Brown Sword

Humans and beasts still relentlessly clashing against each other were nearing the climax of the battle. As expected, the duo elders were weaker when using their maximum power, but the ferocious beasts felt the same weakness in strength.

Knocking and damaging the brown sword for the Elders unquestionably work in their favor as now Elder Michi was keeping the purple scorpion and spider woman at bay with range attacks.

Elder Michi could sense the liquid these two was spewing, and facing anyone, one of its head-ons would spell a slow and painful death. Cause of this, her best tactical option given was to stall and wear them down.

Cloud Qi is genuinely a magnificent form of Qi as it cost the elders barely any energy to use and has the unique property to partially absorb any attack and then block the remaining power of it.

Meanwhile, to this point, Elder Wayne, with his chains, was trading blow after blow against the white slaughtering tiger. Slaughtering Qi isn't something to be underestimated at all.

This Qi has the natural ability to tear through any defense, and it shows as even with cloud Qi unique effects, Elder Wayne nevertheless had to dodge any slaughtering Qi being blasted at him narrowly.

But even so, neither side could land a killing blow until simultaneously the three beasts bit down on the tongue. Blood essence got burned, startling the two elders.

A new burst of strength juiced them, and they flashed out of the elders' vision, grouping up in front of the two.

White slaughtering tiger had endless holes on his fur coat with blood running through them. Sweat was pouring all over the spider woman with added blood running from her mouth, and the scorpion tails were all banged up filled with countless cracks.

Compared with the two elders who was panting and bleeding some, it was clear who held the advantage. The apparent success even gave the elders enough bravado to smirk condescendingly still.

However, what they didn't catch when the three beasts grouped up was a murderous look exchange among each other.

"It's now or never." As if on cue, white slaughtering tiger stated as he raised a hand hovering it above his chest. Spider-woman put one leg above her chest, and the scorpion whipped his tail in front of his face.

Confusion plaster the elders' faces and got Elder Wayne to scream out,

"The hell are you planning?"

No response sounded to the two when the three beasts only smiled brutally and moved to strike themselves.

Their speed in attacking themselves stunned the two elders, although right when an inch was apart from their bodies, the beasts suddenly stopped all movements.

Once again, the elders were trying to figure has these beasts gone brain dead? Until a tremendous rumbling violently shook the whole cave.

The beasts sharply turned around, and what they witness made their jaw dropped. Kazami decked out with the brown sword in hand wrapped up in its brown glow.

Even further apart from him, the brown glow connected to the girls safely wrapping them up.

A cold, cruel light shined in his eyes as gazed upon the beasts and the elders. His killing intent locked on the five of them as the brown glow turned even sharper.

Foreboding and dread welled up in the elder's hearts as they realized Kazami want to kill them with the beasts!

His eyes turned wholly purple, and his hand glowed purple, instilling a primal fear among the Heaven Realm cultivators.

Power far more significant than what he possessed quickly rushed out of him making Kazami struggle to even hold on to the sword but he smiled savagely merely saying;

"All of you die for me!"


Incomparable sharp roars gushed out of the three beasts as they sped to Kazami with lightning speed.

Only for Kazami to hold the brown sword and fiercely swung down. From the sword blasting to the beasts and elders, was a suffocating astronomically powerful brown beam destroyed everything in its path.


All shared screeches ranged out as the Heaven Ruler cultivators brought out their most robust defensive cultivation skills to block the beam.


The ear-splitting explosion shot Kazami, Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, and Brenda back straight into the wall of the cave but still inside the brown side glow.

Breakneck speed and power from the brown sword were beyond any of the four could handle.

After a few seconds, the four struggle to get up as the dust died down. All of them were bleeding all over and were coughing up blood. Even if the brown sword aura protected them from dying, it couldn't protect them from the recoil of the explosion.

Although as they have gotten up, the brown sword glow disappears and the brown sword lost its shine.

"Is it over?" Kuzumi asked, and what appeared in their vision were five banged up, bloody bodies not moving an inch. Although no sentiments of victory spread as in a second Kazami yelled,

"Quickly run no-"

"Run where?!" Like a nightmare creature up stood a critically injured bloody Elder Wayne struggling hard to keep up straight.

Squeezing his palm, barely any heavenly Qi covered them, suppressing most of their movement. Even from a near-dead Heaven Ruler, heavenly Qi is still an ultimate superior form of power compared to them.

Every second that passes, his heavenly Qi would painfully slowly crush their bones, but they couldn't even move their mouth to scream.

Gradually walking over to them, he intensely watched the sword in Kazami hand. Hatred grew in his heart more and more to them; "Trying to kill all of us then make off with the treasure, right?! Don't make me fucking laugh!"

Kazami struggling to not faint from pain, suddenly felt his divine power and bloodline rampaging inside him, allowing a little bit more freedom to move. And not only he perceived it as; similarly, the girls' divine powers and bloodline started rampaging on the edge of death.

The silence forms between the four, though through the excruciating pain, one exchange of glances clued them in on what to do next.

Right in front of their faces, craziness flash Elder Waynes eyes; however, Kazami and Kuzumi's eyes shined silver combined with purple while Lun Yuo sparkled green, and Brenda shined gold.



A sudden eruption of combined explosive Qi bounced Elder Wayne back like a rag doll.

Surprisingly when the weak heavenly Qi suppressed the four, all of their bloodline and divine power ignited, allowing them to move just enough to bite their tongue and ignite their blood essence exploding all over knocking Elder Wayne back.


Weakly told Kazami sword in hand, and was near the edge of fainting along with the rest of the girls. Despite struggling free, the power it cost to do it nearly exhausted everything inside themselves.

Dragging their injured and tired bodies to the hole saw earlier, almost tripping and falling the way there, Kazami oddly felt dark, forbidding feeling, but it was strangely familiar to him.

"Y-y-you won't escape!" Elder Wayne painfully shouted as he slowly attempted to chase after them. At this point, half of his top robe was missing, and his body was squirting blood everywhere. It was a miracle he could even talk.

Pushing themselves to the absolute limit, a short burst of speed boosts them. Gradually a faint white light could be seen at the end. Hope invigorated the four, and they struggled over to it.

But right as they neared the other hole, the voice of looming dread blasted again to them,

"You will die!"

Four grey cloud chains flew over to them, intending to pierce right through. The four didn't have enough energy anymore to outrun the chains. Striking the girls with an ultimate fear of this will be their death bed.

However, Kazami only kept his eyes straight at the hole because the sickly dark feeling was getting closer and a new killing feeling and prophesied a voice saying right then;