Duo Date

"Ooooh!! So it's finally gonna happen tonight?!" Brenda shouted in a heated passion. Throughout the week, ever since leaving the cave, she was growing all the closer to Kazami in any way.

From their random daily talks, sleeping on his chest, or getting good morning kisses every day, it was safe to say she was falling even harder for Kazami. And now they will finally spend the rest of the day doing things utterly romantic.

It was like a dream come true for the wild white hair beauty.

"I've been looking for this day for a long time Kazami, and now I can barely contain my joy~." Lun Yuo seductively said with a burning gaze. For a long time ever since childhood, she held a big crush to Kazami, who used to only tease her about it.

However, now ever since Kazami confessed to the two in the cave, she felt her feelings grow every waking moment. The two calm disposition always made for a peaceful match compared to the wildness and excitement Kazami shared with Brenda.

Though when Kazami began to open his mouth, Brenda scrunched up her face and blurted out,

"Yoh, we don't have any special clothing for this event! As great these robes are, I think we should wear something different."

"Good idea, dear Brenda, only that would be a problem considering our appearances and strength. All three of us are destiny to have a rather unfavourable date if we don't have our hoodies and wear these cloaks." Lun Yuo sighed and patiently explained while Brenda wriggled her nose in response.

"As much I hate to think about, but Yu is right, we lack the sufficient strength to freely walk around with our looks. But don't worry soon, very soon we'll gain enough power to walk freely on this planet." Kazami declared with a determined glint that Lun Yuo and Brenda couldn't help but be sucked into.

"Still beside that, I'm sure you two would want to freshen up in the bathroom, or we could just leave right now?" As soon he finished both girls jumped up as Brenda told him,

"Ah! Just give us a few minutes!" And taking Lun Yuo hand, she vanished out of Kazami sight into the bathroom.

Watching her over-enthusiasm and excitement did get Kazami to chuckle and shook his head, leaning on the room door.

With time to think to himself, he thought back to all the little moments he shared with Lun Yuo and Brenda up until now. Along with a burning desire for their bodies and heart, he also grew to have more feelings for them.

Every chat he has with the two was never dull, and everything those two had to say was always intriguing to him. To Lun Yuo, peaceful talks about trees, flowers, and nature, to Brenda insane passion and connection with slaughtering.

And even to nonsensical things like Lun Yuo distaste for getting herself dirty with anything, or how Brenda desperately denies she drools in her sleep, it let him know more and more about the girls.

Furthermore, after tonight he feels will be the start where their relationship takes its correct next step.

In the sizeable extravagant bathroom, Brenda and Lun Yuo were whipping their face-off from the sauna size bath looking into their reflection.

Their hearts were racing a million miles per minute, and neither could keep their excitement down.

"Yuo, you know Kazami way better than me, but he like the perfect specimen of a man! Every time we talk he always give me his full attention and talks in a way that just heats me up. And he ruthless, intelligent, and spoil us greatly!" Brenda was just listing any random thing that came to her mind about Kazami as she was holding on to Lun Yuo.

For her, it indeed was like Kazami understood her the best; even in the fast week, he came to appreciate her mannerism when speaking, her mood swings, and behaviour, among other things.

"Oh, I know exactly how you feel, Brenda. Growing up together with him, he had always paid extra attention to my interest and would always go out of his way to bond with me on whatever I like. It's the feeling that makes it seems like we're the most special people in the universe."

"Right, right! And now tonight we're gonna become one with him..." She trailed off with a blush imaging Kazami in his full nude glory.

But her little daydream was soon broken when she saw Lun Yuo nearing closer to her face, causing herself to blush even more.

"What-what are you?!" And like how a loving older sister would do for their cute little sister, she softly pecked the top of Brenda's forehead and proceeded to tenderly hug her.

"And just like with Kazami, I also find myself growing more attached to this lovable slaughtering girl. Wouldn't you agree." Lun Yuo gentle-voiced soothed into Brenda's ears, significantly calming her, but Brenda still massively preferred Kazami hugs.

"Ahhhh, fine, I also agree. But aren't you a bit too touchy feeling?!" Brenda complained and yet made no apparent attempt to struggle out of her grasp.

"I thought this would be quite natural for women who shared the same women. But I'm positive you'll come to accept it later on."

"Let's just go already."' Brenda said quietly and contently as it indeed feels warm to be inside Lun Yuo embrace.

Walking out of the hotel hand in hand with Lun Yuo and Brenda, Kazami momentarily thought of Kuzumi when he passed by her door. He didn't hear any movement coming from it and felt a bit odd not being around her, but he couldn't let his mind wander there for the whole time.

Looking up to the sky, Kazami saw it was turning dust as the building stand out even more in the twilight like colour.

"S-so Kaz, what do you have in store for us." Brenda stuttered a bit when calling Kazami by an affectionate nickname for him.

Hearing it, Kazami raised his eyebrow to which she quickly told him,

"Well-well, because you're our boyfriend, of course, I have to give you a pet name! And it feels pretty nice to do so." She finished giggling softly to herself.

"If we're doing that, then I'll go with Zami~." Lun Yuo breathlessly whispered into Kazami's ear, arousing his lust a bit.

"You two are gonna make it hard for me to not just cancel the date and take you back to the room sheesh." Kazami sighed out, calming his mind as he wants to give them the best experience of their lives. Something worthy enough that only he can pull off.

