
Walking with sticky thighs was definitely awkward, as the moisture began to dry, her gown kept fixing itself to and between her legs.

"Mmm..." She groaned in annoyance as she plucked it out from between her legs.

One leg in front of the other, Sidon watched the floor with her head downward, following behind in Jack's shadow. Watching his feet from the tip of vision just below her brow.

She was anxious, afraid, this time of being seen by those whom were referred to as Jack's party. Would they judge her? Would they look down at her for being an Elf?

Her eyes flickered up to the back of Jack's head. Yet, he was super cool, aloof, calm. It was like he didn't have a worry in the world, yet he wasn't outwardly enjoying himself either after they left that room.

Her bare feet would continue to pitter patter on the stone slab floor, and on the rolled out carpet that decorated the corridor. She couldn't seem to walk in a straight line.

When she finally glanced up to look at the back of his head, she blinked a few times as they were in front of a massive double door.

He had come to a stop right in front of her, just about a foot away.

They both smelled intimate, like pheromones. The odor caused her to closed her eyes, as she curled her toes inward toward the floor. "Jack?" She was getting more nervous, would they think she smelled weird?

Turning his head to look over her shoulder, he waved his hand, motioning for her to come up beside him. So she did and he opened the door with his other hand, on the right side.

"Hey Jack!" Cassandra could be heard, bouncing off of a sofa, her booted feet clapping the ground.

Fluidly he walked into the room, and she moved along side him as if he was syncing forcing her to sync each step with his. Her eyes remained to the ground as she did so, watching his feet until she heard more voices.

"Eh? Is she wearing one of my nightgowns?" Cassandra's immediate concern was not who she was, but what she was wearing.

"Your…?" Blinking, Sidon looked up at Jack as he was smirking at Cassandra's reddening face.

"You… You gave a slave my gown!?" She'd point at her, glaring up at Jack with a fierce look on her face, as if she had the power to skin him alive. Though of course, she couldn't.

"Ever heard of the saying, what is yours is mine?"

Runa laughed, leaning against the bookshelf, her legs out in front of her and arms across her chest, shaking her head. "Seriously?" She then paused seeing the dress sticking to Sidon's legs, pursing her lips at the sight.

Beside the silver haired elf was the skeleton, which immediately caused Sibon to stumble back out of shock. Her hands moving up to defend herself, though she had no real skills to do so. "Eh?!"

Kokei just looked over his shoulder as he was going through the books. His blue eyes traced over the Half-Elf before homing in on her bare feet. "Cute," his voice would echo in just about everyone's head, before he turned away and went back towards the books. "Welcome back Jack, did you have fun?"

Clicking his teeth, Jack sighed. "I see..." Glancing over towards Sibon as she still looked as if she was standing defensively, he glanced back towards the two sister whom were standing beside her.

"Who is this!?" Rein wrapped her arms around the new face's shoulders, draping herself over the newcomer. "She's so adorable and small!"

"So I was told you were all looking for me?" Jack's eyes remained on the young elf as she was being hugged and squeezed by the older sister of Snow.

"Yes, we wanted to let you know what we'd like to do… And since your the leader..." Runa's eyes kept flickering between Jack to Sibon, before resting on Cassandra who was silently seething due to the fact that someone else was wearing her clothes. "We wanted your okay," her eyes narrowed back on Jack.

Jack slowly nodded as he turned his gaze over towards Runa as she spoke. She seemed to be the most confident one to talk at the moment. "I'm listening."

"Me and Kokei were thinking of moving to the Fae Imperium to acquire more information. It'll allow us to move more freely… Or at least me in any case."

"Sounds reasonable," Jack seemed to yawn slightly as he scratched his chin with his index finger. He was somewhat disappointed he came here just to hear this. "But I think Kokei should stay here."

"Uh... Why?" Runa frowned deeply, wanting to argue due to her differing desire.

Jack let out a soft chuckle, "It would be easier to have him as the center of communication of the group. The members of the living don't necessarily have a good relationship with animated Skeletons."

Runa continued to frown as he gave his answer, it was a realistic one. "He'll wear a disguise."

Jack looked over towards Kokei for a few seconds, before glancing over towards Runa with a brow raised. "A disguise? How're you going to disguise a Skeleton?"

"By covering him in armor or all concealing robes or something…?" Runa closed one eye partially, as if wincing.

"I want to become the assistant to the new Guild Master of the Merchant's Guild," Rein giggled a bit while she was in the middle of toying with a fussy Sidon, who was flailing about and trying to get free of the taller woman.

"Get.. Get off!" Sidon swatted her hand behind herself at the woman's face.

Rein backed off, narrowly dodging, a wide grin across her lips.

Jack was actually wondering if Rein even had the knowledge to work within finances, but at the same time, already knew she already had a high intelligence rating, though her wisdom wasn't as high.

