『Summons II』

"This is my Domain, it had been gifted to me by my father, the King!" The Prince's hand rolled over his short dirty blonde hair. "Do not undermine my authority!"

"Do you believe the Divine cares for your Authority, puny spec?" Jack referred to him as a piece of dust that would most definitely be blown away by the winds of time. He mattered not.

The Prince tensed for a moment at the tone of voice Jack used on him, seeing him less than an insect.

"Divinity!?" The Prince continued to collect himself and laughed at the angelic being who had yet to share its wings to with him. "You look to be just a man! A very tall, insignificant, lesser being of a man!"

"Are you reading a script?" Jack wore not an emotion on his face as he took small casual steps towards the man, his eyes going towards the second person beside him.

It was a wizard with a staff and a pointed hat. He looked to be older and wiser in age, yet spoke not once as the Prince controlled their side of the conversation. It however seemed that the Wizard refused to even look at the royal incompetent prat who had been speaking.

"You insult me, knave!" The Prince pointed his gloved finger at him, shoving the scrolled parchment into the wizard's chest. "You dare to insult the crown?"

"I dare to insult the being who allowed the Castle City to fall into economic collapse. Who seeded its guilds with corruption, and even allowed the Black Market a seat on the Lord's Counsel." Jack retorted though remained level headed as he rolled his jaw in an aloof and distant fashion.

The Prince's mouth hung open, as if it was an awaiting trap for a fly. "You dare blame me!?"

"You're inept. Just as the nobles I had stripped of their status..." His eyes dropped to the man's flamboyant tights that worked along with his tunic. "Perhaps I'll render you loin-less, Prince..?"

"Abbot," the Prince took a step back, shakily as he heard his words. His eyes then shifted towards the green haired elf who had stood there with a comb in her hand by the throne, then back to Jack.

"You-you're conspiring with the Elves!" He pointed at Jack, as if to immediately cause the swords of the Royal Guards to be drawn. "Seize him! We'll bring him before my Father at once!"

Almost immediately the Wizard fled from the Prince's side, but not towards the door. He instead took to hiding behind the back of Jack.

"Selven! What are you doing! Get back over here!" The Prince's attention had been scattered as he was stepping backward away from Jack, allowing his men to fill the gap between the two.

Selven, assumingly the name of the Wizard, shook his head as if denying the Prince's gesture to return to his side.

"You are my advisor! You must be by my..."

Six wings sprouted from Jack's back, crowning the horizon over the men's heads, with his holy feathers thickly spread "Side?" Jack finished the Prince's speech, an invisible wall of energy smashing into the men around him, sending them flying into the columns which lined the room.

Awestruck, the Prince couldn't make another word except for a singular tone from his throat, mentally cursing at himself. His eyes shifted over towards the Royal Guards. Some of them were trying to scramble to their feet, others, not so lucky weren't moving at all.


"Were you not a believer in the Sorceress's words?"

Entering through the front doors of the reception hall after they had been closed, was the Commander of the local Guard, his helmet tucked under his arm. He had a shiner, a black eye, on the right.

Jack's eyes traced on over to the damaged face, before looking to the Prince. "Care to explain?"

The Commander of the Local Guard cleared his throat, "The Prince has humbly punched me in the face, Lord Graham!" Without fear the guard announced.

"Humbly?" Jack asked.

"Lord Graham?" The Prince stirred where he stood. "As in the imaginary friend Jack Graham that Sister was said to have babbled of when she was young?"A nervous smile formed over his lips, the Prince clearly wanted to leave the room, but he couldn't move his legs in any manner! "Father still jests of the tales she would tell of that other world!"

It turns out that the girl Evanon shared royal blood. The First Princess perhaps? This made the King around eighty, venerable. Unless Evanon used magic to make him youthful? Perhaps… Perhaps.

"Uh-huh..." Uttered Jack as he glanced over his shoulder towards the half-elf before turning to face the Prince once more. "If I were to let the Elves pass through Noctia and conquer your realm, how high of a regard would your father place you and your authority?"

The Prince froze, "What?"

"The only reason the elves haven't invaded is because I'm sitting here on that throne. Should I send for a parley, your royal status will be wiped from existence. Your men at arms, your prejudice brethren, laid to waste whilst the Elves regain their land and a promising ally."

It was that moment when the Prince's ass clapped shut, he almost fainted. "You… You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh I would, and I will. You have given me disrespect, and so, I will treat your life in disregard."

