Special Sect Mission

Surveying around the field, Kazami notice there indeed wasn't a whole bunch left. There were only 10 of them to be exact, and the most notable one he saw was the black shade man while the rest seem odd to him.

The tall and imposing man led them inside the Great Cloud sect, and the building was extensive, holding many rooms and hallways that lead to different connected buildings.

"All of you wait here, the one who will fully explain the mission and lead it will be arriving shortly." The man told and left, leaving everyone to talk among themselves.

Kazami was standing in between Kuzumi and Brenda when Brenda turned and asked him;

"This mission, I don't know about it. What about you?"

"As lost as you are, too, we mainly came to this sect for experiences and resources."

"I came because I was bored. Though now I'm not so bored anymore."

Brenda stated while looking directly into his eyes.

Shrugging his shoulders, all Kazami said was;

"Guess you're falling under my charm faster than I thought."

"Your charm?"

Brenda began scratching her hair in genuine confusion, and that's when they saw a majestic figure walking towards them. He was average height with tidy long blue and wore a classy purple robe uniform. The man radiated a natural dominating aura and walked with the utmost confidence.

Everybody was silent as they stared at him and when he got close to them him he opened up with;

"Greetings all I'm sect elder Wayne, and I'll be guiding you all on this special mission."

'I can't sense this guy at all; he must be a peak Ruler Transformation or maybe even in the Heaven Ruler realm!' Kazami thought while secretly trying to feel this guy out.

"Now, after I explain this mission, we won't force you to take it and will have the option to leave, but you won't be joining our sect anytime soon." He stated, and this got some question raising, and one guy asked;

"Wait, why would we want to leave what could be so bad?" A brown hair youth was saying. He had the appearance of a stylish young master and was in the 9th level of Spirit Formation; this was the young genius of the Yellow Sky clan.

"Well, you see this mission, we will be going to the lair of the white slaughtering tiger and killing it while also looting the lair."


Everyone was shocked; they couldn't believe they were going to take on such a perilous mission.

However, Kazami, Kuzumi, Lun Yuo was only confused while Brenda was yawning quietly.

Taking the time, Kuzumi asked;

"Uhm, what so special about the white slaughtering tiger beside its overbearing name?"

"I'm glad you ask as this take me to my next point, this tiger has been terrorizing our province for a long time now, and it's very tricky to get to since it holds up in Ashes Mountains. It's a highly intelligent beast being able to set up various traps in the mountain, making it practically impossible to get through, and it also has several high-level goons to do it's bidding." The man went off to explain, but Kuzumi wasn't very impressed with this tiger.

"So, where do we fit into all of this?" She asked him.

"Ah, you see normally it would be impossible to get to it, but recently we received support from a higher rank province. Several Heaven King Sea cultivators and our sect fought a tough battle with the beast. Although in the end, the beast still lived and managed to run away. The good thing is it's cultivation severely dropped in doing so falling from the peak of Heaven King Sea to early Heaven Ruler realm. Now we must strike while the iron is hot."

"Wait, why not just have people from your sect team up and kill the beast then." The Yellow Sky clan genius asked.

"Normally we would but immediately knowing the exposure it would be in somehow the tiger manages to grasp a special barrier talisman. This talisman blocks any Heaven King Sea cultivators from entering it, and our sects are preparing for the Veiled Kingdom gathering that's happening soon. The traps in there are deadly, and we need outside support this time since no other province has the time to help us again."

"Still, why not just gather up Heaven Ruler cultivators or Ruler Transformation people than us Origin Formation and Spirit Formation." Lun Yuo questions this time.

"Because we need to be discreet as possible when traversing Ashes Mountain. Not only does the previous formation block out any Heaven King Sea people, but it also severely limits the power of cultivators Ruler Transformation and above. Also, any power Ruler Transformation and above will cause several formations of alarms that will go off. Immediately it will alert the white slaughtering tiger and all of his high-level goons as well, making it impossible to barge in there with a strong crowd simply."

