
It was late that night, the Crown Prince entered the Sorceress's Chambers, oddly finding the door wide open. "Sister, I am in need of your assistance, if you may..." His eyes shifted about the room, his eyes resting on a half packed sack on the bed.

Stepping into the room, he glanced around, took in the sights. Where had she gone?

Folding his hands behind his back, he shifted in place, turning towards the door leading into a small partition of the room. He walked over and rested his hand on the knob.

He had always assumed this door lead to a pantry, a closet with food or clothes and the lot. He couldn't quite remember what was in there, as he never been in.

Turning the knob, he raised a brow as the door clicked, and he pulled the dark wooden entryway and parted his lips. As he opened the door, an entire room covered in tiles made itself apparent. His eyes shifted side to side, everything looked... Strangely symmetrical. Steam was coming out from behind another frosted glass portal, the sound of running water hitting his ears.

"Uh... huh..." His eyes rested on a ceramic toilet and blinked several times.

The Prince could recall the design of a new toilet she had presented to her father, who had ultimately ignored her genius. "So she made it anyways...?" A small grin formed over his lips as he walked over to the toilet and knelt down in front of it. Raising the lid, he gazed inside at the strange blue water. "What kind of water is this..." His eyes rested on the lever and as he raised his hand to touch it, he heard the frosted glass door pop open. "Hm?"

Turning his head, a sponge smacked him square in the face.

"DO NOT FLUSH WHILE I'M IN THE SHOWER!" His elder sister called out before latching the glass door once more.

The sponge fell from his face and he blinked several times, hardly taking in what had just happened. This place didn't go along with the rest of the nation's architecture. It was alien, based on a modern concept from Earth, a world he didn't know.

"Why not...?" The Prince stood up.

Her finger pressed against the glass, "put the lid down, don't be a dick."

Pursing his lips as he was being ordered around, he reached over and tapped the lid, causing it to slam shut... It caused him to jump slightly and stare at the item. "Sounds hollow."

"It is hollow, dear brother." Letting out a sigh Evanon leaned into the hot water that was coming down on her from the shower head above. "What is it you want?"

"You seem to be packing to leave, Sister." The Prince sniggered lightly, crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes going towards a cotton towel hanging on the wall.

"What of it?" She'd inquire sharply.

The Prince stared at the fuzzy pigment impression moving about behind the glass that he couldn't make out as anything in particular. "I have come to ask for your help... Father is looking to conscript our lesser siblings, I was hoping you'd help me get them out of the City and into Noctia, under the rule of your other 'brother.' He saw through my ploy to get them out before dawn."

Evanon sighed audibly, as if this brought great problems to herself. "He doesn't want to be referred to as my brother or any relation," She nudged the door open fully exposing herself, before walking over and wrapping the cotton towel around herself. "Refer to him as Lord Sephir."

"Lord Sephir... I would like you to bring them under Lord Sephir," the Prince gestured towards her with one hand, his palm towards the off-white styrofoam ceiling above.

The woman stared at the man for a few seconds before smirking to herself. "I'm sure he'll accept them, if anything... I can try to see if I can get him to--" She suddenly vanished from the bathroom.

The Crown prince blinked several time seeing his elder sister vanish without warning. "Did... That man just summon her again?" Shaking his head lightly, he looked at the clothes she left folded on the sink. "Huh... Great timing," the man turned on his heel and walked towards the door, locking it behind himself.

He felt as if everything was covered, so he was able to hold a calm composure as he stepped out of his sister's room and into the corridor of the Royal Palace.

However that was when a group of Royal Guards approached him with their hands on the hilts of their blades. "Halt! First Prince of the Kingdom, you are cornered! You are under arrest for treason against the Crown! Surrender or fight to the death!"

His gaze narrowed on the guards, his hand resting lightly on the ceremonial sabre at his hip. While his eldest sister was known as the greatest sorceress, this Prince was the greatest swordsman, which is why he earned his place.

Almost immediately the Guards took a step back, seeing that he wasn't going to just back down.

"Father has gone too far. His ignorance caused the death of my younger brother, and alienated my older sister. Now he wishes to sacrifice his bastards instead of sending his legitimate children to the field of war... The people won't stand for my incarceration!"

"Do you wish to be a Martyr?!" Growled the Captain of the Royal Guard, the point of his gladius pointed towards the Prince.

"A Martyr? How many of you will it take to kill me?" He turned to face the beings in the hall, a grin forming over his lips. "I won't hold back this time... Captain Fredarius."

The Prince believed all he had do was escape, his sister would do the rest. At least he hoped, but the one thing he knew, was that his Kingdom needed him. He would do anything, even sacrifice his life to make sure it lived one more day.

+ + +

The one known as Lord Sephir was seated upon the throne in the Noctia Capitol Building, his eyes awkwardly resting on the nude figure wrapped in a towel. "Um..."

With her sharp eyes, Evanon returned the awkward gaze with one of her own. "This is quite the time to summon me... What a mess..." She shook her head as she shuffled lightly on her feet.

The floor was cold, she feared if she made one wrong step, she'd slip and fall.

Sidon was resting on Sephir's left leg, resting her head against his chest, looking over her mother from the corner of her eye, in silence. A small smirk forming over her lips as she was holding back laughter seeing the state she had arrived in.

Raising a brow at her daughter, Evanon looked over the small elf. She was dressed in clothes, unlike the last time she had seen her. Something she was rather happy about, but didn't necessarily show as to keep up her appearance as it were.

"What is it you need me for...? The King has tried to conscript his bastard children for the upcoming war effort, and the First Prince is trying to get them out." The Sorceress scrunched her nose slightly as her gaze moved towards the City's Lord who was present standing in the corner of the throne chamber.

The Angel's gaze moved towards this woman's eyes, she was telling the truth. "What does that have to do with you? You've already abandoned your family," he put an emphasis on abandoning her family as he placed a hand on the top of Sidon's head.

Frowning at the man, "My brother asked for my help... In enlisting your aid."

Nodding slowly at this tidbit of information, his eyes moved towards the blood that was decorated the floors of the chamber in which they were residing. "I will help, but it will cost you."

"Cost me...?" Her eyes narrowed on the man, not sure how to take this.

"I want your magic knowledge, your memories and experiences." Leaning forward, Sephir's arm wrapped around his slave's waist, moving her between both of his legs.

Blinking at this, she folded her arms over her chest tightly, holding her towel in place. "And how exactly are you going to get those?" Self-preservation was one thing she knew would always persevere in her line of work, knowledge was only everything if you were alive to use it.

"I have a spell that will allow me to duplicate your knowledge, memories and skills. However, it will cause you great pain, but certainly not death."

Hearing this information, she blinked. He was going to duplicate her knowledge as if her brain was just some sort of biological computerized file system!? While appalled that he would use such a power on her, she was also amazed. If she had such an ability, her knowledge would be endlessly increased by taking it from other people!

Her eyes narrowed on him, her daughter and then towards a skeleton which was entering the room. "Skeleton... Mage...?" She raised a brow at this, her eyes then shifted towards the Angel.

"Are you judging?" Sephir mused with a muted titter.

Evanon's eyes darted right back towards the winged being on the throne. "N-no, Lord Sephir, I am not. I am curious however... Can you send me back to my room for some clothes?"

His eyes moved towards the Lord of the Castle and City, "Fetch her some of your wife's clothes, I am sure she won't mind."

"Yes, of course..."