Teasing Under Danger

Brenda held Kazami's body in hand while Lun Yuo held Kuzumi body. Fresh blood leaked from their body and mouth, indicating just how badly damaged they are.

With each pill in hand Brenda suddenly realized something and spoke;

"Yuo there both essentially near death. The weirdo-no, I mean the twins need mouth to mouth."

Inspecting Kuzumi closer, Brenda was indeed right as there was minimal fluctuation coming from their body. The only thing presumably keeping them alive is their heroin bloodline and divine powers in them.

"M-mouth to mouth huh, I see..." Lun Yuo started told becoming more awkward at the end since she was holding to the sister of the boy she liked.

To take a pill, one could have even the tiniest portion of Qi inside their body, but as long Qi exists, it will stir up the pill, causing it to release the life energies.

If a person is in a state like the twins where they're at the border of life and death, then the next best option would be to get an alchemist or bathe the body in high-quality herbs and medicine mix to perfection.

Or the most direct and quickest method was too directly transfer the pills into said person's mouth and gently guide the pill through the body using their energy and released the life energy in the pill.

It was the only current option, which is why Lun Yuo felt a small sour feeling of not being able to hold Kazami, but she was way too embarrassed to ask Brenda if they could switch.

To even add on to her predicament, Lun Yuo could loosely guess Brenda might have a crush on Kazami as well, making all the more awkward to ask.

While on the other hand, a small blush and heat started to creep on Brenda's face at the abrupt thought of her lips touching Kazami.

She was feeling a big growing desire to be with Kazami and thought of kissing him pleases her to no end.

Brenda thought back to every little moment she shared with on how every single time he can make her feel like she is enjoying life. And there was also his other redeeming traits such as his will never to back down or his calm mindset.

And now facing Lun Yuo, Brenda felt strangely warmed by her presence even if she did have feelings for Kazami,

"Yoh, Yuo, I like Kazami. But I also like Kuzumi, and I also like you. So let's save their lives!" Brenda shouted to her with passion giving her a big smile that the twins never saw before.

It was a smile that could blossom flowers and make the sunshine nearly leading Lun Yuo to become daze by it.

"Heh, Hahaha! You truly are a weird girl!"


A more laborious than the typical collision of golden fire ranged in the girls' ears as Lun Yuo got caught off from it. That collision jolted the girls back to the reality of the dire situation they're in, and with a final look to each other, they got prepared.

Taking a pill into their mouths, Lun Yuo put her lips on Kuzumi, gently prying it open and placing the pill inside it. Using little energy from her mouth, she smoothly guided the pill into her body and released the life energy in it.

While Brenda gingerly put her lips on Kazami as her wildly beating heart almost made her slip up. Being so close to him, she was able to identify more in detail the smooth handsomeness of Kazami's face.

Even with blood flowing from it, a strange and whimsical charm drawn her to it, and she nearly got lost from looking. Until now Kazami had saved their lives two times, and he pushed himself over the edge to do so each time.

She had felt a warm, comforting feeling when he saved them, and now it was a similar sensation. She was rescuing Kazami from a dire situation he's in and felt tender feelings when doing so.

Thoughts and emotions like this rained through her mind as she effortlessly guided the pill through his mouth down to his body and released the life energy inside it.

Once done, they started to pull their mouths away, but contrary to their initial expectations, the twins' eyes snapped open as soon as they got done. Being so close and intimate, the girls froze while the twins' eyes darted around the space.

And a second later they realized what was slightly off to them, Kuzumi was face to face with Lun Yuo and Kazami faced off against Brenda.

However unlike the shock status, the girls were in, Kazami and Kuzumi even at a time like this decided to have little fun as Kuzumi spoke;

"Were we just kissed by the angels' brother?"

"Sure seems like it sis, I can still feel the lingering touch of something soft and angelic gracing my lips!" All the while, the twins had a wondrous expression as they shamelessly teased the two cute maidens.

And hearing the two teasing words gotten Brenda and Lun Yuo to squeak like a mouse falling on their behinds as their faces were beet red now.

Kazami and Kuzumi let a hearty laugh as they sat right up, adorning a sleazy teasing smile to the girls.

"Y-You two!!...Hmph!


Lun Yuo looked to the ground refusing to meet the twins' eyes as she gnashed her teeth and cutely pouted.

And for Brenda, she was breathing roughly, a big blush plaster on her face while looking at the ground refusing to meet the twins' eyes.

Their actions were irresistibly adorable to the twins, and they wanted to tease them more until;


A louder and more impactful collision shook the area and made the four realized the state the weapons were in.

The trident and brown sword were now losing their sparkling lustre, with the purple lines dimming by the second. Getting serious, the four left behind the playful attitude and immediately focused on getting whatever energy back they can.

Only merely five seconds passed before a harder collision shook the area. The crow's anger was rising from not being able to break through the weapons.

Its vast skeleton body was smashing against the weapons, and it wouldn't be long before it broke through to them.

Noticing this, everyone exchange a single glance with each other and nodded. Taking it as the cue, Kazami, while still being confused on these weapons, lit up his divine bloodline and performed a grasping motion.

His action caused the weapons to fly back into his hands as he put both away in the space rings. Kazami still didn't have any assurance of trolling these weapons, and now wasn't the time to experiment with it.

Although right when Kazami took away the weapons, the skeleton crow was on a crash course to the four in an attempt to crush their bodies. It had blazing speed, and an indomitable pressure wrapped them up.

But the four wasn't slow nor reserve either as they hastily unleashed their divine powers on full blast while jumping away. They barely manage to jump away in time before the crow crushed the yellow floor beneath its bony talon causing cracks to spread out on the ground.

However, Kazami and the girls knew it would be a hard-fought without an ounce of hesitation burned their blood essence,


Auras of lightning, fire, ice, grass, sword, and slaughtering raged about the place as now the four felt less pressure now facing off against the skeleton crow.