Chapter 31; Lacrosse Game

* Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.*

--Charles R. Swindoll

I made it to the school fields just as Alison and her dad arrives. I wrap my arms around her making her jump, she wore way wormer clothing than I currently am, but I don't really mind, I grinned from ear to ear.

"Hi, Ally, what's up?" I ask excitement leaking through each word as I struggled to keep myself on my feet and not turning the asphalt and my clothes and poor Alison to cinders. I smiled politely at Alison's father.

"Hi Mister Argent, it's nice to meet you! I'm Khaleesi Rai,sir." I say holding my hand up my eyes shinning. He shook my hand smiling and giving his daughter a proud wink.

"Please call me Chris, by the way I caught a video of you and Alison and Lidia painting the school in rainbows.....(Gulp. Oh crap.) Nice job." He says I stare at him as if he grew horns and his skin had turned red.

"What?" I gaped.

"I said nice job,I won't report you to the school but you really made the school a hundred times better." Chris says. Huh, um,okay?

" Come on Khaleesi lets get going!" Alison says excitedly and pulls me towards the stands like a kid does to her parents when she sees her favorite sweets or toys. She sat me down and practically jumped in her seat with excitement until she calmed down, seemingly pulling back into herself as her face started to turn several shades of different hues of reds before settling on the brightest making her look like a light house to me and her bloods scent to slightly leak. I wrinkled my nose and frowned, I might have made a mistake when I choose to be a vampire similar to several others I had seen in series and movies, unfortunately I came out as a Sun Vampire Hybrid, luckily there's no sign of me turning into a animal any time soon. I looked out to the field as Chris sat next to Alison and Lidia in between us. Scott ran up to the field, he seemed calm, but I could smell his anxiety all the way from here. My eyes narrowed as worry gnawed at my insides, ugh, I really am overprotective of everyone I know. Shaking my head I stood up and strolled down patting Stiles geared up shoulders and leaning down.

"Why is he anxious?" I whisper ask.

"The Argents are Hunters and he's afraid that Alison knows." Stiles explains." And that her dad will find out and chop his head off." Stiles adds, Scott's head snapped to us, his eyes glaring intently at us.

"Well he needs to calm down, he nor she knows, infact Alison doesn't know sh¶t about the supernatural,let alone of what he is, but I suggest he tells her and soon whilst he is still new at this so that she could get used to this. Like I did last year. " I say giving Scott a meaningful stink eye. He stuck his tongue out but turned away as the coaches blew their whistles. I cringes at the sound.

"Yeah, I don't think he's gonna listen to that last part." Stiles says shifting. I sat down on the misty white grass reminding myself to wash my white dress later tonight. I watched as Scott tried everything to get the ball, noticing how everyone's avoiding him, I narrowed my eyes once more, they're avoiding him. But... Jackson. My eyes searched the field until I found the boy, I glared openly, he shuddered and I gave a mischievous grin, I'm so gonna mess with him once he gets to school on Monday. I watched as Scott finally stole the ball, as he moved, okay more like danced and acrobated his way through the masses. He ignored everyone as he moved, he twirled around dancing just out of the grasps of one of the opposite sides players, gaining momentum he swung his lacrosse stick and goal! I sprang to my feet screaming in excitement, but then I realized I had probably moved way to fast, I glanced around, no one expect Stiles and Scott had noticed. I sighed and sat down. But then things kinda went down hill. Jacksons name was screamed by Alison, my eyes widened in horror, oh well f@ck. I and Stiles exchanged looks before we turned to a very pissed off looking Scott, yeah this was a totally bad idea. His eyes turned a butterscotch hue and he turned his head to the ground huffing out puffs of white plume. Oh, boy. The instant the whistle blew Scott was gone from his spot, aggressively he made his way through everyone and took the ball from a boy who had been to afraid of his growls to continue and had past the ball to Scott. The coach walked over and leaned down to whisper.

" Did a player from the opposite team just.... throw us the ball? " He asks sounding stunned, of course he could have asked anyone else but I do believe that this question was meant for Stiles since he and Scott are friends.

".... I..., uh, believe so coach." Stiles says after hesitating for a heart beat. Coach nodded and stood up grumbling something about the others having lost their sense of touch. I looked back to the field and I froze. I could feal that Scott was going out of control, two members of the offensive team was running on his flanks, their lacrosse sticks at the ready. He was close to being fully wolf, I could smell it. But he heard Alison and then he threw the ball into the net just as the last second of the game came to an end.

Wow, well that certainly wasn't stressful at all. I looked to Stiles who stood up and looked to where Scott had stood once before, oh he's gone now.