Snow folded her arms behind her head in a relaxed manner, "Adventurer's Guild."

Jack's eyes fashioned on the two sisters and nodded, "Useful." His voice sounded as if it was giving praise to the choices, as both of those would actually be useful. "All useful..." He repeated himself as he tapped his fingers against the back of his hands as his hands were held clasped close together.

That's when Vivian walked into the room from the alternate door leading to the corridor on the opposite side of the room. Her eyes narrowed on the elf who was standing beside Jack, her malachite hues narrowing on the girl.

Sibon was rather happy to see other elves, though she herself was a half-elf. It seemed Runa didn't judge her for being so, but the eyes she was getting from the bluer skinned woman… Wasn't very friendly.

"Who's the mutt?"

The room went silent the moment the Princess called the Elf a Mutt. Vivian had never insulted anyone before and they were all look at her with wide eyes.

"And who does she think she is, standing next to Jack?"

She actually seemed genuinely angry that a half-elf was even near Jack, let alone immediately being able to note the smell emitting from her as she got several steps closer.

Jack narrowed his eyes on her, "Runa… Think you can take the Princess back to the Fae Imperium?"

"Eh?" Both Vivian and Runa looked to him with wide eyes.

"...But..." Vivian didn't want to hear this, she didn't want to go back to the Fae Imperium without Jack.

Out of the three of them, Kokei didn't have a problem with staying behind, mostly because he didn't want to die at the hands of Jack. So that was generally the reason why he didn't speak up mere moments ago when he was informed he was staying.

"Not back to the Throne, just back to the territory… Undercover." His eyes shifted over the two Elves. "I need to know the situations of the common people over there..." Considering how this country was pretty much in shambles where those with power only seemed to drain its people of resources, he was curious of the Imperium. "Who best to send but their very own Princess who already knows the lay of the land?"

They sent elite troops across the border for some recon.

Those Malachite eyes fell to the ground as she let out a disappointed sigh. He was her savior, it was bad enough he had been hanging around Cassandra. Now he was walking around with a hated hybrid class.

Jack just watched as Vivian immediately regretted her outburst, but he said nothing to reconcile.

"I'm.. I'm SORRY!" Vivian suddenly ran over to Jack, throwing herself into his side and wrapping an arm around him. Jumping slightly as to wedge herself into him. "Please don't send me back to the Imperium without you! I'll do anything!"

"If you don't get what you want, you're going to beg?" Jack asked as he stared down at her, frowning, in an attempt not to laugh at the display. "I already prepared you with magic that'll allow you to defend yourself..."

Vivian simply stared up at him, lips parted and quivering as if ready to cry.

Sibon gaze airily rested on Vivian as she was hanging onto Jack, an ambient frown on her lips. This was the Elven Princess Vivian? Seemed like a disappointment.

"Either way, I have Sibon to do whatever I want." Jack pointed towards the girl in the nightgown, which caused her to instinctively take a step back as Vivian's eyes shifted towards her.

Even though she was pathetic the sense that'd she would drop so low as to beg, Vivian was powerful enough to wipe the floor with her, at least for the time being.

So Sibon raised her hands slightly, showing the fellow short-stuff her palms, as if telling her to subtly ask her to back off. "I.. I don't have a choice in the matter..."

Vivian just pouted and threw her hands in the air as she pushed her body off of Jack, before pulling the hood of her gambeson over her head, planting her face in one of the low shelves at four and a half feet.

Jack just shook his head watching this, looking at everyone present. "So… Merchants Guild," He pointed to Rein, "Adventurer's Guild," his pointer finger rested Snow, before drifting to Runa and nodding. "Alright. So it seems the Party is spreading out and covering ground. Can't wait to see what happens next," folding his hands behind his head, imitating Snow.

Kokei turned from the book he was now reading as he was still facing the shelf, "When I'm not acting as the middle man, what exactly am I to do?"

"Whatever you want?" Jack tilted his head to the side slightly, "I'm sure you can experiment with necromancy using the prisoners that just happen to die in the dungeon?"

Cassandra who was finally calming down a bit, sat down on the sofa, ignoring the talk of Necromancy. "Does this mean no more cuddling? Since you have that?" She pointed at the half-elf.

Jack seemed to give a blank smile, "Cuddle Buddies." He liked messing with her, so it was unlikely he'd give that up. Though he liked messing with just about anyone really...

She didn't know what that meant, but she liked the sound of it. So she let her hand fall limp at her side.

"And you're still going to show me magic… Eventually right?"

"Hm… I'll think about it." Jack quipped like an all knowing, all powerful, dick. "Just don't give me lip when you wake up with a colossal headache and don't remember what you drank the night before."

Everyone turned their eyes to him once again, this time he was the cause of the sharp silence that filled the room with stares.
