『Oh Sorceress...』

Insincere, cold. The smile she shared could melt the heart of any beast. Yet as she smiled up at Jack, his smile was far from the sincerity sensed in her. There was no sympathy for what was about to transpire, for what he was going to do, and why he was going to do it.

Her feet padded along, bare on the polished stone tranquil floor of the castle corridor, as Jack was towing her with his hand grasped around hers.

Every now and then, she would trip and stumble, fumbling over herself, but she'd catch herself and keep up with him.

As he dragged and ushered her through the halls, he glanced behind himself, casting the singular spell of『Character Appraisal』yet unlike everyone else he had used it on… There was nothing. Just a blank slab. No information about their past, their personality. It was like it was all being blocked, all except for her general status and game related stats.

Just who was this girl? This half elf slave that he had taken from Kline on a whim to get him alone.

As they entered a guest room, he closed the door behind him after shoving her a few steps ahead of him. He didn't turn away from her as he latched the door, effectively locking it.

The smile on his lips was nothing but a relaxed illusion.

Jack strode over to her as she remained silently gazing up at him, a smile still formed over her mouth. Even as he unknotted the brittle laces of her cloak, tearing them in the process, and letting it drop to the ground. Even as he made the wraps which concealed her undressed body, drop the floor at her feet on top of the cloak… She smiled up at him still, not even flinching at his little touches, but instead giggled as if it tickled.

If she was to freak out, it wouldn't have bothered Jack. If she were to have tried to run away from him, it would've excited him. Yet, she just stared up at him with that everlasting smile.

Those soft pink eyes seemed to engulf him. Her head, her body, seemed to sway side to side ever so subtly.

His eyes just traced over the clearly almost malnourished elf, small perked breasts, visible ribs. When his gaze returned to his face, he could see there wasn't even the slightest look of confusion in those eyes of hers.

It was starting to actually creep him out, a chill going down his spine. How could she smile when she is brought into a room, with man she didn't know, who stripped her of her clothes.

This wasn't the conditioning he could recall from Klines memory. From all that he could recover from it, nothing like this ever happened with her before.

Almost mechanically her head cranked, tilted, to the side. She walked towards him seeing the look in his eyes, how he was bothered. She went to wrap her arms around him again and almost immediately he shoved her back with enough force to drop her to the ground with a fleshy THUP against the floor.

For a moment, that smile faltered, only to take her lips again.

"Hum..." Jack would strip the robe off of his tunic, dropping it to the side.

Her eyes traveled up and down him, watching as the robe dropped to the ground. Her eyes traced the blue and gold fabric, before jumping right back to him. Whilst still smiling, she bit the midsection of her lower lip.

As he pulled off his tunic, he began to walk towards her, slipping his feet out of his leather boots.

She didn't rise to her feet, she just sat there ogling him.

"Why don't you say anything?" Jack clearly bothered as he reached down, his fingers curling in around her throat. Using her hands to keep herself balanced in the air as he lifted her from the ground, holding her well above the floor.

Despite this, she just let out a gasp, only to keep smiling down at him.

Holding her a bit higher, to the point that his arm was held at a steep angle, and he was tightening his grasp around her throat. He watched as her legs wrapped around his arm, her mound pressing against his arm.

He just stared up at her as she stared back down at him, who was breathing calmly despite him restricting her airways.

Would she let him kill her just like that?

Had she been tortured that badly?

No, that didn't seem the correlate with her current behavior, she was smiling since the moment she heard his name. Even in the stance that she heard his name, she clung to him.

What did his name mean to her?

He squinted his eyes and used『Character Appraisal』once more. Still, nothing but her normal stats came to his mind. There was nothing new. Even Kline didn't know her true name despite having the beginning of her origin story.

Jack brought her down on the empty open roll desk with a loud thud, she made a small muffled grunt sound, causing her to drop her legs from his arm as he pinned her against the desk's interior.

Her legs ended up spread, her knees pressing against his outer thighs. Her soft pink eyes still looking up at him as he glared down at her with his flickering cold hues.

"How did you know my name?" Jack asked as the grip on her neck loosened, unrestricted her breathing for the time being.

The pink eyes stared through him for a few seconds before she let out a quiet sigh. "Mmm… This is Jack Graham the Hero, Ah… This wasn't what I was expecting..." The girl's throat seemed to purr against his hand, but it was just a show, she was egging him on.

Jack saw right through it as those pink eyes as they smiled up at him, but he could also see the truth behind the words. She was talking about someone, her tone hinting at it, or perhaps referring to her own knowledge.

