There were four men inside the Livingroom. One was holding a crying baby about six months old, he was trying to rock him and trying his best to calm the baby down but the more he tries it, the more the baby gets agitated and continue to cry. "Bro, the little man is very pissed, did he fell or something?" asked the guy who was rocking the baby. He was tall, handsome with a grey t-shirt.
"No! I was in the bathroom when all sudden he starts crying. Honestly, I have no clue what I am doing with him," Said a handsome, tall, cute guy with a towel around his waist-line and his eight pack all visual for Mo Mina to admire. She has seen Zi Wei half-naked many times, but he cannot measure up with this guy.
He was like a Greek god walking on earth. He looked like the guy who was rocking the baby, but he was older and more attractive.
The third man was sitting on the leather couch with a laptop open, "I am going to do some research" He opens the google website and start typing "what to do when you have an excessively crying baby in the house?" while the fourth one hangs up his phone.
"Sorry, bro. My sister is not picking up her phone," he said to the guy in a towel.
"Gan He, you are a doctor do something," asked the guy who was rocking the baby.
"Wang Lian, how many times to I have to tell you I am an orthopedic surgeon. Do you know what that even means, a doctor who deals with bones and not a pediatric? Damn asshole celebrity," replied Gan He as he put his phone back into his pocket.
"Give me my baby. You are all not helping him" Wang Lui picked up his son and brought him close to his chest. But the baby was still crying.
"Let's go through the checklist" Said Hai Heng
"Lui, did you check his diaper?"
"Yes, I even change it to a new one" replied Wang Lui
"How about feeding him. When was the last time he had milk?"
"One hour ago, before I put him to sleep" replied Lui
"Did you check if he has a fever" asked again, Hai Heng
"Yes, and no fever. I swear if there is no solution, I am going to take him to the nearest hospital." Replied Lui.He called them for help, but they are not providing one. He even orders pizza and the first-class ticket to France, whoever calm Wang Lok.
They were so busy trying to figure out how to calm Lok that they forgot that someone else was inside the living room with them.
Half an hour later,
"Why does the room start to smell like pizza?" asked Wang Lian as he sat down on the single couch.
That was the time they all faced the direction of the door.
Mo Mina stood there puzzled as she watches four grown-up men struggle to calm down one little tiny human being. She had her share of babysitting, especially during a holiday when military school was closed.
To pay for her motel, she used a babysitter job to pay her expenses. She never liked the holiday. It was the only time when Mo Mina knew she has no family, no place to call home, and not sure when her next meal will be. She used to beg the head principal of Military school if she can stay or sent her an assignment.
"The door was open?" she finally said
She was dressed in fitting ripped black jeans and had a black Jacket that had the log of Togetherness Pizza.