Leviathan Trial (2)

'That, that bloodline, I never felt something so powerful and divine! And even now, she already fell into a comprehension state, but what will be your limit.' Senior Quava thought while intensely focusing on Lun Yuo.

Initially, when Lun Yuo activated her bloodline, Senior Quava only felt it was a high tier divine rank. But it all changed in the split second Lun Yuo used her vine to grab on to the near exploding flowers.

A tremendous spiritual pressure shook Senior Quava soul when she was sensing Lun Yuo.

Moreover, the pressure she felt was as if a mighty pure god was looking down onto her piercing her entire body. Still, for only a second, it was like times crawled to a halt and years flashed by her eyes.

Furthermore, to Senior Quava amazement, the blast from the flowers did little to affect her even as she left her self unprotected and also gain enlightenment from it!

Despite the flowers swaying yet crazier now, Lun Yuo remained a statue like there was an invisible force protecting her.

In the girl spirit sense, she was able to capture the feeling of the dominant grass Qi and other mysterious Qi.

'This other Qi is incredibly destructive that even the slightest contact with it will set it off. Ah, I see now this has to be destruction, Qi!' She manages to conclude and then spread out her spirit sense directly in the field of flowers.

Her brain and her heart were interconnected as they power into overdrive, letting Lun Yuo feel the grass and destructive Qi much more clearly. It felt almost too natural like this was always calling for her.

On the outside, Senior Quava notices none of the flowers coming up to attack Lun Yuo while she was completely open. Minutes passed, and yet it was a stalemate between her and the flowers which served to irate Senior Quava.

'Tch, just what the hell did that girl do...and oh lord! You can't be serious now?!' What gotten Senior Quava so worked up was the faint purple aura and darkening green aura protruding out of Lun Yuo.

These two aurae signify Lun Yuo was on her way to the second stage of grass Qi and manage to comprehend a bit of destruction Qi!

'What is this little monster?! Besides the fact one is usually in Heaven Ruler realm and took years to get to the second stage of their Qi; how the hell did she grasp one of the most complicated Qi so easily?!'

Senior Quava felt as if this was some sort of wild and crazy dream she was having, but the reality was clear as day in her face.

The typical rules and norms followed by all in cultivation were just thrown out the window by Lun Yuo.

The Heaven Ruler realm signifies the real start in transforming oneself to stand above the ordinary people in cultivation, gaining a foothold in power. Only people with determination, the will, and good comprehension can make it to this realm.

And in this realm cultivators, spirit senses are far beyond than what was before, allowing them to comprehend the second stage of their Qi.

Yet right now, Lun Yuo still with her mortal spirit sense mange to start the way of the second stage in mere minutes as well!

Even with the tremendous aid of her bloodline, if Lun Yuo didn't already have high comprehension, it would be impossible for her to accomplish this.

Furthermore, destruction Qi is a rare special Qi type that could damage the use in the process of wielding it. It requires precise control and patience, and yet it flowed naturally for Lun Yuo to comprehend.

'Alright, alright, alright!! I get it now! I truly do, show me the limit of your potential Lun Yuo!' Senior Quava roared frantically in her mind as she couldn't keep her excitement over the girl down.

Clenching her hand, the field of flowers pressure increased dramatically as destructive power swirled in the space.

Now flowers started to pop up from all over the field dancing crazily in the air and exuding pressure that could press even Ruler Transformation cultivators.

But unknown to Senior Quava as soon she did frantically increase the power of the flowers, Lun Yuo manages to plunge more in the depth of grass and destruction Qi.

She was like a sponge smoothly absorbing the unique properties of the two Qi's and comprehending it to her own.

Inside her spirit sea, the original pure green now was becoming darker and quickly becoming a mix of purple, but it wasn't thrown into chaos. Her green aura on the outside was similarly becoming darker, and the purple hue became more pronounced.

During this process, six flowers now rushed straight at her with incredible speed; only Lun Yuo wasn't worried at all.

She slightly moved a finger, and instantly six leaves appeared as a counter. The six leaves when they appeared immediately flew to intercept the flowers, but right before they crashed, Lun Yuo leaves glowed purple.


In a crushing display, the leaves exploded obliterated the flowers overpowering them. The ground tremble and more flowers were blown off course because of this.

Yet it only serves to create more chaos in the field as above her, the sky suddenly grew dark purple, and the flowers joined up together.

Looking her up, she saw the sky fire off a single leaf that flew at exponential speed. Despite it only being a single leaf, the pressure the leaf emitted would freeze any middle-level Ruler Transformation in their tracks.

In a couple of seconds, it would reach and blast her only if she didn't stomp on the ground and created a purple blast beneath her.

She was sent flying off as the leaf struck where she was standing gleamed a brilliant purple. Lun Yuo stomping blast didn't affect her at all, but she turned her attention away from the single leaf to creatures made up of flowers jumping to her.

These flower creatures all transmitted auras of late level Ruler Transformation and were glowing a bright purple.

It was a surreal sight to gaze upon, but it looked like Lun Yuo ran out of options to run too. The single leaf was close to exploding, and the flower monsters were mere inches away from her.

And in this extreme bout of life and death, everything became calm for Lun Yuo.


It was like various shackles were destroyed and lifted from Lun Yuo as her spirit sea now was entirely a mix between dark green and purple.

Her aura was in the same color as well, and it all happens in a moment when dark greenish-purple vines wrapped Lun Yuo up in a cocoon. Plus, on the top of the vines, a single purple, green flower sprouted out.


A massive and vast purple explosion shook the whole space to its root as it violently quake.

Senior Quava became even more astounded than before since she didn't hesitate to increase the trial power to late level Ruler Transformation. Yet, the power she clearly felt was from Lun Yuo.

Once the purple mist died down, what was left was an empty field with Lun Yuo kneeling on the ground, coughing up blood but still conscious.

Lun Yuo, after that big attack, felt a bit drain and excited as she manages to breakthrough under a dire situation. Her realm didn't advance, but she felt more powerful than ever.

And she turned her attention once she heard Senior Quava saying;

"I've seen all I needed to see. Good job, you little devil, you pass the trial."