Change of plan

Two weeks before departure,

Mo Mina hummed a lullaby song that was driving her crazy. For months she has been having the same dream about a beautiful young woman singing a lullaby song for her. Now the song keeps playing in her mind, and it was driving her crazy. She pushed the door handle to her favorite pizza restaurant.

"Togetherness Pizza" was owned by an old couple and Mo Mina, this place was like home. It was the place where she got her first job at the age of sixteen when her grandfather found her in a military school in Australia and moved her to Z country, which was closed to B country. But the old couple filled the gap she was missing, "Family," and they treat her like their granddaughter.

As soon as she walked in, the smell of pizza assaulted her nose. She paused, closed her eyes, and inhale. To others, the smell of pizza indicated food, but to her, it meant home. She passed the seating area and went straight to the kitchen. "Mina, darling, you came the perfect timing," said an old lady with white hair. "Grandma Xiao. Do you need any help?" she asked while looking at the old lady dialing number after number. Finally, after hanging up the last call, she turns to Mina. "Can you do me little favor?"

"Sure, name it…" Mina said as she leans on the kitchen counter. Initial, she came to have dinner with the old couple as it was routine for them to have dinner together every Friday night at seven pm, and then after dinner, she was planning to go for a car racing. That was her Friday night schedule, and she likes her routine just the way it is. But one additional task for tonight won't hurt. At least that what she taught.

"One of our delivery called sick tonight, and the rest had all sent out. Therefore we have an important customer who ordered a pizza to be delivered at his place. Can you deliver it?" she asked as she bit her lips, and her hands were trembling.

"Sure, I can do that."

"Thank you, Mina. Here is his pizza. Make sure your delivery it while it still hot. He is particularly important, and I do not want to give him the wrong impression of our restaurant."

Mo Mina picked up the pizza and read the instruction. The place to be delivered was 30 minutes drive, and right now, it was rush hour. Therefore, the pizza will arrive an hour late and cold. She did not want to make grandma Xiao sad. Hence, she picked it up and went to her sports car. She intended to beat all traffic and driver over the speed limit. And hope she did not get caught.

By the time she arrived at the location, she was late by five minutes, but at least the pizza was warm. She walked out of her car and walked to a beautiful mansion facing the ocean.

The salty sea breezing was now in her system. It was quite far away from the crazy city noise. Somehow she liked the solitary of this place as she makes her way to the main door. To her surprise, the door was open. For a second, she did not know what to do. Should she enter or wait?" After a few seconds, she pushes the door and walked in. A beautiful foyer with an antique vase on the side and beautiful chandelier welcomed her as she makes her way to the living room. Then all of a sudden, she could not believe what caught her eyes. In shocked, she was paralyzed on her spots.