Chapter 32;

*I promise to plant kisses on every part of your body, so in time you grow to love yourself as I love you.*

-- Ray-Ray

I leaned down, my body coiled and tense, ready to snap in to action the second my prey was in my sights. A beautiful deer walked from the small springs a few miles away, standing tall with pride. It's horde was still busy, it's muscles thick and strong, it had twisting horns that surrounded its head like a crown, it's scent made my already venom filled eyes to burn and the sheering hot pain at the back of my throat to increase like acid. I couldn't hold myself any more as my eyes caught sight of it's bulging veins. Like an arrow released from a compound bow, I flew through the air, my feet barely making a sound. My hands twisted around the deer's neck, not harming it just scaring. Like a wild horse it ran off, the soles of it's feet pounding as it ran. I smiled and ran after it, making myself slower until I got bored that is. Tackling the creature to the ground it kicked and whimpered as I held it down, bringing my lips close to it's pulse.

"In the name of those before and after you, I hope you accent." I say, for some reason I always end up saying this, a Vampire thing I think. My teeth extended and I penetrated through layers of skins and fats until the warm blood began to seep through. Standing up and wiping the remainder of my meal from my body I wore a satisfied smile as I stepped away from the creature and lit it up with blue flames, turning it to ashes instantly. A clatter of claps resounded from behind me, my lips twitched, only one person who's do that.

"What're you doing up here, Derek?" I ask turning my head to peak behind me, and I was right he stood there with a lanky shirt, torn and shredded as well as his jeans, what happened?

"Running from hunters, thanks to your little friends, Rai." Derek says, he didn't sound mad, neither happy.

"Your clothes,then?" I ask

and flicked my writs extinguishing the fire before it spread.

"Alpha." He replied simply. My eyes widened in horror as I stared at the ashes, it seems I'll have to pay him a visit in any ways.

"He did that? Why didn't he kill you, not that I mean he should." I say and finally turned to face him completely, my face a mask of confusion my red eyes glowing in the dim light of the moon.

"It got scared and ran." I broke out in laughter at his statement.

"It was scared!? Of what?! You?!" I cackled holding my stomach, sure he's scary sometimes but he'd never hurt someone unless they strike first.

"..... No. Hunters. Humans and a flashlight that had almost caught us whilst we fought. " Derek answers really annoyed now.

" Huh, welp, good night to you good sir, but I gotta go to bed since I have school tomorrow, see you around, Uncle Beardrick! " I say and twirled around just as he growled and prepared to leap at me. Laughter filled the silent night as I crossed the distance, rushing down the mountain side and bounding over a river. I froze on the spot when I saw a body laying seven yards away from my home. The wind caught up to my speed, rushing past me and blowing my hair forward small strands like a whip on my face. I stared, though I have heightened senses I could see nothing, I couldn't make out who or what it was so I decided to inspect it up close. Bending down on one knee I pulled the now human shaped being over only to gasp. A young girl probably three years older than what I currently am lied before me. Her face was mattered in scars, bulging bruises and splotches of brown that stuck to her face, mud. Looking around to find clues as to how she got here I ended up sighing and shaking my head, there is absolutely nothing. Gently I placed my hand underneath her neck and under her knees picking her up in one fluid motion. *Knock* *Knock*.

Mrs Mason opened the door and gasped at the state of the woman in my arms.

" Mme le maçon elle est blesser. Esprit appel une médecin S'il vous plaît( Mrs. Mason she is hurt. Mind calling a doctor please)?" I ask in French, my family and maids are after all from France so to make sure she knows this is serious I spoke in French. She nodded and ushered me in and in to a guest room.