Griffin Trial (2)

The world, as Kazami knew it had undergone a profound, unique change. All throughout the air, he could identify a potent substance of energy that flowed through every region of this space.

This powerful substance was actually pure Origin Qi!

Almost all cultivators in their lives would go through it with only able to vaguely sense Qi from their spirit sense, but even then, not even Godhood cultivators could gaze upon Qi with their eyes.

And from the peak of the humane path and up, the energy cultivators use transforms into something immensely more powerful than Qi, making that much more difficult for one to sense the energy in the air.

But now we have Kazami who can gaze directly at Qi, causing his spirit sense to briefly touched upon the deep, profound properties of Origin Qi.

The way Origin Qi smoothly swayed in the air rhythmically and steadily pulled in Kazami near into a dazed state.

At that moment, Kazami was shocked, not even in an enlightenment spirit sense state did he ever felt such profoundness from Origin Qi.

Although immediately he had to turn his attention once he heard,


'It's that bird, huh...heh alright, let's see what these eyes can really do.'

Etching on a superior and confident smirk Kazami turned around to where the black lightning bird was coming from but soon notices something strange.

When he pushed his eyes to the absolute limit, he was still in his divine bloodline and divine power state; however, now he was in his normal state.

Furthermore, almost passively, he had been interjecting Qi power into his eyes though the amount was negligible that he didn't notice at first.

Pushing several of those thoughts down for a later, he soon witnesses mass of black lightning Qi storming wildly to him. Along with that was the same unbreakable white lightning keeping the same pace with the bird monster.

However, his eyes widen when observing these attacks coming towards him.

He could vaguely see it, but he was decisive in it being the circulation flow of the black lightning bird beast Qi! It was like discovering more treasures as when he turned to the white lightning; similarly, he saw the circulation flow of it as well.

His brain worked rapidly as he saw the fast approaching attack and came to a quick conclusion once he saw a change in their Qi.

The lightning bird Qi circulation flow, which was already remaining at a fast, steady pace, suddenly picked up in intensity frantically flowing at an insane rate. While the white lightning had its Qi transfer robust forces of Qi throughout its beam.

And near the space around the two, Origin Qi in the air swayed in a pattern motion from the other two output of Qi.

'I see so it's like this!'

And seemingly out of random Kazami jumped towards the mass of lightning attacks without a single fear.

The black lightning bird beast watching this wanted to gather even more power, but Kazami suddenly did something out of expectation.

He donned his red lightning aura and swiftly boosted to the two attacks while simultaneously narrowly dodging them going straight through the middle.

Because of his unpredictable movement, the black lightning bird had to forcefully stop its attack and slow down while the white lightning moved even slower and lost a bit of its lustre.

'To think I already disrupted their flow and I'm merely in my normal state. Its almost like I'm Qi cancelling them.'

Yes, what Kazami performed just seconds go could be counted something along the lines of Qi cancelling. As when he saw the changes of their Qi circulation flow, he could tell it was going to take a second unleashes a strike.

And by applying a mass amount of his lightning Qi to his legs, he was able to close in the middle for a second and send two strands of Origin Qi to specific parts of their circulation flow, disrupting their process.

Although this only caused a few seconds of stunned before the black lightning bird flipped over with the white lightning changing its course.

Getting a rough understanding now, Kazami didn't want to waste any more time and unleashed his divine bloodline lighting up the purple star on his hand.

With powerful energy running through his body, he pushed more power into his eyes at this state making everything even more precise than ever.

The Origin Qi became more visible and not only could see the Qi circulation flow acutely; he also observes a spot on both the black lightning bird and white lightning, where Qi flowed unnaturally slower than the rest.

Without a single word, Kazami rushed to the two this time and surprising the bird beast as Kazami put pressure on the creature.

The bird hastily spat out beams of lightning, but once again, even smoother than last time, Kazami narrowly dodged the attacks while also cancelling them out with strands of lightning Qi this time.

And before the bird beast knew it, Kazami already jumped high over it and landed on its colossal back, precisely on the spot where its Qi was flowing the slowest.


It roared in pain as Kazami stomped hard where he lands and observe as its Qi spiralled out of control because of it, stunning it for a while.

As immediately to his right, the white lightning was mere inches from his face; only Kazami lightly smiled, and for the second time, threw a red ball ice Qi to the white lightning.

Instead, like last time where it merely bounced off the white lightning, now the red ice ball went to a specific spot on the bolt.

The ice ball got absorb in the lightning, which in turn froze the flow of it!

The white lightning couldn't advance any further, and with one danger stop, Kazami turned his attention back to the lightning bird where it started to struggle.

And using the same trick, Kazami coated his hand in red ice Qi, slamming it down the spot he's standing.


A massive impact sounded out, and yet the bird made no scream of pain or any noise at all. Instead, the bird beast had utterly frozen up, not moving a single inch.

Now with some time on his hand, Kazami unleashed his divine powers going into his most vigorous state while also interjecting more power into his eyes.

Throughout this whole time of using his eyes as well, Kazami realizes there was no longer any strain in it, and while pouring more power did sting his eyes a bit, it was nothing he couldn't handle.

Under his strongest state, Kazami could now deeply see parts of their Qi circulation flow, but what he was most interested in was the lightning Qi from the attacks.

With his eyes, he now peered into the profound, complex properties of lightning Qi, which in turn caused his spirit sense to deeply dive right into these properties. His eyes were entirely focused, staying still as a statue absorbing and comprehending higher advance lightning Qi.

