Chapter 61; Blue Clover ( Final Part)

We broke through the tree lines, probably looking like we'd been through hell and back again. My dress was ruined by my stomach and in tatters further down,not revealing anything at least. Isaac and Edcart both had their clothes caked in mud and dripping with salty water that still clung to them even after three hours of walking, how? Don't ask me. Breakfast had passed long ago so Derek, Peter, Alison,Scott,Orella and Stiles were sitting in the garden with nothing to entertain except for the little fox. Plopping down I ignored my friends gasps and tugged Nix on to my lap.

"What happened?" Asks Peter concern for my safety evident in his voice,I groaned.

"Nearly drowned after being chased by a savage beast. The one trolling the forest no doubt. That thing sure is fast, if any of you encounter it...don't even try to run, you'll be dead before you even realise it." I say nonchalantly. Scott growled.

"I'm fast I can escape." He states. I barked out a laugh as the twins sat on either side of Orella and me.

"Ha! I barely out ran that thing! And it still caught me! I can surpass you within a heart's beat and you claim that you are fast? Don't bluff get stronger than you can talk." I say bitterly. Silence descended upon us as Mrs. Mason brought a jug of wine and blood for me and breakfast for the twins.

"Thank you,Mrs. Mason. Please prepare the gym for later usage and a lot of water as well. Any new news concerning my parents?" I ask sipping silently at my meal. Mrs. Mason paled considerably, I frowned.

"Yes. You're mother had gotten injured in a bout with a Red Jinx I suppose that Miss Rai knows what a Jinx is?" Mrs. Mason says. I shook my head.

"Yes and no, I know there are two kinds of Jinx,one is the curse Jinx and the other is a supposed mystical animal that is half lion half.....are you serious?" I ask having frozen as I stared at the old lady next to me completely forgetting my guests around me. Mrs. Mason nodded her head shakily twirling her fingers as if afraid I'd loose it, well I know my father would have.....but seriously me? I'm as tame as a kitten.

" Is she alright?" I ask her.

"I don't know, Khaleesi. Your father notified us an hour ago and said that they would be on their way back once this resolves. Their mission isn't complete though so they'd probably return once your mother is better again." Says Mrs. Mason,whom bowed and scuttled away. I huffed and turned to Peter.

"You won't mind if I hire a personal instructor to teach these simple minded idiots how to defend themselves and to take charge of their physical fitness,right?" I ask him. He shrugged.

"Go ahead. Can Derek and I stay here until you've build the pack house?" Asks Peter in turn.

"Of course, stay for as long as you want,you are my Alpha after all and Derek is your family. Now Isaac, Edcart, Orella,Alison, Stiles and Scott I suggest you warm up because I'm going to tell Fluffy not to hold back." I say rising to my feet.

"Derek you and I will spar to see if I can hand your ass to ya." I add smirking. "That's it for the Blue Clover pack for now, simple training and development projects."