Chapter 44; Huntress

"I think being in love with life is a key to eternal youth."

—Doug Hutchison

"No." Jackson groaned as he glared at my out stretched hand,my fingers twitched as Lidia, Alison,Scott and Stiles laughed at his behaviour. It's been seven minutes and all he had said so far is no.

"Come on,you betted it,you lost so hand it over or I'll pick pocket it." I threatened. He avoided eye contact as he shifted I was shorter than everyone in our group,yet the most intimidating of everyone here, I can't exactly help that though, it's a human's basic instinct to fear me and since Scott was part human he still felt the slight fear from his instincts.

"No." He replied simply. I pouted, he asked for it. I pulled my arm back and sent it to his jaw, his and everyone else's eyes widened in suprise,shock and worry. But at the last second I had him in a headlock my free hand searching his pocket where I found the Toyota pickup's keys. I grinned as I dropped my arm and danced away jumping up and down with excitement and happiness.

"Darn it." Jackson cussed under his breath. I laughed and shook the keys in the air.

"Thank you for betting,Mister Whittemore. I look forward to doing it once again." I say taking a mock bow. He groaned and stormed off to the period after lunch. I chuckled and grinned at Stiles.

"Three weeks,but morning and after school run's still count." I say as I walk off humming happily to myself.

Classes past by without a hitch, same old boring lectures over things I've heard of and know of before and hey what luck my history teacher actually got something to teach that I hadn't known of which had made my day even better than it already was. Stiles had offered to drive my bike home for me and that I had to drive him back to school after that,a hassel but I'm in a way to good mood to care. I bounced as Stiles and I walked to the Toyota, he got on the bike and I got in my new car, which I think I'm gonna call Betsi. ( Said; Bet-Sia) But unfortunately for little o'l me, Derek,as grey as my knitted ugly sweater I got from a distant relative one Christmas dropped to the ground in front of my car. I gasped and got out running towards him,Stiles parked next to me and Scott ran over.

"What happened?" I nearly shouted forgetting where we were.

"Hunters." He hissed igniting my memory,oh holy raccamoly, how the hell could I forget this part?! The Huntress has returned,oh well seems I found my one way ticket to immortality.