『Oh Lord』

On the back of the horse was a man in gilded half-plate armor over a grey robed tunic and armored greaves. His eyes were centered on the smoking crevice entrance to a cave in the steep side of a mountain. Burnt flesh, molten armor pieces, he could feel his stomach churn.

He was an older gentleman, with groomed jaw-length grey hair and a perfect beard, a waxed mustache. He had these sad hazel grey eyes that reflected the world, something that he'd never hold.

"Hold your positions!"

"Protect your Lord!"

The regular soldiers whom were now scurrying about outside the unknown Dungeon Entrance, were shouting and forming ranks in front of the man whom wore the gold decorated armor.

"What in blazes…?" The Lord finally found the will to speak, he couldn't believe his eyes.

The elite troop of knights given to him by the King himself, had been obliterated in a matter of seconds by someone or something unknown.

"I thought they reported everything dead inside that cavern!" The Lord shouted at the nearest soldier.

"They did My Lord, they did!" The soldier affirmed the events that had transpired earlier.

"THEN WHY THE HELL WAS THERE A SUDDEN BLAST OF ENERGY!?" He snarled, his horse picking up its from legs and swinging them in front of itself majestically.

Just as the Horse made its hooves rest in the hard cold soil, the Lord's eyes rested upon a figure who was stepping out into the open in dark Runic half-plate armor on top of a padded skirted belted jacket with their hood over their head. "What's this?"

Yet as the being fully emerged from the crevice, his massive wingspan became evident.

Everyone in surprise took a step back, gasps of awe. An Angel!? Or be it a monster who steals the divine image!? The Lord himself couldn't tear his gaze away. Something so powerful right in front of him, so divine, reverent and of sacred adoration.

With great pause, the Lord would compose himself, clearing his throat as he used the reigns on his horse to approach. The hooves of his horse clopped onward.

Jack turned his gaze towards the lord after hearing him clear his throat, a brow raised.

"Dear Angel..." the Lord who had just been shouting a moment ago, spoke in a polite tone. "What did my men do to deserve such a… Smiting?"

Jack narrowed his eyes on him as he was addressed as what he appeared to be, which was in a way correct. However, calling him a mere angel didn't appear to be the same, but a lesser breed than himself.

"Sir Reginald tried to kill those under my protection twice, once in the village and once in the cave." Jack's eyes were like an inferno in the sense that they had a glowing blue film easing off of them like smoke. "He had slaughtered those I've tasked to watch over this place..."

The Lord's face paled as he was the one who had given the order to attack the Beastmen, to slaughter them, whilst they were making camp.

Jack's continued to narrow on the man, watching him as his complexion changed as he told his tale.

"Allow… Allow me… Allow me to issue my condolences..." He was tripping over his words as Jack's eyes remained on him. Clearly this gaze was making him uncomfortable.

His eyes shifted over towards the Crevice as Jack's people started to show themselves.

The first one to exit was the Elven Princess, her malachite hues glowing under the moonlight.

The second was the two sisters who were formerly Vampires. They were dressed in their new outfits, their rapiers at their sides, Rein and Snow, kept their eyes on the soldiers.

Then behind those three were Kokei, Runa and Nakajima. The players had their hands on their weapons, if not having them drawn entirely at their sides.

The one who caught the Lord's eye however, was the Princess, his eyes narrowing on her. "What is SHE doing here?"

Hearing the emphasis of the word she, Jack could only assume he was familiar with her. "Yes… She was sent to the village we were attacked in by your little night crawler crew. Apparently for humanitarian purposes..."

The lord's eye twitched slightly, "No no no. You are gravely mistaken! That heathen had tried to kill the residence of the village with her magic!"

Jack raised a brow at this, magic? From what he knew, she didn't know any magic until he had translated the information into her mind. "I don't like being lied to," he placed a hand on the horse's snout. Lightly he would pet its surface, causing an unnatural calm in the beast.

The Lord tensed when Jack said he didn't like being lied to. Yet this was all what Sir Reginald had told him… Could it have been that the gift from the King was going to get him killed? Had that unit not ben the most elite group, but a group of corrupt officials the King wished to space from himself!?

"I believe your man was trying to cause a War between the two Kingdoms in order to profit from your service..." Jack flickered his eyes up towards the Lord, making a theory from the limited information he had.

"Y-yes! That must be it! Such a wise--"

"Seraph… I am a Seraph, I am from the first sphere..."