"So you want decently talented cultivators in the Origin Formation and Spirit Formation to fight off any traps and low-level beasts. I assume you have route layout to get to the beast, but the formation and those alarms kept you from doing so," Kazami explained after listening carefully.

"In some manner, but the overarching goal is for us to get into the main room where the tiger resides and using special made talisman, we can destroy the whole formation barrier and also finish off everyone there."

"Will it just be us attempting this?" Brenda spoke up this time.

"Don't fret while we may have limited numbers on Ruler Transformation and Heavens Rulers, we still have top-notch Origin Formation, and Spirit Formation disciples too join this mission. And we also have special magical tools to make sneaking around easier. So does anybody wants to leave this is your last chance." Sect Elder Wayne concluded and glancing around he notices the ten people there all had determined gazes and stood in the same spot.

"Haha! Good confidence I see, and don't worry, you all be rewarded handsomely in joining our sects, and other special rewards will be given!."

Then he looked explicitly at Kazami, Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, and Brenda saying;

"And for you three divine talents and five-star talent, you four will gain something extraordinary after this mission. Now follow me. I'll show you all to your temporary residence, and tomorrow we will meet with our seven handpick disciples for this mission."

He leads the ten people towards a hallway with several doors on each side of the wall.

"Here, take any room you desired their all vacant and meet in this hallway by morning tomorrow. Have a good rest." Sect Elder Wayne warmly smiled and then went off to his own business.

"I must go to bed now," Brenda told him and began to walk off to a random room with the rest of the other six proceedings to do the same, only for Kazami to call out to her,

"Hey, aren't you going to at least say goodnight or something? It's the proper way to send people off."

"Proper? Ok, goodnight Kazami." She told him as she went and slowly shook his hand. Nodding to herself like a job well done, she went back to the room she chose.

"What's with that girl? Haah, at least we're finally alone again." Lun Yuo asked, breathing a sigh of relief that there finally alone again.

"Yes, we're alone, and you will also be alone further. The Star twins have something important to discuss." Kuzumi told her and finding her behavior odd again she still chose to go with it and said to them;

"If you say so, rest well, the two of you then." She then hugged both of them before going into a room of her choosing.

Once she was gone, Kuzumi grabbed Kazami hand and rushed into a room, making sure no one saw them.

The room was nice, clean, and spacious, having a big window of the beautiful courtyards outside, allowing one to take in the exquisite scenery.

But the twins ignored this and Kazami was able to ask her finally;

"So what's been making you act so strangely all of a sudden?"

Smiling, she sat on the bed, getting comfortable, and then decided to talk.

"You have to plow that socially inept girl!!"

Sighing and rolling his eyes, Kazami was a bit surprised by her bluntness.

"I probably don't want to know, but why do you want me to do it?"

"Call it a good premonition feeling brother; for some reason, when looking at her, I feel my blood churn just a tiny bit."

"Right, and you want me to take her because of your feeling?"

"Ah you just kn-"'Pa!'

"Ah! What was that for!" Kuzumi whined while rubbing her forehead, where Kazami just flicked her.

"If I'm going to do it, I'm doing it because I like her not because of your weird feelings. And I'm assuming you're going to help placate Yu with the jealousy issue, right? I saw you doing it earlier while I was talking, why are you going so far."

Out of the blue but a common occurrence, Kuzumi rushed up and tightly hugged her brother, rubbing her face on him.

"Isn't it obvious?! I want my brother to live the best life ever! And how can you not be happy with multiple women? Besides, it's not like you need a great reason to fall in love, right?"

"Haah, if you give a reason like this, how could I stay annoyed? You're really are my cute little sister." He wrapped his arms around and jumped onto the bed.

The sudden action caused both of them to laugh as they got reminded of times they used to play with each other as kids.

Though Kuzumi started to blush a bit and shyly asked him,

"Um, can we sleep together like this?"

"Why so nervous? It's only natural I the elder brother accompanies his sister if she asks." Kazami told her, and she felt a bit odd as referring to as only a sister but was still quite happy.

"It's right; you know your duty! Now let's get some shut eyes."