
Dashing out of the portal and onto the stage, Kazami saw no one else out besides the Law Master and City Lord.

'Does this mean...'

"Yes, it does; you're the first one to finish meaning; congratulation, you had just won the Youth Mind Games!" Predicting what Kazami was thinking about Law Master praised him on his victory.

Despite attaining first place, Kazami was calmer and collected at this moment; he was still recalling all those stressful and threatening situations he got put through. Instead of feeling happy that he won, he more was curious and interested in the power he gains and insight on his Qi.

"So are you gonna announce it to the whole city first or do I get to ask my question now, and where are the other fours I know for sure they wouldn't fall behind." Kazami was confused about where the others, as he would've thought similar to him; they used their divine abilities to blast through the stage.

"My boy seems like you don't quite realize you're a bit more special than them."

The City Lord told, looking at Kazami with a mysterious smile.


"To put it plainly during these games, usually seventy-five percent can't get past the first stage, twenty-four percent gives up on the second stage, and rarely the one percent manages to complete the last round fully." Law Master started to explain to him.

"Ah, so that's why when we finish the first and second stage, we didn't see anyone else either they were still struggling or already lost." Kazami started to understand just how difficult these games were for the average youth cultivator.

"That's right, but interestingly enough, even your friends and sister are also still stuck in there; it's clear, unlike you, they can't touch upon their divine abilities so easily. It's going to take them an hour while you did it for five minutes." Despite these astonishing achievements, Kazami had; Law Master was still calm as if he was always expecting this result.

"Just what was I supposed to see?" Still, curious Kazami asked him.

"Well, if you would've done it normally, you would've experience illusion monster that is stronger than you chasing after you, your worst fears and all other sorts of mind tricks."

"But I only felt someone watching me when I got there, but when I activated my divine abilities, I no longer felt cautious and felt no resistance when I was blasting through the forest."

"Because surprising enough, your divine marking manages to tear through every illusion, and that earthquake with the fake portal was something hastily generated by the forest when you had stopped running."

"I see..."

"Now that we got that cleared up before I announce the results, I will wait for the other five to finish as I know it will only be a matter of time, but for now, what's your question?" Law Master asked, not sure what to expect from this kid. Even among the countless divine geniuses he seen in his long life rarely has he ever seen one with incredible potential.

Recalling the prize for winning, Kazami started to ponder for a few minutes; personally, for him, he didn't want to know what sort of future lies ahead of him nor what kind of best method to train.

Through these three stages, he was gaining more and more confidence that he can find his way to live perfectly fine and had always preferred to live in the moment and take things one step at a time. Then he thought of something and asked;

"I just want to know one thing; what was the true point of your games?"

Kazami, after thinking about realizing these games are brutally extreme.One would have to a certain level of intellect to pass the first stage and a high-level divine ability even to pass the second stage as the monster would crush any peak Qi Cultivator minds. He still wasn't even sure how is one supposed to finish the third stage, given its success rate.

"Is that it? Hmm, well, I was originally planning on telling you after your questions anyways. The point of these games while it does help all youths that participates in one way or another, the true point is for I can find a special child and then recommend him to a place."

While explaining to Kazami, Law Master had suddenly opened his palm, and purple plain-looking badge appeared. He tossed it to Kazami, who caught it and observed it but found nothing special about it.

"Now, I can't explain much to you nor tell you about the place, but I will say keep that badge on you and fifteen years later, or so I'm sure we'll meet again." Kazami was confused, had many questions, but he knew someone at the Law Master level would never explain it to him.

Glancing over at the City Lord, he looked tranquil too, letting Kazami realize there is a big network out there.

"Hmm, seems like we still got quite some time before the other four finishes I give it about thirty minutes." The City Lord remarked while sensing the last of the competitors.

"If that so, then I'll just meditate until they come out," Kazami said and sat down on the stage.

"Finally, out of that accursed place!""Ugh, having to run for so long, I feel like hurling!""I felt like I was going insane!""Thank fuck it's over."

Lun Yuo, Kuzumi, Lauren, and Castiel all cursed when they blasted out of their portals. Looking up all at the same time, they notice Kazami sitting there with his eyes closed.

Kazami was sitting still and tranquil only for it to get ruined when an elastic force crashed into him, sending them both to the ground.

"Nice to see you too, Kuzumi..."

"Good job, brother! I knew out of us you had the highest possibility to win." Currently, Kuzumi was tightly hugging Kazami, still laying down after crashing into him.

She wasn't going to admit it, but after experiencing several things in the illusion, a feeling of wanting to be close with her twin overtaken her.

"Haah, I thought I was going to win. Oh well, still good job, Kazami!" Lun Yuo smiled and said, crouching down to the twins' level.

All the while, Castiel and Lauren just clicked their tongue, ignoring the farce those three were putting on.

"Well then, everyone else besides you four fail to reach this point, and now that you're out time to announce his victory shall we." The Law Master stated, and Kazami dragged him and his sister up to make themselves look presentable.

Law Master snapped his fingers, and the formation broke, allowing Castiel and Lauren to regain their Spirit Formation cultivation back.

From the audience's perspective, all they saw for the entire time was the Pisonic Law Master, and the City Lord with their backs turned against them, and whenever someone lost in these stages, their bodies would get pushed out and fall straight to the ground.

It was all thanks to the high-level formation that Law Master put up, allowing the audience to only glimpse at the image he put out.

This lead everyone guessing on just who would win as no could genuinely tell what was going on.

Law Master and Kazami stepped forward, and then Law Master shouted out;



Everyone cheered and clapped, who doesn't know of the Star Family. They were recognized as one of the most influential middle-rank god realms family and could even contend with high-rank god realms clans!

Furthermore, in their Forest God Realm and their star-planet Jungle Star, no one dare put themselves above them, so seeing how the Young Master of the Star Family won, they were quite excited to see just what the Geniuses of this family can do.

After the celebration, the five got off stage and went back to their respective elders, and Elder Jon had a proud look on his face knowing Kazami won.

Taking one more look around Law Master started back up; "Now I'm sure all you young generation had learned a thing a two from these games and remember only with control can one dominate."

"THANK YOU FOR YOUR TEACHING PSIONIC LAW MASTER." The youths shouted at the same time while the Law Master and the City Lord flew off together and made the stage disappear.

"That was quite an experience, but now how about that bet, Lauren? Castiel?" Lun Yuo called out to the two who wanted to escape as fast as possible and not face the embarrassment of losing.

"Oh, Angel dammit!." Both redheads cursed at the same time.