Glorious Results

With their divine powers still activated, the trio suddenly fell into deep concentration. They felt all the Spirit Qi in the air and focus more on the properties of Spirit Qi and just how much they can intake into their bodies. From Cathal and his wives side, all they saw was no movement, and this went on for five minutes until;


Once again, the air started to become more chaotic; all the Spirit Qi was crazily getting absorbed by the trio.

"Never in my life have I ever seen someone just pour Spirit Qi into themselves like it was nothing!" Cathal exclaimed while Lucy and Audrey were too shocked even to form words.

From opening up the dantian to enter the Spirit Formation stage, one would have to go through ten small levels to advance to the next realm. And for the first level to the fifth level, it requires one to fill up their body with Spirit Qi similar to the Qi connection stage.

The difference is this time comprehension and talent heavily play a part in how fast one can absorb Spirit Qi and how powerful the Spirit Qi they can use.

If one comprehension is lacking, then the amount of Spirit Qi they can absorb will majorly slow down and could take up to even five months to pass one level.

Not only that, but the power of their Spirit Qi will also be severely weak because of their low comprehension and talent. Even for geniuses, if one could use one month to surpass one level, that would be astonishing them.

However, never in history, the three adults heard or seen someone absorb Spirit Qi as if they were powering up.

In the bodies of Kazami, Kuzumi, and Lun Yuo as they already previously instantly understood Spirit Qi felt no obstruction when aborning it allowing them to advance to the;

1st level2nd level3rd level4th level

And then;


An even denser and powerful Spirit Qi exploded out of the trio far stronger than their initial breakthrough signifying they crossed over to the 5th stage in a single leap.


"Uhm... Hello, is anybody home in those heads?" Kuzumi called out to the adults seeing how all of their jaws were wide open and was still as a statue.

"Maybe, thei-MMPH!" Before Kazami could finish, he got instantly smothered by his mother's large chest in a tight hug.



Kuzumi was in a bear hug from Cathal, and Lun Yuo was in a bone-crushing hug from Lucy.






The three overly excited adults shouted each word carefully, one by one showing just how proud they are of them. If anyone else were to see what they witness, they would surely be as dumbfounded and amazed.

Not only did they show their comprehension skills and their talent are already through the roof, the Spirit Qi they felt and sense was incredibly pure and dense. Meaning the power they wield can surely surmount levels in their realm.

Adding on to that, their Spirit Qi that they would use wouldn't just be regular either given they all have elemental Qi; their powers may even be beyond what they can estimate.

After the intense hugs, they broke off from it but still nodding their head approvingly to the trio.

"Good! Good! With this, the next stage is to form your Spirit sea of your elemental Qi inside your dantian. Also, you don't have to worry about learning another special Qi type." Audrey explained still overjoy about these three overwhelming talent.

"Right right, and since you all already understand Spirit Qi to such an extent, all you need to do now is learn and gain more control over your elemental Qi to refine it and combine it with pure Spirit Qi." Lucy picked up, still inspecting every inch of the trio.

"Hmm? But the elemental Qi we would use now wouldn't that already be considered a combination?" Lun Yuo asked, still dazed from the hugs.

"You are right in a way, but you see the difference is the Spirit Qi you all absorb right now is pure Spirit Qi and what you can use will be an imperfect state of Spirit Elemental Qi. For all cultivators, at this stage, you either have the option to use pure Spirit Qi as it takes way less energy to use, and it's quick to form or if they have a special type Qi, use Spirit Special Qi such as your Spirit Elemental Qi. The second choice of Qi while a lot more powerful cost way more to use and very hard to control and form." Cathal answered and patiently explained to them.

"I see, so that means for the next five stages we must reach the state of perfect balance and fusion to use our perfected Spirit Elemental Qi to create our Spirit Sea?" Kazami thought about it and was able to form this idea.

"Correct little Zami, and from the talent you guys already displayed, it will only be a matter of time." Lucy now has full confidence in these three to advance through all realms like eating cake.

The trio nodded in understanding and deactivated their divine powers and aura as they were getting quite exhausted, having it stay open for a long time and being under intense concentration.

"Now you three go and rest fusing the two Qi may require a lot more focus and energy even for you all. Ah! Also, you know I thought it would take a little bit more time, but I think they're ready now, what do you girls think?"

Cathal turned and asked his wives.

"Oh, you mean that? Yes, they are ready seventeen, is one year younger than anticipated, but with their talent, they would only strive in those kinds of situations." Audrey agreed with Cathal thinking this would be the best for them.

Confused Kuzumi spoke: "What are you guys talking about?"

"The time for you all to register to the mission center and take on a humane realm mission," Lucy replied to her, and her answer shocked the trio.