Sheriff (Because she has been missing for two days)

Pop quiz in Chemistry

Stiles gets detention

Kate's funeral

Day 47, Thursday Feb 24†

Isaac's father is killed

Scott and Allison meet in the woods

Day 48, Friday Feb 25

Day 49, Saturday Feb 26

Day 50, Sunday Feb 27

Day 51, Monday February 28

Day 52, Tuesday February 29†

Isaac is taken away for questioning in his father's death (It is unlikely that it would take this long, but this is only the way to get two full moons in February)

Jackson tells the Sheriff that Isaac was being beaten

Jackson attempts to videotape himself at night

Full Moon 

Allison and Scott encounter the kanima

Stiles is discovered in the sheriff's office with the holding cell busted open

Day 52, Wednesday March 1†

Jackson wakes up and checks the camera but doesn't find anything 

Day 53, Thursday March 2†

Erica attempts to climb the rock wall in gym class.

Derek seduces her into taking the Bite.

Day 54, Friday March 3†

Lydia sees a vision of Peter Hale at the school and follows him to a trophy case

Erica shows up at school looking like a bombshell

Stiles, Scott, Allison, and Lydia go to the ice skating rink

Day 55, Saturday March 4

Day 56, Sunday March 5

Day 57, Monday March 6

Scott talks to Erica about being turned into a werewolf†

Victoria Argent believes Scott and Allison are still one another and confronts Mrs. McCall†

Scott figures out that Boyd is going to be the next beta and tries to stop it†

Derek wounds Scott†

Jackson lifts his truck

Scott goes to Deaton about his wound†

Stiles is at a garage getting his Jeep fixed when the kanima kills the mechanic†

Scott picks up Stiles at Armor Tire†

Derek trains the betas in the subway station†

Day 58, Tuesday March 7†

Stiles runs messages back and forth between Scott and Allison

Lydia visits the guidance counselor and talks with Young Peter Hale

Jackson gives Danny a copy of the video of him to enhance

Gerard and Allison leave his office at 6:45 to attend a lacrosse game

The kanima attacks Derek, Erica, and Stiles in the pool

Scott is invited to an awkward dinner at the Argents'

Scott saves Stiles and Derek, but the kanima escapes

Day 59, Wednesday March 8

Derek questions Jackson about what happened to him on the night of the full moon†

Day 60, Thursday March 9

Jackson tells Sheriff Stilinski that he didn't see Isaac and his father fight†

Isaac returns to school†

Danny recovers the lost video of Jackson†

Lydia has another vision of Peter†

Erica and Isaac test Lydia to see if she's the kanima†

Ms. Morell translates some of the bestiary page about the kanima†

Derek and the betas follow†

Everyone learns that Lydia isn't the kanima†

Derek and Chris Argent chase the kanima to the Jungle†

Jackson attacks Danny†

Lydia sees Young Peter Hale at her house†

Day 61, Friday March 10

Jackson wakes up in the sheriff's department transport van†

Mr. Whittemore tells Sheriff Stilinski that something is wrong with his son based on a text message†

Econ Midterm†

Everyone knows that Jackson is missing†

Allison tells Stiles the cops are onto him†

Scott checks on Danny in the hospital and learns that Danny's tablet has been stolen from his car†

Jackson breaks out of the van†

Allison learns that the kanima seeks a master not a friend†

The kanima kills Sean†

Allison calls Scott and Stiles to tell them what she's learned†

Day 62, Saturday March 11

Day 63, Sunday March 12

Day 64, Monday March 13

Derek, Isaac, and Erica talk in the subway lair†

World History midterm†

Allison gives Scott a tablet with Lydia's kanima translation†

Scott takes his Chemistry exam†

Everyone gets detention†

Melissa McCall tells Victoria Argent that their kids are still dating†

Jackson turns into the kanima in the library and tells them all to stay out of his way or he will kill them†

Mr. Harris is seen driving a car with the same bumper sticker as the kanima's master's car†

Lydia ends up in the Hale House and realizes that she's been seeing vision of Peter Hale†

Day 65, Tuesday March 14

Day 66, Wednesday March 15

Sheriff Stillinski and Stiles talk about the kanima murders†

Scott, Isaac, and Derek meet with Deaton†

Day 67, Thursday March 16

Day 68, Friday March 17

Scott and Stiles arrive at school talking about how to get tickets to the rave†

The rave that Matt invited Allison to†

They trap the kanima but it still kills Kara†

Stiles puts a mountain ash circle around the rave†

Victoria attempts to kill Scott, but Derek saves him†

Victoria gets bitten†

Ms. Morell reveals that she knows about the supernatural†

Peter appears to Lydia and tells her about the Worm Moon†

Chris cleans Victoria's wolf bite†

Derek and Scott talk about whether it's even possible to kill the kanima†

Day 69, Saturday March 18 

Day 70, Sunday March 19

Day 71, Monday March 20

Day 72, Tuesday March 21

Day 73, Wednesday March 22

Day 74, Thursday March 23

Day 75, Friday March 24

Day 76, Saturday March 25

Day 77, Sunday March 26

Day 78, Monday March 27

Day 79, Tuesday March 28

Day 80, Wednesday March 29†

Derek chains the betas up in the subway car while Scott is out looking for Jackson

