『The Solvent』

After breakfast, the Lord had sent for the other members of his counsel and local governing body.

In turn, a round table had been added into the center of the reception hall, large enough to fit at least twelve people all around it with more than enough space to spare.

Jack stood at this table, his back to the throne. His eyes resting on the Lord Carmichael on the opposing end, directly across from him with Cassandra standing beside him.

The other individuals standing around the table were from the various other department the Lord depends on to keep this city running smoothly on a day to day basis. All of them were men, all of them were dressed in flamboyant wares which showed off their wealthy and status as nobles.

Jack was surely unimpressed by this display. They had gold jeweled rings on their fingers, large enough to give a young jewelry driven woman a heart attack. His eyes remained on their accessories, all of them usually meaningless. All an indication that they were above others and had no practical use whatsoever.

The only one however who seemed to be at least modest in his appearance was the Commander of the Local Guard, who was dressed in his half-plate armor over some comfortable padded clothes for minimal protection. This man, was the only one who wore something practical to the table other than the Lord who also chose to wear the armor he had worn the day before.

"How disappointing..." Jack would say as the silence continued to loom over the the table, his eyes flashing at each one of the men present.

"How dare you!? Who do you think you are!? Are you even of noble descent!?" The Noctia Merchant Guild Master growled as he slammed a hand down on the table immediately after Jack's little remark.

Carmichael glanced over towards the Merchant with a frown across his lips, shaking his head to himself.

The Lord's eyes then glossed Jack over, before closing them partially, seeing as he didn't have much of a reaction.

This man was wearing vestments of red framed in gold woven trim. He was around his fifties, had a very large forehead and his face reminded Jack of a troll with a busted face. His body reminded him of a fat pig, which was making it hard for him not to laugh at the man, though he didn't show it on his face.

His gaze drifted over to the angry man who had immediately been triggered. "You seem to have come here to display your wealth at a meeting that is meant for bettering the City. Not to feed your petty ego."

"Petty?" The Guild Master sneered and looked away, his eyes resting on the Lord of the Castle. Yet he found no defense coming from his Lord, which caused him to become rather puzzled.

The Lord Carmichael was rather annoyed with this Guild Master's demeanor, but remained impartial as Jack had told him before the meeting. He only needed to introduce him and watch.

The Commander of the City Guard had raised a brow at Jack's disposition, a faint smile across his lips. He was immediately intrigued with the person who wasn't fearful of the wrath of the wealthy.

His eyes then moved towards the Master of the Noctia Mage Guild. Someone who seemed to be one of Jack's greatest disappointments. Low grade enchantments on their purple and silver trimmed vestments, countless vanity items hanging from his high quality belts.

Even the man's magic staff was for show, it was a horrible when it came to stats, but it looked amazing in names of aesthetics.

He wanted to kill just about half of them just for coming here the way they did.

It was strange, this urge to just kill them without mercy or true provocation.

His eyes shifted towards Noctia's Adventurer Guild Master, named Ryker, who had a bland look on his face. This guy seemed to be covered in trophies, but with no real use to them at all. Out of all of the apparel he had seen today, he clashed the most. Under all the trophies nonetheless, was scale mail made of orcish iron as it was coined so due to the green sheen it had.

Styled blue hair, he seemed to be in his early twenties, but his level seemed to be around twenty five. So he was considered skilled compared to the Merchant's Guild Master who was only a level fifteen.

A noticeable pattern he was having was that those who were trained specially for combat through experience, they had a higher level. Based on those he saw, the average level for a non-elite combatant was fifteen for human adults, based on modern standards not medieval.

The corner of his lips just twitched in annoyance before looking over toward the Noctia Courier Master. He reminded Jack of a pretty man, he wore makeup which was eccentrically bright and looked as if it would glow in the dark. His clothes were just like the makeup, bright and they'd stand out in a crowd.

When he looked over towards the next person who appeared to be dressed in a forked black jacket, a white jabot and gloves, with a monocle in his eye. His hair was aged and light grey, clearly he had been blonde when he was younger. He had a thick waxed mustache, bushy brows and a clean shaved beard. Unlike most of the others, he along with the Commander seemed to be interested in him immediately.

Who was this man?