The Wizard remained standing there behind Jack, staring at his wings, never having seen this level of Divinity before as Angels had not been known to exist in this world except on paper.

He was a firm believer in the apocalyptic texts involving the Heavenly Daemon Lord, but he was also aware of the corrupt and instability of the human kingdom under the Greyhorn name.

The last straw was with the Prince's arrogant conduct, he was sure that this Angel would forgo the invitation to the capital.

Entering from the northern chamber door, was Kokei wearing a pair of simple white harem pants with a purple sash belt and a white cap sleeved Dhoti. So without sleeves and without a hood, it was a skeleton wearing eastern attire.

The skeleton immediately froze staring at them all, chattering his jaw. "What's going on?"

The Prince who was already pale, laid his eyes on the skeleton as his men were all looking at the undead 'abomination,' his legs finally giving way.

Jack watched as the Prince fell to the ground, planting his forehead into the floor along with the palms of his hands on the back of his head. "Hm..." The man was silently trembling before him, as he had lost it.

"My Pri--!" The Royal Guards shouted, those who could move, began to stride over with their weapons drawn.

Jack shook his head, he unsheathed his spear from his inventory, and poked the Prince with the short end of it. The trembling body ceased moving the very second the weapon shallowly grazed his skin, claiming him with death.

"SAVE THE PRINCE!" One of the Guards shouted, Jack simply turned his head with a slight grin across his lips.

"You can't save what's already dead..." Jack scoffed as they rushed at him. Even if he was far more powerful than all their bodies combined, they were bound by duty, conditioned for it. He almost felt sorry for wasting such selfless troops, but it didn't stop him from lifting his weapon to meet them.

Only half of them had properly survived being thrown across the room.

Without moving from where he stood, he swiped his spear across three of their abdomens, before kicking another's head straight off their shoulders.

Death was near instantaneous for those three, whilst the one missing a head lived long enough to wear an expression of shock, the cause of death recognized as he saw his own body.

Jack didn't take the time to watch the flash ball bounce upon the stone ground. He grabbed the blade of one of the other guard's swords, tore it from his hand and shoved it into the head of another guard approaching from behind.


Jack's hand grasped the head of the guard he had snatched the weapon from as he was trying to strategically retreat to get another weapon from a fallen comrade.

"No!" The man shrieked horror, his skull cracked as it be was being crushed between Jack's fingers.

The remaining soldiers all ran towards him. Jack, with the man lifted from the ground, would use him as a living rag doll and start striking his friendlies with his metal grieves.

"Monster!" One of them shouted

"Just kill him!" Another shrilled.

"For Honor!" It was clear that none of them had anything original to say, that was for sure.

Yet there was one who said nothing, just charging with their weapon in hand.

"Oh hush..." Jack spat as he popped the man's head in his hand, like a balloon after he had dropped the other guards. Grey-matter and chunks of his skull dropped to the ground, ruining the Angel's once clean fingers.

Looking over the four remaining troops groaning on the ground, he shook his head slightly, jabbing them one by one with the short end of his spear.

By the time he got to the last one, they'd roll over onto their back with their arms out. "Please!" A female's voice rang out from beneath the helmet and he simply frowned at this.

"You are no use to me..." Jack tsk'ed before kicking them in the chest plate, sending them sliding across the stone floor.

As they came to a stop, just before impacting on a column, the helmet wearing guard coughed, heaving blood before pulling off their helmet.

Revealing brown eyes and blonde hair, and blood traveling down from the corner of her mouth.

Jack just gave a light huff as he marched towards her, twirling his spear back and forth between his fingers. "What's the point of showing your face?"

"The Jack that Evanon spoke so fondly of wouldn't strike a woman!"

"Not in front of her, no." Jack's voice resounded in the woman's head as he walked towards her. He was annoyed how she made the assumption, how she thought she knew of him. "Neglect, betrayal, abandonment. Losing her, gave me the trigger I needed to survive. Your death… Will be meaningless."

The girl laying on the ground, let out a sigh and sat up against the column. An indifferent gaze upon him as he came to a stop, his shadow smothering her in darkness. "Meaningless..."

Slash, darkness. The female guard's head rolled along the floor with the same indifferent expression she held before. He had beheaded her with his blade, so she didn't feel nor even register her death, unlike the man's head he had kicked off.