"Who exactly are you?"

His voice wasn't threatening, but it was still frigidly cool to the ears that would send shivers down just about anyone's spine. Even hers, he could feel her tremble in his hand, because if he wanted to he could squeeze her nimble little neck until her head popped off.

Yet despite her trembling, this elf continued to smile up at him, as if she was smarter than him.

From her complexion, she wasn't a descendant of a Moon Elf, or a High Elf. It was likely she was a descendant of a human and Frost Elf. She was even hairless, every bit of her, except for her head.

Frost Elves didn't need body hair, and definitely didn't grow facial hair. They were most renown for their naturally abnormally colored hair and eyes in the game world. Their hybrids didn't look much different from their normal offspring, being dominant towards human DNA.

"Does… That really matter?" She finally responded to his question, with one of her own. Her tongue's tip traveling along her lower lip, anticipating a reaction, her smile fading slowly as she hardly got one.

Jack just glared through her.

"Ah..." The slave girl's expression returned to how she was before, quiet. She finally wasn't smiling up at him, just silently returning his gaze. "Shouldn't you be violating me by now?"

She pressed the side of her jaw into his hand as she brought her feet up, pushing down at the sides of his pants he had already tucked down a bit.

Jack raised a brow at this, as she had shifted her weight to press her snatch up against him, using her feet to pull herself even closer to him.

"Why do you want to be violated so badly? What're you wanting to lose?" Jack moved his hand down from her neck, and pressed it against her chest. Causing her body to slink down against the desk, her chin being forced down against her collarbone.

"The something my mother lost when she shagged with a useless fucking elf that was supposed to keep me safe! To keep me fed! To keep a roof over my head! I want to be able to sleep at night… So… Do what you got me for!"

Hearing the word which this world seemed to be unfamiliar with, Jack simply stared down at this girl. "You said Shagged..." He said quietly as he tilted his head to the side subtly.

"Yeah… My mom uses the word," She squinted her eyes at him, "Why does everyone get so confused when I use it?"

From Jack's understanding and Kline's memories, no one knew the Supreme Sorceresses true name.

"Can… You get on with my violation now? Copulation please?" Like Jack had sounded many times before, this slave girl was sounding monotonous.

"You are aware there is pain involved… Right?"

The girl froze for a moment as she looked up at him, turning paler than usual. "Eh?! Pain!?" She had no idea sex had pain included, at least not the first or maybe even the second time. Clearly, uneducated and sheltered as a slave in a cage.

"Desk or the floor…?" Jack gave her a choice, between two undignified places.

Her eyes shifted to the bed, her teeth grazing over her lower lip.

The floor was cold, hard and offered no comforts.

The desk wasn't as cold, but it was still hard and even cramped.

The bed however was soft, the mattress was thick and tall.

Knowing what she was thinking, Jack was smugly looking down at her, "If you tell me your name, the bed becomes a choice."

Her eyes drifted back from the bed and over towards Jack, looking him in the eyes. Seeing that smug look on his face. In a way, she was tempted to decline him this offer, though that would only work against her.

She wanted to laugh at herself, at her self-destructive thought of defying him.

She swallowed the saliva that had since developed in her mouth, "My father named me Sidhiel… My mother named be Sidon."

Hearing the biblical name after the elven equivalent, Jack's lips curved into a half smile. "Is your mother's name..."

Almost immediately when he went to say her name, Sidon forcedly raised herself as she slipped from under his hand, and placed her hands over his mouth. "Don't say that impish woman's name! She'll appear like a hellish blight!"

Blinking a few times at her swiftness, he raised a brow slightly and placed his hands on her hips.

"...Ewah?" His voice being distorted by her hands, he couldn't pronounce her name correctly.

Sidon glanced around the room, shaking slightly as his arms were wrapping around her waist, his hands gliding along her skin until he plucked her from the desktop. In return, her legs instinctively warped around him to secure her elevated position.

Jack grinned under her dainty hands before raising one leg up onto the bed, before raising them both up and standing on his knees, only to sit on his legs. Resting with her in his lap, he raised a brow at her.

Slowly Sidon would remove her hands from his mouth, letting out a quiet sigh.

Yet despite her words, Jack still spoke the name, "Eva," with the intent of summoning her.

As if his intent had been sensed, a pop sound emitted behind them as black smoke dispersed through the air, quickly dissipating. A figure had appeared by the desk they had been by once before.

The figure was in a tight fitting black and green dress decorated in gold scales, she had long ash brown hair and violet eyes stood there, and scary looking sharp eyebrows. She looked like, and had the allure, a Hollywood villainess.

