Daily Intense Training

Time flew like the wind through the teaching of all of the adults; the trio had little time to rest. One month has already passed for them, and all of them are making significant progress due to their hard work.

Their hard work attributes to the fact that they can't use their divine powers and must rely on themselves.

Currently, the trio had routinely woken up early and was making their way to the back entrance of the mansion while wearing their training outfits, which only consisted of a gray tracksuit.

Although it wasn't any regular one as their clothes also increases their weight by five times, and they had to adjust to it to temper their endurance and strength.

They arrived at the back entrance of their mansion soon and before going through they stretched a little bit, and Kuzumi yawned a bit telling the other two;

"I'm telling you they want to milk us dry of energy until our bones become dust!"

"Haah, it's necessary, though. Any mistake can happen on the mission, and one mistake equals our lives." A dreary Lun Yuo sighed exasperatedly.

She took the longest to get used to these clothes as before she barely had to pick up anything, substantial much less carrying something that five times her weight.

"I'm just wondering how Auntie Val gonna push our asses in today."

"Oh my, already so excited for training that you can't wait, I see?"

Right, when Kazami thought of it, a dreamy voice ranged out to them, but to them, it was the voice of trouble. Shaking out of it, they straightened themselves and headed outside to a dazzling dreamy woman.

Blue graceful, gorgeous hair swayed charmingly downed to her hips. She had an angelic face and alluring green eyes that one cannot take their eyes off.

She stood at an average height and had a ravishing hourglass body with a lovely aura around her that would drown you in her. She dawned on a plain blue dress that only further increased her exquisite figure as it highlighted everything about her body from top to bottom.

Although right now, her expression was severe and held no room for discussion.

"You kids should be looking forward as soon you won't even feel a thing from this light training. But like always, I won't let up!" She drilled into them, and the young trio nodded as per usual, knowing there no point in arguing.

"Now, as per usual, you three will carry those three bags throughout the forest to the same huge tree all while fending off-peak Spirit Formation monsters and some 1st level Origin Formation monsters." Where they were currently on a tall cliffside, down below, went into the massive forest that occupied most areas on their Jungle Star planet.

However, this forest was unique as they remodel this part only to allow the appropriate wild beast to roam through it for their training or anyone else they wanted to train.

Their training would always start with their Auntie Val or Cathal wife, who is named Valencia. Her exercise helps them warm up in the morning, heighten their sense, advance their combat awareness, and increase their bodily strength, among other things.

As a rule, apart from this exercise, they can't use any Spirit Qi attacks besides reinforcing their body with it.

Not only that but the bags they were carrying also have the properties of significantly increasing the gravity on their body on top of their weighted training clothes.

The trio held no complaints and went over to grab the bags and get ready, but this time Valencia had a surprise for them.

Snapping her fingers spawned three arrows to float her above, which made the trio feel a certain doom was about to occur before them.Smiling Valencia told them;

"Oh yea, to make today training a little special, I'm going to make these three arrows chase you, and if you get caught by the well, you have to start the whole trip over again."

"Ahh, piss, here go again!" They shouted their grievance but gotten no reply and taken off running as the arrow started to chase them.

"Good luck! You'll need it, heh..."

They jumped off and started to slide down the cliff making sure they used the terrain to avoid the arrow. Once they made it to the ground, they dashed off into the forest where the monsters beasts awaited them.…

"Literally, what a pain in the damn ass!" Kazami screamed while rubbing his ass.

"Hopefully, Auntie Val doesn't add any more "surprises." Kuzumi prayed for it.

"Ugh, Mrs.Star is like an instructor from hell!"

Lun Yuo had cynically remarked while they were walking to the next part of their training after completing their daily morning exercise, although it did come with great difficulty.

They arrived at a large gray door and walked in it, taking them to a new space. The room was nothing but a vast gray area with nothing in it beside Audrey waiting for the three.

Seeing them more tired than usual she humored the fatigued youths;"Hoh looks like Val went hard today on you guys. It seems like I also shall pick it up a bit today."

"Tch! What can you do worse than Auntie Val mother?" Gazing on the mocking smile of Audrey Kuzumi was suddenly filled with vigor and didn't want to yield so early to them today.

