Chapter 37; Gone Flirty Bowling ( Part 2)

"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realise I should have been more specific."

--Lily Tomlin

(The bowling ain't happening yet,hang in there.)

The wind blasted through our hair as I ran through the forestey ground full throttle. I had been running for a total of an hour by the time we finally stopped. We have long since past the borders of Washington, California and have instead gone into Oregon. I pulled Peter along with me as we walked to the Citadel. An old cathedral greeting us at it's entrance. The streets were empty, grass grew and weeds flourished in the old paved grounds of Nytri, a city lost from the eyes of those who seek it. I had once stumbled in here by accident a month into my vampirism. Let's just say it was one heck of an interesting adventure, it was.

"What is this place?" Peter asks.

"An abandoned city for supernatural creatures.." I trailed off as a wolf the size of a bus strutted over, it's hackles raised but lowered at the sight of myself and Peter. The air crackled as suddenly a very nude man stood in front of us. I grinned studying the man, the man in question blushed a deep shade of red from my obvious observation of his body. Peter cleared his throat an eyebrow raised in question, amusement dancing in his blue eyes, my smile spread even wider.

"This is Nytri, and the man in front of us is a Lycan. One of the protectors of this citadel. But since little to none know of it it is only the lycans who reside here. They unfortunately can't leave town nor can they contact the outside world so there is literally no maintenance in here. " I say gesturing around us. The paint on the old brick and clay houses were faded and peeling, veins ran up the sides of each building a few wearing claw marks and faded splatteres of red due to the war that had been waged so very long ago. Finally I met the eyes of the lycan, bowing my head in respect and receiving one in turn.

"je ne le fais pas signifier à être grossier mais S'il vous plaît mettre certains vêtements sur. Monsieur? "

(I don't mean to be rude but please put some clothes on. Sir? ) I say frowning slightly. His face paled and then turned rosy red the very next instant. He nodded and then proceeded to speak in English.

"Ma'am, sir. Please follow me." He says, a French accent slurring his letters ever little. He turned around and walked away, his butt jiggling as he moved. I couldn't suppress my laughter any more as I turned my body away giggling. Peter dragged me backwards as I laughed apologising over and over for as he put it 'his companions sillyness.'. He walked into a well looked after town hall and exited a few minutes later with clothes covering his privates and company flanking him. A woman with several children hiding behind her stepped out of the hall, along with a few others and a lot more men. One of said children ran away from her mother and tucked at the locks of my hair pulling excitedly.

"Dame vous odeur comme fleurs de lys!"

(" Lady you smell like flowers! ")

My eyebrows raised at the girls openness smiling I knelt down and patted the girls head, the entire pack had froze as they stared at us not sure what to do.

" Pourquoi Merci."

( Why thanks) I say ruffling her hair. She giggled crazily and tackled my waist ignoring Peter completely. I looked at Peter from the ground a huge smile on my face. He shook his head a matching grin on his scared face. They lead us inside and introduced us to the Alpha who had a small growling contest between himself and Peter that is until I accidentally growled too, making myself confused.

It was a rumble that echoed from my belly snapping through my throat and ripping my fangs out and making my body bend on instinct. The Luna I think growled back until the Alpha raised his palm silencing her he smiled up at Peter holding his hand out, and like old friends they shook hands and gave a one armed awkward looking hug. I continued to glare at the girl who had growled at me, her skin was a soft pearly white her hair a slick contrast to the whiteness of her skin, a dark black that looked like Ravens sown together her hair was so messy. We stayed like that for another few minutes, Peter getting to know the people here, the hidden creatures that hid from the world and the fact that there was such small citadel's scattered out of human reach thanks to a barrier that wrapped around them all over the world. My feet pounded against the ground as we sped away.

"And....?" I hummed.

"And what?" Peter asks playing dum.

"How'd ya like that?"

"It was fun and amusing. Especially the part where you... growled at an elder alpha like you did." Peter says grinning cheekily. The skin on my cheeks flooded with warmth as the blood rushed to my head.

"Shuf uf." I grumbled my voice muffled my the wind and my hair. He chuckled.