Jack just stared at him, he reminded him of a butler or a fancy man with a silver pocket watch. He listened, but failed to hear any ticking from the watch.

"This man is known as Jack," Carmichael would gesture towards Jack, "He is here in order to restore the city and prepare it for impending troubles."

"Troubles?" Arrogantly the Merchant Guild Master spoke, "Tch. Useless, we're making maximum profits, the economy is flowing! We're gaining!"

The Commander and Jack just stared at the Merchant, both of them quickly dismissing what he had just said with their sharp gazes.

Both of them knew that wasn't the case. The Commander had to deal with the homeless and criminal elements on a daily basis. Most people who are into crime within the walls of the city are either an external actor or a poverty suffering citizen.

The Mage Guild Master was curious about these troubles, but said nothing, which didn't help his own appearances or first impressions. He just stood there stroking his chin, as if in contemplative thought.

The Courier however was scrunching up his face at the Merchant's claim. It was clear he wasn't profiting as much, considering there was no money to send messages. The local economy was broke, no one was paying for messages to be sent except for nobles unless they have their own servants do it.

Jack glanced over towards the Slaver's Guild Master, who seemed to be a masked man with white hair, but his facial features gave him a youthful complexion. From using character appraisal, this individual was level twenty and wore a mask that hid their true visible identity.

If this man here would die, the entire slave trade in the city would crash, that was evident with the amount of knowledge Jack was able to gain from him in that instant.

"Kline, I'd like you to take off your mask," Jack ordered blatantly with a light yawn, as if it took him no time at all to find out who he was. Even though he had just only arrived the night before.

The Slave Master paused for a moment, as he had been picking his teeth with his tongue, as he had been summoned here during a meal. "Eh? You know my name, huh?" Reaching up the young man would take the mask from his face and place it on the table.

Another man who seems to be a metrosexual, over dressed, over-groomed and too well taken care of. The superior stance he held, made him appear even more arrogant than his own little team started out.

"Now I know your face," Jack said as he folded his hands over one another on top of the table, patiently looking over everyone else present. He turned his attention to the rest of them, he already knew all of their names. "It wouldn't it be courteous to introduce yourselves?"

A muddled inarticulate growl could be heard from the Merchant Guild Master's throat. It was clear he didn't get his position out of being civil, but by blood instead. The amount of entitlement here needed to be corrected.

"My name is Malai Vey Acheron," The Mage Guild Master of Noctia presented himself as he pressed a hand against his chest, at least trying to sound well mannered.

"My namei s Argentius… Remont Calculu, you may call me Lord Calculu." The Merchant Guild Master finally muttered his name and words, making it hard to hear until he proclaimed what Jack shall call him.

Jack rolled his eyes slightly seeing this, his gaze landing on the Commander of the Local Guard.

"My name is Marius, no surname. I had a common upbringing, a village nearby." The man in half-plate gave a light pound on his chest armor with a closed fist. "It is a pleasure to meet you, a pleasure to be here."

Jack nodded to Marius, seemingly acknowledging him.

"My name is Jarvis Mason, the house's Financial Advisor," A man who had a very small presence spoke and took a hold of Jack's attention almost immediately simply for his title.

Either this guy was doing his job and the Lord hadn't been following, or this man was just as corrupt as some the other people at this table.

"Hm..." Jack's eyes then rested on the last individual, another man dressed in battered armor that seemed to have been used for training. It was covered in muck and mud. This was interesting.

"My name is Kyo Machina, Literacy Education Guild Master."

Jack's eyes narrowed on the individual who had just introduced themselves as the Literacy Education Guild Master. HIs name was vaguely Japanese, at least the given name was. Looking him over, out of everyone here, this man actually looked as if he was partly from Japan, but was most definitely mixed.

"Literacy Education Guild Master?" He'd inquire looking over the Guild Master for a moment.

"The Guild educates the people on how to read and write, we are sponsored by Lady Carmichael." Kyo bowed his head in respect, though secretly gritting his teeth.

Jack's eyes flickered on over towards Cassandra and her father, a brow raised with a slight nod. Approving of at least this, which was funnily not the Lord's idea, but something that he allowed.

