Chapter 33;

* Did you just Fall? '

'No, I was checking if gravity still works.'*

--Ray_Ray's anonymous

The girl had blisters and scorch marks on her forearms, legs, torso and back. Her face had a lot of animal markings and claws on it and right now she was having a high fever, but I have to go to school, though I could afford to miss one day, I want to meet up with Scott and Stiles to scold them for missing Yesterday's training and I miss my girl-friends. Sighing I looked at the young girl in front of me who lied on a guest bed next to my room on the lower floors. What could have done this to her? Who? Why? What did she ever do wrong? Shaking my head I stood up, whomever it is will pay, I may not know her but no one deserves such a fate not even Peter. Slinging my bag over my shoulder I skipped the stairs and ran towards the door, in hopes of being able to run to school today, that is until the front doors bell rang and I've already yanked the door open. A look of shock fluttered across my face as I stared up at Chris who seemed to feel the same way.

"Um,hi, Chris, what are you doing here..... at my house?" I ask shifting my weight. Chris pointed behind him where Alison and Lidia sat ready to leave.

"They asked me to pick you up, if you don't mind? " Chris asks obviously uncomfortable.

" Er, sure." Dang it, me and my stupid luck. I closed the door and walked down the stairs to the car and got in the back seat.

"Hi Lidia! Hi Alley! How was Sunday and the rest of Saturday?" I ask.

"It was okay, I guess." Alley.

" Awesome. " Lidia both at the same time. I chuckled if it wasn't for vampire hearing I wouldn't have been able to hear their replies. I hummed in response my eyes glittering.

"Do you two have any plans tonight or tomorrow night? I want to borrow you both for the night." I ask thinking up a nice plan.

" Sure. " Both replied in unison, I frowned.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing." They responded.

"Okay now I know something's wrong, what happened?" I ask. Chris gave me a look that said shut up so I shrugged and sat back, I'll ask them later. Once we pulled into the parking lot everyone separated. I pouted, now I'm really curious. Scott parked next to me at the bike stands as I played with my phone, fixing a few things that I deemed wrong. I looked up grinning at Scott.

"How was your make up session after the game?" His ears turned red and he looked up at me as he chained his bicycle to the stands.

" None of your business, and where did you hear that in any way?"

" From you. "

" When? " He asks confusion written all over his face.

"Just now." I say. He narrowed his eyes.

" But how did you know it was after the game?" He asks as we started to walk.

" You disappeared, so did Alison and when she returns she had this happy glow all over her. It's not so hard to guess what had transpired between you two in the locker rooms. Nice job, buddy, next time tell me though so that I can offer you some mints, Alison says your breath stank. " I say nonchalantly as I entered my arts class, petrified by what I said Scott stood there for a good ten minutes solid before he snapped out of it and moved to go to his class. I snickered shaking my head, a huge smile on my face.