Wild Battle

"To think, relying on this garlic would lead us straight to the beast,"

Kazami said to himself, thinking back on how he got here. It was a tiring week for them as they would push their divine powers to the limit until they would want to faint.

Although Kazami and the girls soon realized their combat prowess and divine powers had increased. Pushing themselves to the limit made the four realized it as they were marginally faster than before and can last longer in their divine powers state.

The one Kazami notice who got the significant increase in strength was Brenda as when she used her bloodline powers with now combined slaughtering and sword Qi, she could easily match his speed in his most potent divine power state.

Even when he used his divine bloodline with his divine powers, she was only slightly slower than him.

Eventually, they did manage to reach the border of the second province and from the map details, come across the Iron Wind carriage.

Like Slaughtering God told them the carriage was very fancy and guarded tightly. There were several Heaven Rulers and Heaven King Sea cultivators, and even a higher power the youths couldn't quite identify.

These guards' armor were all high grade holding the mixed symbol of iron and air. In their hands were all various good quality Profound Spirit weapons ready to be used at a moment notice.

Such a line up would unmistakably deter anyone from attempting to rob or fight them. Not even clans on a similar level as they would try anything against this force.

The carriage itself was moving very slowly as if they wanted nobody to notice them or draw attention. No energy of any sort leaked out of the transport, but Kazami could vaguely sense the strongest one resides in there.

Although at that point, they still didn't come across the nightmare creature even as Kazami held the garlic out. It wasn't until the garlic started to cause a burning sensation on Kazami's hand and lit up red if he got an idea.

Using the garlic, he played hot and cold until he finally stumbled across the creature while the girls stayed with the carriage.

The creature's actions did puzzle Kazami a bit as, despite its ability to do so, the beast didn't rush up and steal the garlic. Instead, it opted to follow behind Kazami at a steady pace.

Kazami eventually made his way back to the girls who was wearing their cloaks to stay hidden and keeping a reasonable distance away from the carriage.

"So, you found it, right?" Kuzumi asked him, but right there, the girls felt a dark, sickly feeling assaulting their senses. Their faces scrunched and looked back to what was following Kazami gazing at the ugly grotesque creature.

"Quite an ugly fellow, right? Anyways you girls ready to watch a show?" Kazami smiled at him while tossing the garlic around in his hands.

"Uh, I just realized, how the hell are we going to throw garlic far enough and detonate it without them noticing it." Lun Yuo asked out loud and started to wrap her mind on how to accomplish it, but Kazami unworried shook his head.

"I want them to notice it." Kazami using nothing but pure bodily strength threw the garlic at high speed to the carriage, which was a few meters ahead of them.

A fierce-looking Heaven Ruler guard saw the garlic coming, and as he was about to catch it, the garlic combusted, releasing a weird dark red gas.

He and the other Heavens Ruler and Heaven King Sea guard attention became fully alerted. One of the Heaven King Sea guards covered the entire area in his pressure screaming;

"Roll out here!"


A demented sound froze up everyone present on the scene. It wasn't a human sound, nor did it sound like any beasts heard before either. And from the mere sound alone did the guards feel a massive crisis falling over them.

Not even the four youths got spared as the sound had them kneeling still on the ground.

The creature crazily rushed out, appearing right above the carriage. It's gross smile more extensive than ever before and formed a dark red domain over the Iron Wind clan carriage.

Unlike the previous domain, the creature this time put more power in this one, making the various guards feel suffocated under its control.

"What is that thing?!"

"Never mind what it is! KILL IT!"

One of the stronger Heaven King Sea cultivators shouted, jolting all of them awake.


Heavenly Qi power from Heaven Rulers and King Qi power from the Heaven King Sea guards all exploded out mixing into combined strands of wind of iron Qi.

The carriage itself still protected by the person within, but the surrounding became chaotic, and the ground started to shake some.

At blazing speeds before the guards combined might reach the creature, it expanded its hand back to the giant claw forcibly blocking their attacks.

Its claw hand did get tore up from blocking the attack, but the creature didn't stop at all and stretched out its arm to squash the shock looking guards.

The power of this claw was immense, and the Heaven Rulers could barely move under it. The guards in the most distinct looking armor, being the captain bit his tongue burning his blood essence and shouted,


The captain shout got the rest to burn their blood essence as well, and instantly their powers connected, creating an iron Qi wall above them.


The claw smashed onto the wall but couldn't break through it. The guards sighed a bit of relief until they saw the creature leg extend freakishly long from the air drilling straight in the ground.

Like a mole, the leg popped right out under the guards viciously kicking one of them in the face, almost dropping the formation.

"Shit! WHAT IS THAT?!" One of the guards yelled while at the foot of the leg, it suddenly glowed dark red, blasting out Qi strings.

It all happens to fast as the strings already wrapped around the guards crushing down on their bodies.

"AHH! No the formation!" The captain screamed, but it was no use as their formation weakened, allowing the claw to tear right through.


The creature claw squashed the guards into bloody pulps and destroyed the carriage. It lifted its claw, observing over the bloody smash paste of the guards and ruined carriage.

"I'll kill you!!" But out from the destroyed carriage flew a frightening looking man having his clothes all mangled up.

This man, power, caused the ground to tremble violently, and he was able to tear through the claw rushing at the creature. However, the creature smiled only grew, and it clashed against the man exchanging numerous blows in a second.

At a close distance, Kazami and the girls were in awe about the creature's power and the man, power as well. They couldn't see any movement between the two, and even outside, they could barely stand on their feet from the intense clash of power.

Thanks to the creature domain, the four didn't get to destroy from the clash. Kazami looked at the girls signaling to prepare their Qi's.


The creature claw tore a chuck on the man's body as he was forced continuously back by it. As he was attempting to get back, the creature's other arm shot forward to wrap the man up.

The man in response stalled the arm by forming a whirlwind of iron air Qi around it with one hand while also charging an attack with his other.

The creature felt the resistance on his arm and pushed harder, breaking through the whirlwind and wrapping around the man's hand. In a split second, he ripped off the man's hand, throwing it at the barrier wall.


The man roared in pain, and on his other hand, an iron hammer formed.

"Crushing Wind!"

He swung the hammer as it was gushing a torrential of wind at the creature, shedding some of its body apart.

The creature in the face with the hammer opened it's mouth wide open and outshot a dark red beam.

Right when the two powerful attacks were about to clash, Kazami shouted,

"Protect yourself!"

And he fully unleashed his divine powers and bloodlines and even burned his blood essence to form a barrier.

In a split second, the girls also reacted and followed Kazami's actions unleashing their most robust state and burning blood.


Their clashed broke down the creature's dark red domain, and the aftershock sent Kazami, Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, and Brenda flying.

They blasted off, crashing through trees until losing momentum and crashing in a tree. Luckily for them, the immense clash of powers was already severely weakened when the domain entirely broke, allowing them to barely defend from the aftershocks.

"That plan sucked." Brenda directly said her body, hurting all around. Kuzumi and Lun Yuo struggled to get up, but they all saw a flash of silver and purple when getting up.

Kazami shot at lightning speed, rushing back to the domain and saw and bloody hand near where the domain was. He didn't see the man nor the creature body but paid no attention to that and only rushed to the hand, picking it up.

The hand, held a space ring on his finger causing Kazami to smile as he got back saying;

"Looks like we're in luck."