Wages With Rivals

"Don't be like that; I simply want to give a fair warning to people far in over their heads." Concluded the redhead boy who had the appearance of a robust youth with broad shoulders, well-defined muscle, and a tall frame. His hair was short, and he wore all black leather clothing from a leather jacket to leather pants.

"Tsk tsk, isn't my cousin such a nice guy? And besides you, three are only at the peak Qi connections stage quite slow compared to our Spirit Formation." Added on by the red hair girl who was a cutie in her right.

Her hair went down to her shoulders and had an athletic body with the impression of she'll never back down to anyone. She had attractive curves and similarly wore all leather-like clothes with the redhead boy.

As for the third person with them, they were a very tall and lanky woman who wore a simple red robe. She had a creepy vibe around herself as her face wore a dull smile that seemed never to go away.

"You say we are overconfident, and yet Mr and Mrs ego doesn't realize the irony in their words. Also, Lauren, Castiel first level Spirit Formation at your age? I didn't know a snail are consider fast if you think that fast."

Said and Kuzumi as her group kept on walking, only taking a sidelong glance to the boy Castiel and the girl Lauren.

"Haah, always trying to provoke us, yet they can never take their heads out of their asses." Stated Lun Yuo, with sympathizing pity, looks to the two.

"Haha. Your realm may not be fast, but your damn mouths always are. So how about this time you put your money where your mouth is." Castiel proposed with anger dripping into his voice but held a calculating gaze in his eyes.

"You want to wager against us? What could you possibly have for us anyways." Kazami replied, his interest only slightly peaked. Taking the lead on this Lauren spoke up with;

"Alright, see, if all three of you lose to anyone of us, you give us two True Miracle Divinity Pill." Hearing this Lun Yuo perked up and with an intense gaze pointed out to them;

"Hey! Hey! Isn't that wage a bit too high!? Only their Star families can ever create that kind of pill, plus they need an abundance of resources, time, and power for it too! What makes you think we will ever agree?!"

Lun Yuo reaction may seem exaggerated, but anyone who knows about this pill will turn green with greed on getting their hands on it.

If one were to take this pill, it would be as if they were experiencing a rebirth and upgrading their Cultivator body twenty times more than it was in the past with no negative repercussions.

This pill is one of the reasons why so many go to Star city as this isn't the only exotic pill the Star Family has and knowing more kinds like it, who wouldn't want to go. Expecting this kind of reaction from one of them, Castiel only had a wry smile on his face.

"Now I wasn't finished yet, right? If we were to lose somehow, then we'll give you three each a drop of Peak Elite Divine Angel Blood! Fairtrade, don't you think?" This offer certainly got the three to do a double-take and think about it.

The blood they were suggesting was a special kind of blood anyone can intake and fuse with their own to either become apart of the Dark Blood Angel Race if your bloodline is weak or compatible with it.

Or the blood can upgrade one's bloodline to another degree by taking it if the base bloodline was already strong enough from the start.

These kinds of special blood are one of the reasons why this clan stands at the top of this realm and on par with other strong powers here as they can train ultimate elite warriors.

Before agreeing, Kuzumi asked, "Heh, look you, redheads, I couldn't care less about whatever possible goals you have. Just ask yourselves this is whatever you're planning worth it for provoking us, Star Family?"

Hearing this the two look a little tense and Castiel was going to speak up until the strange-looking red hair woman suddenly spoke up saying;

"Heh, heh, hey how about we do it this way; Castiel, Lauren give them the Ring of Steel and Ring of Sun if anyone of you loses to the three of them. And you Yuo girl will give us you the Ring of Air. The two of you I'm sure you have on you some special Ring of the sort, and if anyone of you loses to the two of them, you give it to us. Even if the odds are slightly unbalanced, I'm sure you three geniuses can overcome it."

As the redhead woman was talking, she looked over to the other two elder gauging their reaction and seeing none she finished speaking.

"Elder Run... Fine, we agree, besides we have more of these rings anyways." Castiel grunted and gave in seeing how something more valuable would be troublesome.

"We can give you the Ring of Lightning, so we agree, not as we'll lose in the first place. What about you, Yu?" Kazami questioned while looking over towards her.

"No objections here either; it's easy two rings for us; who cares if it's an unbalance wager we'll win no matter what." Lun Yuo plainly stated as if it's natural and had a confident stride in her step.

"Tch, let's see how long you can keep this false bravado up!" Lauren replied, annoyed with the confidence the three was showing as if they were above them.

"We're here, look it's about to start." Elder Zhun pointed out to the two groups as they were walking.

They all saw crowds of people all surrounding one sizeable wooden stage floating a bit in the air. On the stage were two men, one tall, bald and muscular with his shirt open, exposing his packs of abs.

And another average height man with regular features looking completely ordinary. Behind the two was one grey door that wasn't connected to anything but was standing tall.

Once the crowd gazes upon the two men, everyone began to get rowdy and antsy as it was close for the games to begin.

Kazami clenched his fist while Kuzumi began to crack her knuckles in anticipation.

The muscular then shouted out seeing everyone gathered;"Greeting citizens of Forest Wing City! Today shall be a special day!"