Information:『Sephir's Profile』


『Last Updated: Dec 17, 2019.』


『Jack Graham's Personality』


• Charming

• Cautious

• Observant/Analytical

• Protective (See Possessive)

• Quick Thinker

• Romantic

• Responsible - Jack is responsible in the sense that he will follow through with obligations he chose, until he can't, and discards of them once they're a liability.

• Skilled - Jack is highly self and publicly educated in various skills, similar to a "Jack of all Trades."

• Thoughtful


• Assertive - He doesn't like to be ignored and he will insert himself into any given situation he sees fit. Jack also has the tendency to assert his dominance, through small or even large gestures.

• Abnormally High Functioning Sociopath - Past experiences made him into what he is. Jack is capable of understanding remorse, as he now only experiences Guilt, which he can choose to focus into fuel for constructive action. Jack, while having a hard time doing so, is capable of actively attaching himself to other people in order to form connections. However, once the sentiment or perceived affection is gone, they're easily abandoned, or even discarded.

• Laidback - Tends to just sit back and let things happen, unless he really wants to make a change. He easily forgives others should that really suit his fancy at the time. Prefers to sleep rather than to actively participate in drama.

• Scheming - Scheming and Calculating to get the things or people he wants.

• Sarcastic - Jack openly teases other, though his sarcasm can be seen as rather sadistic, but often is a show of fondness towards the receiver. However it could also serve as a trigger for a promising target.

• Stoic - Often doesn't utilize or hold facial expressions, but expresses himself through his actions accordingly.


• Amoral - Whilst one day he had morals, today he doesn't. Operating as he sees fit, and mostly only to his advantage, Jack lacks the governance of a moral compass.

• Paranoid - Past experiences have made him unable to trust others, specifically those who declare that they should be trusted.

• Possessive - Once he gets what he wants, he will try to either horde it/them all to himself, or always standby the subject even if they don't want or need him.

• Ruthless, Cold-Blooded Killer - He is capable of killing others without any sign of remorse, almost like a switch.