Guardian Chui

"S-supreme Guardian Chui!! Disciples pay your respects!!" Great Elder Lin astonishingly shouted as everyone immediately bows to the sky. Even the ones who weren't apart of the sect paid respect out of the mere power of her voice.

Though Kazami and the girls only looked up to the sky as this was the first time they felt a magnificent aura on this planet coming from a mortal.

The clouds itself seemed to split apart as the world silence as two beautiful women came floating to the Kazami team. One of them was the slightly mature looking beautiful Mara, but the other one was on a whole different level.

She held a strikingly lovely face that exuded a fairy-like charm with soul capturing bright blue eyes, cherry rich red lips, and an elegant white wing tattoo at the centre of her forehead.

Her hair smoothly flowed down her like a radiant, divine ocean, being a light crystal blue colour in tune with her gracious blue colour eyes. And her alluring curvaceous body that held massive firm twin peaks breasts and a super seductive behind even got Kazami to take the right amount of appreciation.

This celestial woman was one of the Holy Twilight Guardians here, but like Great, Elder Lin pointed out her rank stand above nearly everyone in the sect.

She Guardian Chui was a tremendous peak stage eight rank Great Emperor Sea! To cross each rank in the Great Emperor Sea realm was akin to vast chasm since every boundary to cross requires one to survive a powerful lightning tribulation.

Even just progressing from the four small stages in each rank requires a high amount of talent. Many in the humane realm planets die in this stage. Either from a lack of talent, resources, or a weak will and mind.

In total, there were only eight grand Holy Twilight Guardians, and Guardian Chui stands as the leader of the eight. Everyone reverence stands as a testament to her status and power, but the question on people mind was,

Did she just ask those four teens to be their Master?!

"Kazami Star, Kuzumi Star, Lun Yuo, Brenda, you all exhibit talents that won't ever become shackle to our mortal planet. It would be an honour if you would let me tutelage you on your ways." Guardian Chou respectfully told the four as she gracefully landed on the stage with Mara.

And almost instantly Su Mo, Luo Ke and Dela rushed on stage kneeling in front of her while respectfully saying,

"Disciples greets master!"

Smiling lightly, Guardian Chou gently pointed her finger up as a warm power enraptured the three tenderly pulling them up from the ground.

"Now now, I already said the matter of kneeling when the greeting is unnecessary. Besides, I should be thanking you three for bringing such wonderful youths to our sect."

Everyone else minds buzzed from Guardian Chui's words and actions. It was no secret that to her four hand-picked disciples, she always treats them tenderly as a gentle mother would.

There were no other youths she would kindly treat beside them, but nearly everyone had the faintest idea of why those four precisely. Since in terms of talents, there were youths far above them, but Guardian Chui never budged on this subject.

Though to outsiders and even to nearly all of the sect, she was distant and indifferent to them. Besides the sect master and other Holy Twilight Guardians, not even the Great Elders heard her say more than three words.

Furthermore, despite her delicate appearance right now, she was usually an incredibly scary woman! Anybody else that dared to offend her would suffer tremendously by her hands, and for outsiders of the sect, they wouldn't even get a second before they cease to exist.

Yet now she was subservient and strangely kind to these youths? The same woman who even rejected a top five-star talent Heaven King Sea genius in the past to be her disciple.

Once again, Kazami and the girls caused everyone world to get flipped upside down, and they hadn't even lifted a finger this time.

"No, no, no, no! It was only by great luck we came across brother Kazami and the fairy sister! We take no credit for bringing them here." Luo Ke hurriedly explain while shaking his causing Dela to roll her eyes and jab him in the ribs saying,

"Stop making a fool of yourself and accept Master gratefulness!" Smiling at her disciples' actions, she turned her eyes to the still hooded youths asking,

"What will young youths answer be?" Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, and Brenda still held a small amount of surprised on their faces from this woman looks and power but before anyone one of them could answer Kazami spoke up with,

"If Guardian Chui is giving us this much face to study under her, then we'll graciously take up your offer. How about it, girls?"

"Oh I see..then I humbly accept Guardian Chui offer as well." Lun Yuo answer when a sudden realization struck her getting to smile knowingly.

"Heh, so this is our ticket to a lavish life here? Alright, we're in for a better time than I thought." Kuzumi replied with a casual tone and without saying it agrees with the offer.

"Hmm? I guess?... Ah! I see! I can't wait!!" Brenda suddenly exclaimed come to her realization and flashed Guardian Chui, an untamed toothy smile that even slightly unnerved her.

Every Holy Twilight disciples' dreams were being played right in front of their faces by Kazami and the girls. To have MasterMaster like her was akin to being nearly untouchable by most disciples and elders in the sect!

Now even the Great Elders and inner disciples must tread lightly when dealing with the Kazami team unless they want to incur Guardian Chui wrath!

"Hahaha! It's an honour to welcome fellow brother and fairy sister under Master!" Luo Ke grandly welcomes them.

"Yes, under Master, you all will have an easy time here." Mara chimed while walking to the Luo Ke group.

Though suddenly Kuzumi walked and put her hand up in a stopping motion getting them confused she said,

"Right, before we leave here, it's time to put the icing on this grand event! You three know what I mean, right?" Her words left everyone else puzzled, but Kazami and his girlfriends knew what she was referring too.

In sync, the four took off their cloaks, letting all gaze upon their authentic appearance as breaths got caught in throats. Because of the cloaks, nobody could see four looks but guessed upon their figures and voices the gender of them.

But now, as eyes met with Kazami and the girls' ideal looks, no one had any words. It indeed was like watching young godchildren in the works with their flawless looks.

A lot of cute and beautiful young maidens couldn't help but feel their hearts heat up observing Kazami divine looks. And a lot of excellent young males weren't able to break their eyes away from the three girls' celestial beauty.

