White Cave

White, all white, sprang into Kazami vision when he awoke. The ceiling above him covered in white, and even the ground was all white. He was remembering what transpired before he tried to get up, only failing miserably at it.

All parts of his body screamed pained, and he felt like passing out again. It was then he realized his body got propped up against a wall and struggling to turn his head around, he observes they were in some pure white cave, and next to him were the three beautiful slumbering girls propped up in the same position as was.

Kazami sat powerless now, with his only option being to stare at the white ceiling until he had enough energy to walk. He wasn't quite sure how long he would take, and he wanted to tend to the girls as soon as possible.

A few minutes passed with nothing but deadly silence filling the cave. During this, Kazami attempted to sense the area they were in. Only his senses got struck with a crazy amount of slaughtering Qi, similar to the tiger.

He stopped when he abruptly heard low sauntering footsteps heading towards them. Focusing straight in front of him, he heard it coming from the white passage of this cave.

As the footsteps near Kazami started to think, some unfathomable experts lived here, but strangely he felt no pressure or aura coming at him.

And that when it appears before him, a pure white skin man is hovering over them. The man appearance Kazami notice was genuinely unique.

A big wrinkled white shirt covered his whole skinny body, and his face induces a creepy feeling as he had a long scar running down the middle of it. Not only his face, his two arms similarly had long scars running down it.

Right when the man appeared, Kazami felt something strange as he couldn't sense anymore slaughtering Qi.

The man strolled to Kazami with both hands behind his back, staring straight down at him.

Kazami, even up so close with the man, sensed no power from him, but the feeling of danger the man exuded frightened him. The man's eyes were blindly white, and Kazami felt as if all of his secrets got seen.

All that happen though was the man staring at Kazami for one long minute until he opens his mouth saying;

"I see such magnificent bloodline. Finally, after all these years, I have what I need..." Whatever the man was talking about only confused Kazami but he still struggled to say;

"A-are you going to-"

"Kill you or help you? Don't worry to even get to this cave is already achievement beyond what this planet can offer, even as you hail from God Realms I still have to praise."

The man mentioning God Realms got Kazami on full alert now. This man similarly hails from God Realms seeing as he instantly felt and recognize their origins.

"Relax, if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have saved you, right? I require you and your friends to help. All of your bloodlines are something even beyond my scope, and that golden hair girl is very suitable to my needs."

Kazami only struggle to breathe out after hearing the man need;"It's not like we have much choice now, do we?"

"Oh, relax, with that kind of bloodline inside you, what I request shall be but a simple task." The man assuredly stated, and with each passing second talking to Kazami, he grew more confident in his request.

"What is in it for us?"

"You sure are lucky I'm a fair person because while accomplishing my task, and once you finish it, the rewards will be astronomical." His bearing, the tone, and the way he carried himself led Kazami inclined to listen to the man's request as he continued from Kazami silence.

"All I need you all to do is locate a beast named the Horned Red Tiger steal an item called the Chaotic Shard and bring it back to me. Also, to find a green eye orb if you can." Kazami eyes widen a bit since this was the same task he was assigned to do.

"Ah, given your reaction, it's precisely the reason you came to this planet, right? You know all who previously tried failed and either pitifully escape with their life or died." The man plainly stated which only made Kazami question him,

"Why are you telling me this and yet expect us to accomplish it now?"

"Because the one who attempted before all didn't have such a powerful bloodline. Nor did those people receive my help. After all, that tiger doesn't hail from the humane realm." A sudden shock rush to Kazami as realized that white slaughtering tiger, the horned tiger, the green eye orb, and the man all have some connection.

"Who exactly are you? And that slaughtering Qi was it you who also helped the white slaughtering tiger."

"You can call me the White Slaughtering God, and I partially helped the tiger. For many years stuck on this planet, I came across several strange oddities that shouldn't ever appear here. Blue Oblivion Shark, which you killed, what you called the white slaughtering tiger and that brown sword."

"God? As in God's Path cultivator?! And those oddities, what is this planet?!" Kazami shock was increasing by the minute. Only people who entered the tier of God Path cultivation would dare call themselves gods.Although he understood, whatever happened, this God Path cultivator strength is nowhere near to his peak.

"I'm not sure how they got here, but I come across a near-death Blue Oblivion Shark mother and a White Tiger God Race mother as well. These two were reasonably high tier divine path cultivators shielding their babies, but they died before they could even talk to me."

"I don't get it the mission center supposed to wipe you out any unwanted guests." It puzzled Kazami mind as he assumed the mission center was powerful enough to wipe out any God Realms beings.

"Were you told that? It's always the common conception people have about the mission center. Still, indeed, there can be at least low tier divine path cultivators on humane realms if they're a native of these realms. People don't know it's not the mission center that kills the divine path and god path cultivators; it's traveling across a rank realm to another rank realm that kills us."

Kazami never heard this reasoning from his father who only got him to question further;

"You mean no one can travel across space? Then how did you and those beasts get here?"

"With the right tools and power, it's possible to travel space in a realm to explore any other planets or other areas, but without the mission center help, it's impossible to travel across space to another rank realm. If someone from high-rank God Realms attempt to travel to the humane realms, their bodies will implode before crash landing on any planets. It's why for those beasts, I have the faintest clue how they manage to keep their bodies when crashing here, much less having their babies in their arms."

Kazami did notice how the man didn't answer how he managed to end up on this planet but knew there was no way to force the man to talk about it.

"The babies you said, you took them and gave the sharks the trident and the tiger the slaughtering Qi?

"Yes, the mothers couldn't even talk when I got to them while they had their babies in a safe place. All I merely did for them was handing the sharks their mother space ring when they got older and experimenting a bit with the tiger about my slaughtering Qi although it failed in the end. Those talismans were my experiment as well, but that brown sword was something I found on this planet."

But then Kazami thought of something voicing his thoughts out loud;"But if they truly did hail from God Realms, why were they so weak?"

"You know they weren't weak; you and your friends are just at a higher tier in terms of bloodline and strength. Normally that tiger and sharks probably would've grown to dominate this planet, but you four cut them off."

Processing all the new information Kazami suddenly remembered;"Ah! I'll ask more about the horned red tiger and your request later, but for now, I'm not doing anything unless you heal those three girls right now."

"Hooh, quite demanding, but I planned to do it anyway. Once you're all healed up, we will have a lot to talk about." The man said, and using a finger, he lifted them all in the air as he led them further into the cave.