Stiles and his dad realize that all the kanima's victims were on the 2006 swim team

Full moon

Lydia's birthday

Victoria commits suicide in Allison's room

Lydia drags Derek into the Hale House

Peter is resurrected

Stiles and Scott convince the Sheriff to investigate Matt as the killer†

Matt takes Scott, Stiles, the Sheriff, and Melissa McCall hostage in the sheriff's station†

Derek overhears that Scott has betrayed him with Gerard†

Gerard kills Matt†

Peter sees Gerard take control of the kanima†

Day 81, Thursday March 30

Police fish Matt's body out of the river†

Sheriff Stilinski gets his job back†

Day 82, Friday March 31

Stiles talks to Ms. Morell†

Gerard and the kanima visit Scott in his house†

Day 83, Saturday April 1

Day 84, Sunday April 2

Day 85, Monday April 3

Day 86, Tuesday April 4

Day 87, Wednesday April 5

Day 88, Thursday April 6

Day 89, Friday April 7

Day 90, Saturday April 8 (Placed here because Jackson was at practice "last week" as though nothing had happened)

Boyd and Erica tell Derek that they're leaving†

Isaac visits Scott and Dr. Deaton at the clinic and learns how to siphon pain away†

Championship lacrosse game†

Gerard kidnaps Stiles†

Peter tells Derek that Jackson can be saved by the power of Lydia's love†

Derek and Peter find Scott and Isaac†

Gerard tells Allison that the end is starting†

Melissa McCall inspects Jackson's body at the morgue and finds that he's changing†

Scott and Isaac bring Jackson's body to a warehouse and meet Peter and Derek†

Gerard crashes the party, they all fight, Scott makes Derek bite Gerard, Jackson is restored to a werewolf†

Day 91, Sunday April 9†

Derek, Isaac, and Peter find the alpha pack symbol on the Hale House


Season 3A 

Day 220, Monday August 6

Day 221, Tuesday, August 7

Day 222, Wednesday August 8

Day 223, Thursday August 9

Day 224, Friday August 10

Day 225, Saturday August 11

Day 226, Sunday August 12

Day 227, Monday August 13†

Isaac is rescued by Braeden

Scott gets his tattoo

Braeden calls Scott an alpha as she's wheeled into the ER

Day 228, Tuesday, August 14† 

First day of Junior year

Ethan and Aiden start taking classes at Beacon Hills High School

9:00am Braeden breaks out the hospital

Crows crash into the English classroom

Deucalion, Kali, and Ennis try to kidnap Isaac, but Scott and Derek stop them

Derek brings Isaac to the Hale House to use wolfsbane to heal him

Scott asks him how to make his tattoo show up

Scott learns about the alpha pack

Braeden dies

Day 229, Wednesday, August 15† 

Scott and Stiles go to a birthday party for Stiles's friend 

Allison and Lydia show Scott their bruises

Heather is abducted

Day 230, Thursday, August 16† 

Peter shares memories with Isaac to find out what he saw in the alpha pack's lair

Scott, Derek, Allison, Lydia, and Stiles meet at the school so Derek can see the bruises

Sheriff Stilinski questions Stiles about Heather's disappearance

Deaton gives Isaac and ice bath to help him remember

Stiles and Scott research the Beacon Hills First National bank robbery

Day 231, Friday, August 17 - FULL MOON† 

The police still have no news on Heather†

Stiles realizes that his father was part of the bank robbery investigation†

Allison goes to the bank to find evidence for Derek†

Ms. Morrell catches her and makes sure she stays in the bank, hidden, and waits until she hears fighting†

Stiles, Derek, and Scott plan on how to break into the vault†

Core Hale is introduced†

Marin Morell locks Scott and Derek in the vault with Cora and Boyd using mountain ash†

Allison hears the fighting and breaks the mountain ash line to keep Boyd from killing Scott†

Boyd and Cora escape†

Boyd attacks some children in the woods, but fireflies stop him from hurting them†

Scott asks Chris Argent to help them trap Boyd and Cora†

Derek, Scott, and Isaac lead Boyd and Cora to the boiler in the high school†

Derek goes in to keep Boyd and Cora from killing each other or Ms. Blake, who is trapped down there too†

Stiles realizes that all the victims have been virgins†

Day 232, Saturday, August 18

Day 233, Sunday, August 19

Day 234, Monday, August 20

Day 235, Tuesday, August 21

Day 236, Wednesday, August 22

Day 237, Thursday, August 23

Day 238, Friday, August 24

Day 239, Saturday, August 25

Day 240, Sunday, August 26

Day 241, Monday, August 27

Day 242, Tuesday August 28†

Kyle brings Bullet to the Animal Clinic to get checked out (the clinic is only open for business on weekdays)

