Enchanting Persuasion

"Slaughtering God before we continue, what did you do to Brenda?" Kazami asked him as Brenda's appearance underwent a slight change. As of now, here eyes went back to its standard orange color, but her smooth orange hair now maintained some white streaks in it.

A small difference, but it gave off a new attractive charm about her.

"Ah, I was about to explain this girl, and her bloodline is perfectly compatible with slaughtering Qi. Unlike what I attempted with the tiger, the girl has complete powerful slaughtering Qi that will evolve as she grows." Brenda's eyes open wide as she understood that weird connection she was feeling.

Looking inside herself, her Spirit sea, which was previously almost entirely golden sword Qi, now was a mix of white slaughtering Qi. This new Qi didn't feel unnatural at all like it's another body part of hers.

"But how? Why is my bloodline compatible with slaughtering Qi?" Brenda question but her only response was the man strangely smiling saying;

"Slaughtering Qi remains best understood through combat and one own comprehension, but right now, we have a more important matter to discuss." Slaughtering God's vagueness annoyed Brenda, but she knew there nothing they could do to force information out of him.

"Wait before we start how we can swap the chaotic shard with you and still complete the mission? The mission center will surely know what the original or not. For that matter, why do you even want to swap?" Lun Yuo jumped and asked after thinking about the man's request.

The mission center's mass-interconnected network had the God Realms trio believe they will always have some way to know if a mission was cheated on or not.

And they knew it would be a death sentence to try and trick the mission center.

"Don't worry about the mission center finding out if it isn't the original these shards look exactly like each other and are far more mysterious than any of us know. Not many in the whole universe, including the mission center, know the origin of these shards, and I only got a fortunate encounter with finding one. It's why I want the tiger specifically because it was originally mine, and I was in the middle of great experiments with it."

His words confused Lun Yuo as she asked him;"If they're so mysterious and mythical, why are they only on a mission board for humane realms. And why haven't they mobilized people to find it?"

"Because while we may not know its origins, these shards had been around longer than I have. Thing is these shards for countless years never did anything remotely world breaking our history shattering. It only looked like an item with some unique properties, and that's it."

Slaughtering God's words spoke volume as if some item with rule-breaking abilities did come into the universe, their Star Family would've quickly heard of it as well.

But as far their lives go, never once had they heard of the chaotic shards or even text about them.

Accepting his reasoning for now as the man would have far more knowledge than they would Kuzumi asked him;

"So, what are you exactly going to give us to combat this divine path tiger."

"For starters in my space rings, there are several more powerful talisman I made and cultivation resources you all can use at later realms. I also made a map of all the important places I visit and where you can gain power fast. But to make sure you won't become renegade on our promise..." Slaughtering God snapped his fingers, and immediately the air became fresh, gushing out a powerful energy.

Vibrant energy spread all around, and the cause was black color ginseng with profound dragon markings carved all over it.

Right when it appeared, it caused a massive reaction from the four youths as all stood up in place intensely focusing on the root.

Their body inside and out felt fresh, clean, and stronger by merely inhaling the air around the dragon ginseng. And they felt their Qi's growing stronger and their spirit sense clearing up dramatically.

But it all lasted for two seconds before Slaughtering God put away the dragon ginseng jolting the four out of their stupor.


"At a loss for words, eh? What you just experienced was the air of a Star Dragon God root. Unfortunately for me, it's of no use, but for the four, your destinies will shine even brighter. And all you need to do to get is bring me back that chaotic shard."

The four youths nodded slowly, still trying to recover from the after-effects of such a powerful Dragon root. Kazami and Kuzumi never before felt such attraction from a cultivation resource, and their families own one of the most successful markets in their realm!

"It's good that you realize the great potential in our partnership now, right?"

"R-Right, but wait since we're not getting that yet, Then what are you going to give us to level up fast."

Slaughtering God picked up a space race ring tossing it to Kazami and started to explain;

"Years I've been wandering this planet and the best resources I picked up, one has to be at least in the late-stage Origin Formation even to receive the full benefit. But don't worry, I have a way for you all to breakthrough and make rapid advancement in Origin Formation in one swift motion. Check through those space rings and rest well; stabilize your breakthrough, I have some things to check."

Leaving no room for question Slaughtering God vanished out of the youths' sights, leaving them to their own devices. Kuzumi paused for a second and then pushed her bloodline to the limit going over to Kazami touching him.

'Talk about abrupt...But Kazami, are you sure we can trust this guy?' Kuzumi asked him, which lead Kazami to only shrug at her questions.

'What other options there are. Slaughtering God's action just now, even if he, not a God Path anymore, he still at least in the divine path similarly to the horned red tiger. And on this planet, it'll take an extremely long time to cultivate to a level where can take on that kind of power, and at that time, the horned red tiger might kill us to get rid of any problems.'

Brenda was watching the twins not saying anything but looking at each other until finally speaking up;

"Hey, hey, why are you two staring so intensely? There nothing on your face, you know? The rings, let's explore them."

Kazami held up the space ring and inspected inside. It was an ample space filled with many exotic powerful pills and herbs all for cultivation. It also contained a map along with several extraordinary talismans.

Digging further in it, he also found several gold aura nascent spirit weapons and even blue aura profound spirit weapons!

He passed the ring to the girls while also commenting;"Truly great stuff in those rings, we should also choose some weapons after we stabilize level."

"Speaking off all this, we haven't once picked up a weapon, haven't we." Lun Yuo remarked, remembering from all their fights, they merely used their bare fists and overwhelming Qi.

Once they all finish going over the ring, the four sat back down on the warm energy bed, while Kuzumi spoke up,

"You know to have some downtime now; I just realized we barely had any time to relax ever since coming to this planet."

"It all started with those little Launder Mercernaies goons, and soon we'll be traveling once again to Slaughtering God spots." Lun Yuo chimed in while stretching her legs on the bed.

"Look on the bright side; at least we won't be under a malicious elders rule while traveling." Kazami joked causing the other two girls to giggle while Brenda spoke up with,

"Huh? Don't you guys feel it? Ever since I first talk to Kazami and then on, I felt an unknown amount of emotions I never thought I had before. Our adventure is quite exciting." Brenda feeling the slaughtering Qi inside her was a bit more excited than usual wearing a small smile.

"I can't deny that point, and it'll get more exciting here on out, well, for now, let us enjoy this little downtime," Kazami told them and began to cultivate his level waiting for Slaughtering God return.