His words caused the girls to lean their bountiful breast into his arms while also bewitchingly saying,



"Haah, come on. I sense the perfect restaurant for the three of us." Kazami only shook his head at their antics and using his impressively strong will strolled on with two naughty devils hanging off at his sides.

Glaze night restaurant was a high-end elegant place were people who exude a noble aura and posses great riches eat here.

All cultivators here love eating at this place as it servers the best food and drink in the city. Furthermore, there even magical effects one can gain eating here, such as a healthier vitality from exotic beasts or comprehension drinks, to name a few.

Off to the side of inside the restaurant, by a fancy looking window overlooking the whole city, was three cloaks youths dining at a table.

Of course, it was Kazami and the girls, taking in the pleasant sight and smell of the place.

"You know it's at times like this where you can just forget about all the hardship and brutality of cultivation and simply bask in the finer things in life." Lun Yuo commented, sitting on the left side of Kazami looking through the window.

"I guess it isn't such a drag taking it slow." Brenda also said, sitting on Kazami's right side.

Currently, they were seated at a sizeable luxurious round white table waiting on their food to be served. No one bothers with the tree since as long they have the money, all other reasons matter little to the restaurant.

"Oh right speaking on it, Brenda. I think it's time for you to gain another hobby besides slaughtering and fighting." Kazami suddenly said while thinking, enjoying this slow experience.

"Yoh, what do you mean, Kaz? Slaughtering is all I need as a hobby." Brenda said with total conviction in her voice.

"Maybe Brenda, but you know what come alongside slaughtering, right?" Lun Yuo suddenly questioned her to which Brenda was confused about.


Exchanging a quick glance with her Kazami knew what she was picking up on as he said,

"She means destruction, Brenda. Ironically despite being quite efficient with destruction, Qi Yu doesn't hold a great interest in causing destruction."

"So what, you want to teach me destruction Qi? Because that would be sweet!" Brenda gotten pumped up at the mere thought of strengthening her slaughter.

"Not exactly, I more so thinking of you similarly creating talisman to that Slaughtering ." Lun Yuo proposed getting Brenda to adopt a thinking pose.


"Here's your food, sir, and madams. Please enjoy it!" A kind, handsome waiter, dressed in elegant suit floated the food down to them with precise precision and carefulness.

It was three dishes, a python soup for Lun Yuo, grilled boar meat for Kazami, and exotic seafood for Brenda. The three also order the delicious, heavenly wine as well for a bit more of taste.

"Many thanks." Lun Yuo said to the waiter as he smiled at them and went off to his next table.

"But Brenda, like Yu, was saying, I think it'll be good for you to study the workings of talisman. With your slaughtering Qi and sword Qi it can make for damaging effects." Kazami said while digging into his meat, his eyes widening because of the godly taste of the boar.

"Err, I mean, can I really do it? I'm not even sure how I should go about it." Brenda said while also using her bare hands to dig into a finely prepared lobster.

"Slaughtering from what I gather from seeing you use it requires precise control and will, sword Qi as well from what I know needs an immense control too. You who so easily pick up both types of Qi can easily learn to craft talisman; after all, my lovable Brenda can do anything as long she put her mind towards it."

Kazami praising words caused her to feel warm and blush a bit at the feeling of him saying my Brenda.

"A-Alright, I guess, if you think so, no, I mean, of course, I can do it!"

"Now that's the spirit, dear Brenda." Lun Yuo also showed support while slowly enjoying her soup.

"Yoh, what about you, Yuo are you just all about that environment."

"Hmmm, well, honestly, as much as I enjoy nature flowers and trees, I more so want to enjoy the small things in life with our team and create more fond memories here." She ended while also leaning closer to Kazami basking in his manly scent.

"I think...I think I feel the same way, Yuo." Brenda stated, too, looking earnestly at the two of them.

"To think you both fell so hard to my charms, well, I'm also falling under you two charms as well. I can never let both of you go now!" Kazami's words caused the girls to giggle while he also let a small chuckle feeling happy at spending little moments like this.

For the rest of the dinner, they still talked and laugh with each other sharing a roaring good time with each other.

Sitting upon a grass field in a more rural part of the city, Kazami leaning back against a tree while Lun Yuo and Brenda rested against his chest.

Currently, they were in the starlight district of the city where cultivators can come and be at complete ease for a cost. There weren't many cultivators surrounding the part these three were in, and all of them were gazing into the starry night sky.

"Ahh, this was wonderful Zami, doing the least is sometimes the best after all." Lun Yuo sighed contently since after the dinner, they walked around the city sightseeing and flirting with each other until stopping here.

Though Brenda wasn't content yet as she looked up to Kazami giving him a seductive smile saying,

"It was indeed great, Kaz, here let your lovable girlfriend reward you~."

Instead, unlike all other times, Brenda slowly kissed Kazami, pouring out feelings in this one kiss.

Her lushes soft bright red cherry lips locked with Kazami as they both close their eyes, feeling the moment.

After a minute, she pulled away, feeling uncontrollably hot among loins. Her eyes open in a feverish gaze but didn't go in to kiss Kazami again.

As Lun Yuo gently pulled up in tenderly kissing Kazami. Soft cherry lips met him as he also felt Lun Yuo felt pour all of her emotions into it.

Pulling away from him, she held the same gaze towards Kazami, and at this time, he was burning with lust. And with a sexy smile, Kazami said,

"I couldn't ask for better rewards, but before we move on to the main event, let me give you my own reward for allowing me to be your boyfriend."