Chapter 18; A Serpents Call.

*I won't give up, no I won't give in. Till I reach the end, then I'll start again, no I won't leave, I wanna try everything, I wanna try even if I might fail. No I won't give up, no I won't give in, Till I reach the end then I'll start again.*

-- Shikira.

The Creature rushed towards me, it's tail trying to wrap around my body, which was being pulled. It screamed once more, in fright, in pain.

" Lilium!" It cried as my body froze and my fingers slipped on it's scales as I was to shocked to grip the serpents tail because it had cried out my real name, the name I was born with in my world. I stared at it as the darkness collapsed around my, slowly turning to ice cold temperatures. I woke up sweating buckets, my sheets were stained with the sticky, liquids that my pores produced. I cringed and heard its call again, I looked around, how is this possible, I know I'm in a world of supernatural but still.