Day 243, Wednesday August 29†

Derek checks on Ms. Blake before school starts

Stiles tells Scott that someone needs to sex him right now, and Danny offers

Kyle is found dead on the cross-country route

Deucalion, Kali, and Ennis attack Derek in the loft and impale him on a pole

The twins lock Isaac and Allison in a closet to make Isaac have a PTSD episode

Derek throws Isaac out of the loft, and Isaac moves in with the McCalls

Mr. Harris is taken and killed as the third warrior sacrifice

Day 244, Thursday August 30

Day 245, Friday August 31

Day 246, Saturday September 1 

Day 247, Sunday September 2†

Scott talks to Allison about finding her arrow at the school

Scott meets Deucalion in the elevator at Allison's building

Day 248, Monday September 3†

Scott tries to go to talk to Deucalion alone, but Isaac insists on coming with him

Scott, Derek, Isaac, Boyd, and Cora fight Deucalion and the alpha pack at the abandoned mall

Derek and Ennis fall down a few stories onto an elevator and appear dead

Day 249, Tuesday September 4

The cross-country team is going to a meet in another town†

Scott's wound from the fight the previous day isn't healing†

Cora and Peter inspect the abandoned mall†

Stiles makes the bus pull over†

Allison stitches Scott's wounds closed†

Deucalion kills Ennis at the Animal Clinic†

Derek stumbles to Ms. Blake's car, bleeding, and collapses†

Bus pulls into Motel Glen Capri, because the meet has been postponed†

Boyd, Ethan, Isaac, and Scott have hallucinations and almost commit suicide.†

Jennifer brings Derek to his loft to check his wounds and they end up having sex†

Day 250, Wednesday September 5†

The werewolves are all on the bus in the morning

Chris goes to see Gerard Argent and asks about Alexander

Day 251, Thursday, September 6 †

The ER attending and Dr. Hilyard are abducted

Danny is poisoned with mistletoe

Day 252, Friday September 7†

The alpha pack leaves their symbol on the window of Derek's loft

Scott and Isaac are in Melissa's room in the morning, having watched over her while she slept

Deaton is abducted

Boyd and Isaac go to Derek's loft to try to help him against the alpha pack

Dr. Hilyard's body is discovered

Cora threatens Lydia

Scott talks with Deucalion in the school music room

Stiles, Lydia, and Cora try to get a location on Deaton

Allison shows Scott her father's map

Scott and the Sheriff find and save Deaton

Kali attacks Derek and impales Boyd on Derek's claws, killing him

Day 253, Saturday, September 8

Day 254, Sunday, September 9

Stiles asks about Derek (2 days after Boyd dies. asks Cora if disappearing for 2 days is normal)†

Day 255, Monday, September 10

Day 256, Tuesday, September 11

Day 257, Wednesday, September 12†

Tara investigates a 911 call at the school

The band members stay late to practice

Scott finds Tara's body

Day 258, Thursday, September 13

Scott and Stiles talk to Ethan†

Cora attacks Aiden and gets hit with a weight†

Derek returns and finds Jennifer at the school†

Mr. Westover is taken†

Allison and Isaac think Chris Argent is the killer and go to a location near the Animal Clinic to find Mr. Westover†

Ms. Blake nearly kills Lydia†

Ms. Blake abducts the Sheriff†

Scott and Stiles tell Derek about Ms. Blake and prove she is the Darach†

Everyone goes to the hospital to save Cora†

Deucalion and the alpha pack try to get Ms. Blake at the hospital†

Ms. Blake takes Melissa McCall as her next sacrifice†

Scott agrees to join Deucalion†

Stiles wakes up Derek and gets him out of the hospital.†

Agent McCall shows up at the hospital and asks Stiles questions†

Derek takes Cora back to his loft†

Day 260 Friday, September 14†

Derek takes more of Cora's pain

Chris Argent allows himself to be captures

Stiles and Lydia realize that Lydia has been drawing images of the nemeton

Lydia goes to see Derek and Peter to ask for the nemeton's location

Scott and Deucalion talk in the woods

The twins try to kill Ms. Morrell

Day 261, Saturday, September 15

Scott, Stiles, and Allison sacrifice themselves in ice baths in the early morning†

Scott, Stiles, and Allison wake up 16 hours later, with four hours left before the full moon†

Ethan defects to tell Lydia and Derek that Kali is coming with Aiden and knows about the lunar eclipse†

Scott, Allison, and Isaac go to collect things to use to track their parents†

Lunar eclipse †

Derek tricks Jennifer into using some of her power to heal Deucalion's eyes

Deucalion slashes Jennifer's throat†

Derek and Scott let Deucalion go†

Peter finds Jennifer near the nemeton and kills her†

Day 262, Sunday, September 16†

 Allison pronounces the new Argent Code


Author; Not a chapter so don't worry the bonus is still possible. Is this right? I'm not much of a fan and had just thought of this story as a fanfiction for pass time but I'm pulling my sleeves up and getting serious. I like this plot line so I want to make sure everyone else agrees with the events that I summarized. I'll edit the plot line of teen Wolf to match my story line. So I want to make sure this is how it is.