It's definitely easier to interact with a populace that can read. If everyone could read, then that meant less words going by mouth, and less going by mouth meant less changes in story. At least, if someone talks to someone else who is also able to read that is…

"Mathematics?" Jack's attention flickered back to the Literacy Guild Leader.

"N-no… The Merchants Guild teaches Math, charging six silver or one gold..." Kyo turned his head over towards Remont with an enthused expression on his face. Seeing as the man was going to get judged even further.

Jack just gave the Merchant a dull look, charging people to learn how to count. "Isn't that a bit expensive for a common person…?"

"It's a thriving business!" Remont showed his habit of slamming his fist on the table, it was definitely annoying everyone present.

Kline was picking at his ear, "Merchant, Lord. Whatever you are Remont. Please, stop hitting the table, it's done nothing to you." His tone was snarky and mocking, full of disrespect it was.

The flamboyant Mage Guild Leader rested his elbows on the table, leaning forward, resting his chin on the back of his left hand. His gaze was on Jack, a gaze which made him shiver mentally the moment he noticed.

Jack let out a light sigh, "So, lets begin the first meeting..." His eyes narrowed on the Master of the Merchant's Guild. "All those in favor of replacing the Merchant's Guild Master, raise your hands."

Carmichael, Cassandra and pretty much everyone present at the table rose their hands. Remont wasn't liked by any of them since the very beginning.

The idea of replacing him hadn't even come to mind, since it was a private organization. However that wouldn't necessarily stop an overseeing noble from replacing Remont as the head.

The spoiled man stood there, his face sheet white, as pale as a ghost. "Wha-what is this!?"

"Financial Advisor," Jack turned his attention back towards Jarvis, "Would you be able to take his position once it has been opened?"

"You can't remove me from my own business!" Yelled Remont, placing both of his hands down on the table. "How dare you!"

"Your 'business' has been draining the City of its resources. It is hereby being secured as an asset."

"What gives you the right to do so!?" Remont scowled as he was struggling to try and climb onto the table top and go at him. However, he was so fat, he could hardly raise his leg over the table, and instead ended up pushing it several inches as he was sweating like a hog. "Lord Carmichael!" His fiery eye rested on the Lord of the Castle, the one who oversees the City.

"My name is Jack Graham, Solvent Administrator, I currently act with Lord Ivan Carmichael's and on my own authority." Jack's eyes remained narrowed on the Merchant Guild Master who was slowly turning his eyes scarcely towards Jack.

"S-solvent?" The Merchant was wearing an ugly face. Not knowing the meaning of the word.

"Not indebted, financially sound, in credit… Synonyms." The corners of Jack's lips twitched predatorily as he drew his spear from his inventory, planting the small blade in the ground as he held it beside himself.

The once angry and rowdy, unruly, merchant took a step back from the table. His eyes on the legendary weapon which was in the beings hand.

Just how he had pulled it out of thin air, he didn't know, but he was sure... That weapon would felt a great price, one which would keep him and his descendants filthy rich for eternity. If anything, he could use it to take over the entire Kingdom!

Yet his ambitions were completely cut down as everyone in the room had instinctively taken a step back from the table. Fear, Remont could see fear on the Noctian Lord's face as if knowing its destructive nature first hand.

Remont hesitantly looked to Jack once more, killing intent seeping into his pores, he was feeling the need to faint.

Clearing his throat, the clashing Adventurer Guild's Master raised his hand. "It is an honor to meet you, Jack Graham. May I ask, of what birth were you?" His voice was coarse, sounded as if it was used too often to shout, as if he had commanded a once fierce party.

Yet Jack could tell, it was an act. The voice was fake, the more he looked at the trophies, the more jack could see they were bought. This man was merely a con-artist running a legal establishment.

"HmHm," Jack laughed with his mouth closed, holding his arms out from his sides, six wings would sprout from his back, skirting his sides, coating his torso and collaring his neck. "Divine."

His free hand then reached into his inventory once more, as if he was digging his hand inside of an invisible dimensional pocket, only to reveal a flute.

This flute was a summoning item known as The Flute of the Nirijin, an item which summoned lithe crow-like humanoids who had raven black feathered arms instead of wings. "Now..."

As everyone was in awe by the appearance of a revered holy being before them, they hardly noticed what was about to happen next...