"Sidon?" The woman's violet eyes glared curiously at the female peeking over an unknown male's shoulder. "What do you think you're doing?! Summoning me here!?"

"It wasn't me you good-for-nothing wretch! Abandoner! Dastard!" Immediately Sidon wrapped an arm around Jack's head and elevated herself a bit more, shoving his face into her small perky breasts as she pointed at the woman with her other hand. "Why would I want to ever see you again!?"

"Brrrrr…" Jack imitated the sound of vibrations monotonously, without actually vibrating his lips.

Eva just stared at the back head belonging to the man who was holding her nude daughter, "Eh? You there! Turn and face me!"

Jack turned his head to the side, taking a once over of the person who was standing behind him. Based on her appearance, she looked as if she was forty years old, but she was around sixty or maybe even older. "Huh… You don't look like a Graham, how disappointing."

Eva froze when she heard the surname Graham.

"Where's your platinum blonde hair? Big blue eyes?" His eyes rested on her ample set, cringing slightly. The person he remembered his sister as, wasn't apparent at all. "Bushy brows..."

"...Eh?" Sidon looked down at Jack as he was pressing the side of his face into her left breast.

"I don't remember you having purple in your hair..." Eva leaned against the desk, as if this was a casual meeting. "Then again… It's been sixty five years..."

"It's been five for me," Jack didn't look at her any longer as he was using Sidon's boney sternum as his upstanding pillow. He could hear her heart beating, quickly.

"I get reincarnated… And you get brought here in that body?" Eva pointed as she clicked her tongue in annoyance. "How is that supposed to be fair?"

"Have… You spent five years without legs?"

Eva's eyes dropped to his legs, which he was seated upon. "That's… Worse than Death… You used to ask me put you down if you lost your legs." She scrunched up her face a bit.

Exhaling in a sigh, "...And you weren't there to do it, nor was mom, nor was dad. The extended family abandoned me. I had to find work from a hospital bed. Do you know how hard that is to set up? How much red tape I had to cross? And you're here… Now? Supreme Sorceress of a weak country?" Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes part way. "And you abandoned a child."

Sidon, completely without words, was confused.

Jack's eyes shifted to his supposed sister, her non-biologically related vessel, his eyes would flash green as he cast 『Character Appraisal』. "Evanon Ellania Evelastor-Greyhorn the Sorceress of the South," he read her name aloud, her full name that was given to her in this world.

Out of everyone he had come across so far, she was level forty-five. She was above the limit of the natives, but likely bottlenecked and at her limit all the same.

"How did..." Eva blinked seeing him cast magic without words, without the use of somatic gestures with his hands.

Jack's eyes then shifted back up towards Sidon who was still hugging his head with one arm. His eyes flashed green once more as he recast the spell. Her name was now visible, both of them.

Eva reached out her hands, her thumbs interconnected, facing him as she began to cast a spell. "『Thee whom is holy, shedth thou wisdom upon thyne mind, identify』!" Her eyes flashed green, much like Jack's had moments ago and her lips parted.

"S-sephir… The… The Angel of Death?" A tingling sensation ran through her mind as this information was drawn to her. Jack Graham wasn't the name that appeared for her to see. "The All-Consumer…?"

Sidon began to tense at these names.

"Oh… So there is an equivalent spell to Character Appraisal..." Jack gave a suppressed simper, almost beginning to laugh and shake his head.

Eva recognized these names from her visions, before she had lost them by having a physical relationship with an elf. Visions, dreams, that would keep her up a night.

The return of the Heavenly Daemon Emperor, following the emergence of Sephir the Angel of Death. It was written in the Scripture of the Great Purge, a forbidden apocalyptic text.

She needed to return to the Capital. She needed to prepare. Her eyes hatefully glanced towards her daughter, before she reached into her bosom and called forth a whistle, in which she blew.

Immediately Evanon vanished, without a word.

"And again you leave..." Jack uttered bitterly as she disappeared without a word for a second time as his eyes began to gloss over. Anger bubbling on his face.

He didn't even see Evanon as his sister anymore, biologically nor through familiarity, which was actually correct. She was no longer blood related. The person she was once, was lost forever. Eva was dead, whoever she was now, only had her memories but not the faintest of semblance.

His wings sprouted from his back and wrapped around himself and the girl in his arms.

Sidon who still felt somewhat lost, rested her hands on his head, knotting her fingers in his hair. She stared down at his scalp as he planted his face back into her sternum.