"A bit more piper than usual, eh, alright, let's see if you can handle chaotic wind today."

"Have we just stepped in shit luck while waking up today?" Kazami quietly asked himself since this version of their Qi control training was the hardest of them all.

Every day, Audrey made them use their Spirit Qi and Elemental Qi to walk over any element she decides to use that day. She would usually alternate between quicksand or sharp stone spikes, but her most dangerous part was her wind Qi.

Audrey was a natural-born genius with a double Sand and Stone Qi type, but she managed to later on in life comprehend wind Qi to the highest degree and made it a deadly weapon.

Audrey stomped on the gray floor, and it quickly spread apart and what was in the middle of room chaotic tornado storm that could rip and shred any 1st level Origin Formation cultivator.

"Now c'mon, you know the drill make it to the other side without getting swept in the storm, or you start over."

Instead of complaining, the trio focused up and started to concentrate. First, they gather up pure Spirit Qi and then;


They created three separate blue aurae around themselves from pure Spirit Qi. Next, which took even more time, they added some of their Elemental Qi in it.

Combining Qi in this way is how they were getting more proficient in mixing the two Qi by maintaining absolute control over having to form a fused aura to protect themselves from Audrey's power.

Once done, they still had an imperfect balance, but it wasn't wholly disorderly as it would've been a month ago. This imbalance was also the reason the trio didn't advance from the 5th stage as typically fusing the two Qi was harder at earlier levels.

Even for great geniuses, there would only be a certain level of Spirit Qi one could take at each level. Once one advance more into later levels, it would be much easier for them to absorb and combine their special Qi as they comprehended Spirit Qi to a high degree.

The downside that came from this would be their perfect fusion would be weaker than someone who managed to fuse their Qi at an earlier because once managed to reach the peak of Spirit Formation and combine their Qi, they wouldn't be able to absorb the densest Spirit Qi. The thicker your Spirit Qi is, the stronger it will be.

However, for this trio, they didn't have this problem as they could freely absorb Spirit Qi while also not limiting how much each can absorb at a certain level. From this, they can combine it early for a more excellent result later on down the line.

Taking a deep breath, they rushed into the storm and instantly met with sharp winds threatening to slice them apart. However, their fusion aura was able to protect them, and they slowly went deeper into the storm.

"Jesus Star! I don't think I can feel my legs anymore." After finishing Audrey training and blasting through the storm, they were now sitting down on Kazami and Kuzumi's original cultivating spot, but they felt soreness throughout their whole body.

"Same Kazami, but at least we now only have to focus on merging our power than any crazier physical training." Lun Yuo was leaning on Kazami and gave a hopeful answer.

"Alright, that enough resting now. Start the merge now!" Cathal appeared in front of them after they rested for a few minutes.

"Right right." They tiredly replied and sat straight up and placed their palm under each other. For the final part of their day, the trio would now test on how fast they can merge their powers and the power output they would have.

This part helps them understand each other Qi better for they can combine more attacks in the future and also helps with Qi control as they have to move their Qi around a foreign Qi entirely.

Through this one month, while they couldn't still form a full mini multi Elemental ball, they could now create a half ball much quicker.

A few minutes passed, and before they knew it, a half-formed mini ball appeared on the top of their palms, and not a second later Cathal threw a gold aura nascent spirit spear at them.

This spear was way more durable than the swords that Lucy had taken out, seeing as it could easily split a late-stage Origin Formation Cultivator in half. Sensing the spear coming they tossed the ball and;


The spear was broken into a million pieces as soon as it made contact with the ball.

"Good! Faster this time."

And like this, a round of merging powers began for the trio until they burnt their Qi energy.

"Alright, that enough, for now, rest up tomorrow will be just as intense like always." And with that, Cathal vanished from their sights.

While the trio was already on the ground spent too tired even to move. That was until auntie Lia or Cathal's wife Lianna came out to greet them.

"Another hard day, right. Come, let your Auntie Lia tuck you into bed and put you all to sleep." Taking Kazama and Kuzumi in her arms while Lun Yuo was on her back Lianna walked back into the mansion.