Furthermore, throughout this process without Kazami realizing some lightning Qi from the bird and white lightning was also getting slowly absorb into his body.

And the single person who witnesses all of these fantastic turns of events was too stunned to even speak as her jaw was wide open.

'In mere seconds he opened the Profound Spiritual Eyes, then quickly understood their properties decisively incapacitating the bird and white lightning. And now he's even on his way to comprehend the second stage of lightning QI?! He not even affected by the illusions either! I never saw such a wonderful child like this!'

With Kazami improving talent and comprehension, it would be hard for anyone to not be impressed by what he shows off.

Someone like him or even the other girls isn't something seen for a thousand or even hundreds of thousands of years!

For minutes on end, Kazami stood motionless until his red lightning Qi began to surge frantically while it turns into a dark shade of red.

His spirit sea as for the red lightning portion began to become of a mix between dark red and pure red ice.

This process continued for a little while longer until,


Kazami red lightning completely transformed into dark red, meaning he enters his second stage of lightning Qi!

Regaining focus in his eyes, Kazami saw the black lightning bird and white lightning tremble, and deciding he had enough Kazami took hold of the white lightning.

In his hand, the white lightning struggle frantically but couldn't do anything as Kazami crushed and dispersed it.

And while still on the bird, Kazami simply raised his finger to the sky as multiple dark red lightning strikes rained down towards them.

Dashing off the bird, he didn't even look back as,


The black lightning bird was obliterated, and he stood stall waiting for anything else to come at.

However abruptly, the sky was cleared of lightning, and the trial turned deadly quite. Kazami tensed up his nerves and waited until he heard the soothing voice of Senior Myla say,

"You can relax young Kazami, there's no further point in this trial. I've seen all I need."

And from in front of him, the enchanting figure of Senior Myla was slowly walking to him, wearing a kind smile.

Watching her, Kazami was nearly dazed from her heavenly figure but soon orientated himself and nodded his head stating,

"Senior Myla, your trial actually opened my eyes to a whole new world I never thought I could see."

Sighing softly Senior Myla had complex and awe emotions regarding this young boy genius but still said,

"And you had open my eyes to the standard of bloodlines and talent...Oh and would you look at that. It seems like the four of you finish about the same time as each other."

With a snap of her fingers, Kazami's vision turned dark, but he soon saw the girls confusedly staring into this dark space as well.

"Ah! You're finally here, brother looks like your trial was a success, of course." Kuzumi strolled next to him with a wide smiled, alerting the other two girls as well.

Kuzumi was actually the first to notice him, and when she got neared, she slung her arm over him, spouting a teasing grin but also proud to see her brother.

Lun You and Brenda also had similar wide grins on their faces happy to see him succeed while Kazami responded to Kuzumi with,

"Seems like you learned some new tricks, right? You two did as well, guessing from your bold strides."

Kazami was nodding up and down with his twin arms over him as even without using his eyes, he could clearly feel they got stronger.

"That's right, and I'm itching to try out my new abilities now," Brenda stated with a fiery passion as now her demeanour was changing a bit and she wanted to directly challenge someone.

"Hey, look at that brother; someone seemed majorly confident in her new tricks." Kuzumi let go of her twin and crossed her arm with a challenging smirk. She, too, believed with her third stage of lightning Qi she had a superior edge over all of them.

"I mean, isn't that natural? After all, my trial was all about the speed. I'll be surprised if any can watch my speed at this point." Brenda confidently stated, after all, she just comprehended the first stage of Speed's intent laws and was near close to the perfection of the first stage.

And for her, it was apparent intent laws trumps over mere Qi stages.

"Is that so? I see we still need to do some team exercise, so we all don't forget our position here!" Kuzumi heatedly spoke with pure light blue lightning flickering her eyes, not worried in the slightest over Brenda speed.

Brenda, in response, only had golden sword streaks flickering from her eyes, matching Kuzumi's challenging gaze.

"My things are heating up now, aren't they. But you two seem to forget even before we were all generally on the same level of talent. Well, only now, I'm not sure that holds up anymore."

Lun Yuo gently spoke but also showing her own fighting spirit. The second stage of grass Qi and comprehending one of the toughest Qi; destruction Qi, is what gave belief she can have an almighty edge out of the four of them.

"Alright, alright, how about we do it like this. Since we'll need to learn how to effectively combine our attacks better together, after we finish receiving our inheritance we'll have a two on two duel. This way, not only we get to see how much we advance but also get familiar with working with each other newfound powers."

Kazami proposed, and the other girls thought and started to nod in agreement until Kuzumi gained a mischievous glint in her eyes and said,

"Sounds great brother, of course, it shall be us pair of supreme twins against you girls. And to make this more interesting...lets say the winning team of this duel get to have any reward they want from the opposing team. And no one can oppose it. What do y'all say?"

Kazami, who all too familiar with his sister playful glint and knew she was up to something, but after taking one look at Brenda and Lun Yuo gracious heavenly look, he knew what kind of rewards he wanted.

"I agree with this match up and rewards how about you girls?" Brenda and Lun Yuo took a glance to each other and was filled to the brim with confidence and both stated at the same time;

"You're on!"

" the way, where are the Seniors?" Lun Yuo suddenly realized they've only been talking to each other with no sign of the mythical beasts.

"Hey, now, you kids should know were always right next to you. We just had to make sure everything was prepared." Senior Alar plainly spoke, and out in front of them like ghosts did the four mythical beasts appeared.