The Lord paused a moment when Jack had said he was a Seraph. In the scriptures they were the highest in the order, the rarest, and served the Gods with their Holy Wrath.

"MY APOLOGIES!" The Lord grasped at the mane of his horse, tightly.

A man in priest clothes emerged from a tent set up along the perimeter and immediately paused seeing the massive three pairs of glowing white wings. His mouth nearly fell off as his jaw dropped.

With a book of scriptures tucked against his chest, he came running up beside his Lord. Running a hand through his hair. The priest seemed to be wearing white and pastel blue robes with a golden pendant around his neck. He had short black hair and deep green eyes.

"Who is this?" Jack's gaze reached the Priest who was panting, not from the exercise, but from the excitement. His sight took in the faith practitioner, dissecting him mentally, before looking to the medieval Lordling.

"This is Brother Tonic," The Lord seemed to calm down with the priest beside him. "He… Is far better educated in the study of angels than I..."

Jack raised a brow slightly at this, they study angels yet they don't exist in this realm? That was an interesting practice. At least that is what he thought for a few seconds before shaking his head. The study of angels was a thing in the old world as well, but it was just a part of theology.

His eyes shifted back towards the Priest the moment the man dropped to his knees and began praying.

Jack just stared at the man who looked like he was inaudibly mumbling gibberish in a language he didn't quite understand. It definitely wasn't latin, that was for sure.

Tapping his fingers on the shaft of his spear which he has planted with the small blade in the ground, his eyes remained on the priest for a short period of time until he went to stand back up.

"May God Grace us..."

"Is that all?" Jack uttered with an annoyed look in his eyes, staring through the mortal.

"Nnnnn-yes. That's all!" The Priest took a step back as the Angel was piercing him was his gaze. Oddly enough, it seemed the man known as Brother Tonic was getting turned on.

Shivering the moment he noticed, Jack turned away from the young man and began walking back towards the party of his. He was pretty sure that priest was going to begin foaming from the mouth at some point. While he preferred to just kill them, he wanted to see where this would go. He could always kill them without a moments notice later on.

"Gather the bodies of the beastmen at this spot. I'll resurrect them."

Jack hadn't bothered to keep his voice down, if anything, he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. It wasn't that hard since his appearance silenced the majority of the soldiers.

Some were even still staring at him in awe, or paying more attention to the women who accompanied the supposedly holy being.

The Skeleton was staring at the Lord from under his hood, his skeletal structure hidden by the shadows produced by magic. He looked like a mere monk still, even with his magic staff in his gloved hands…

"Don't like him?" Kokei asked telepathically.

Jack simply shook his head slightly, he didn't like this Lordling.

Nakajima was tapping at the hilt of his sword, his eyes darting from soldier to soldier. Trying to calculate how many he could kill before they caught up to him.

There were more than enough that if they were to attack now and didn't have the support of Jack, that they'd be overwhelmed by numbers alone. Mos t of the soldiers here were between levels fifteen and twenty-nine. Even if they were lower leveled, those of flesh weren't immune to sharp melee weapons.

The two sisters Snow and Rein made their way around to collect the bodies, with the Princess following closely behind.

The three original party members would begin to move around as well, dragging the bodies by their tails, or their legs. Some of them seemed so mutilated, that they didn't have any appendages left!

It definitely made it hard for Runa not to heave dryly at this.

Nakajima who had been crushed by the golem earlier, kinda looked down on these guys, feeling sorry for them. As if he would have rather given them his fate at being instant crushed rather than being mutilated like this. It was clear there was plenty of prejudice and hatred in the treatment of these corpses…

The Lord, the priest, and his men were watching as the party was gathering the bodies in one place.

"He said he's going to resurrect them..." The Priest muttered, as he had heard the angel say it.

The Lord blinked at this, not understanding why the Angel would resurrect such dirty beasts, even if he had placed them in charge of looking after the place. "The amount of magic he'd have to be able to use in order to resurrect… The dead with such damaged bodies… Perhaps we can anchor him to the Kingdom, I'm sure the King would garner further support for the church," the man turned to look at the Priest beside him.

It was clear the Lord wanted a better standing with the King. If he could bring this Angel to the service of the Kingdom, then it was promising that he'd be able to gain favor.

Jack had heard him, but made no advances. He knew that he could probably use this to his own advantage. Gain more knowledge about the world, or perhaps usurp the throne. Form a Holy Kingdom, but first…

His eyes shifted to the priest with the book in his hands, the scriptures. He needed to familiarize himself with that book, something probably familiar to the masses.