Even Guardian Chui was stunned with the four near-perfect looks and had to shake her head before getting caught in Kazami charms.

To this day, ever since fusing two God bloodlines, it was like their bodies slowly evolve to appearance that looked more refine each passing day.

"Hey, hey, look at them. You were more than right Kuzumi; our looks can make people heart stop." Brenda commented while strutting over to Guardian Chui along with the other three.

"Ohhhh yeah, this reaction will do great in the future..." Kuzumi mysteriously said with a plotting smile etched on her face.

"I can at least admit this; it'll be much easier to exchange with others this way." Lun Yuo said while twirling a rose in her hand.

"Now, then shall we go? I'm sure all of us have much to discuss alone." Kazami smiling said to Guardian Chui, who nearly felt the heat in her cheeks from that smile.

Luo Ke, Mara, Dera, and Su Mo, already gazed upon the four authentic looks, and yet they couldn't help but be dazed being even closer proximity with them.

"R-Right... We'll take our leave now." With a slight stutter, she raised her hand, making them float along with her and blasted into the sky, leaving the arena far behind.

"J-Just, what was this?" One of the elders in the sky question. Now everyone's brain can take the time to process every mind-shattering event.

All the while Elder Orched silently mutter,

"The future hope for our continent..."


Appearing in Kazami vision was a gorgeous, enormous courtyard filled with many bright exotics plants and trees. In it were also several intricate buildings of what Kazami assume to be their resting places.

The Qi in this specific area was also more abundant and pure compared to the outside. And considering how Veiled City held the richest Qi of what he had visited so far on this planet, this area was a nice change of pace.

Kazami and the others were all flying at a more relaxed pace after leaving the colossal commotion they caused in the arena.

"Redhead little red, why aren't you looking me in the eyes? All I want is a little causal spar between us! I promise I'll only lightly slaughter you..."

"I-I already lost count to how many times I said no to your slaughtering guinea pig experiment! And my name isn't Redhead!! It's Dela!!!"

"Now that's energy! Redhead, you will always have tons of will power, why a little blood gonna scare you off!!"

"'re just a crazed woman!!"

This exchange was Brenda's making Dela squirm under her as she flew close to her, and an ever presenting broad smile plaster on her face. Brenda, in her mind, was finding it highly entertaining to make this fiery Redhead mad and, at the same time, make her back down from making any considerable action.

Despite at first revering and being in awe of Brenda now, she wanted nothing more than to get away from this crazed girl before she ended up like Gwyn! It was her personality always to make people back down from her words, but now she saw it as Brenda made it her goal to wear her mind down and rip her body apart.

"Tsk, tsk look at those two over there. That white head over there has to be some sort of blood lunatic. Wouldn't you agree to Ke, Mo?" Kuzumi loudly said, making it sure Brenda could hear them.

"N-no not all fairy Kuzumi. Fairy Brenda has her charms like all of us." Luo Ke answered while slightly sweating, as sure he saw for a split second Brenda head snap towards him.

"Blatant Brenda...she's unique." Su Mo stated while also thinking for a split second, Brenda turned her head at her.

"Is that hidden bury thoughts I hear in that tone of voice? Come now, we're all under the same Guardian, it's no good to keep secret opinions." Kuzumi, during the flight, was using every second to make these two squirms by saying whatever scenario that came to her mind.

She found Luo Ke honest and careful answers fun to crack in to and a pleasure to see Su Mo make weird noises whenever she went too far.

"H-hidden bury thoughts?! No such thing, I only think you're all too beautiful!"

"Mugu...Demonic Kuzumi is a bully. My thoughts..." Kuzumi, in response heartily, laughed and put her on hand on their shoulder, intending to interrogate them more.

"Um, I don't mean anything by this, but are those two always like this? During our first meeting, they utterly ignored us." Mara asked as she flew close with Lun Yuo and Kazami.

"Yes, well, those two alone will become wild. Usually, I can sometimes appease them, but most of the time, even I get caught in there momentum. Only Zami here can make them quiet for a bit." Lun Yuo sighed out with a wry smile talking about the girls.

"I-I see. Brother Kazami must have some hidden tricks. Honestly, it reminds a bit of Luo Ke, and Dela bickering. Su Mo is usually a sweet but quiet girl, so it's nice to have peaceful talks like this." Mara lightly chuckles with a warm smile on her face.

On more than one occasion, she took sneak glances at Kazami, who all but said a few words to them. Yet she couldn't help a growing curiosity about this youth who even now seemed calm and in control of everything.

"I feel the same way. It will be very intriguing to learn about wondrous tales from this sect through a highly gifted charming girl. I'll be in your care!" Lun Yuo charmingly praised her which cause Mara to feel a bit of warmth in her chest as she enthusiastically replied,

"Yes! I will make sure you hear every enthralling story our sect accumulated for years." All of this was going on for quite some time while they were flying, and Kazami felt happy the girls, more specifically Brenda and Kuzumi, were at least talking with others of their generations.

Even he found it amusing of how those two were messing with the youths on this planet, and suddenly he flew up going right next to Guardian Chui.

"Guardian Chui, your mind seems to be preoccupied with something? I hope our presence didn't cause too much of a hassle." During the trip, Guardian Chou did have her mind focus on something, but she still senses Kazami come up to her.

Yet face to face with this confident, handsome smiling face that stared unblinking into her eyes, she cursed this boy a bit as once again she felt a small bit of heat in her cheeks.

Nearly every man she ever talks to couldn't meet her in the eyes nor dare even to get close to her face. And the ones that did never seem to have the same fearless stride or tone this young boy has.

"Ah... it's nothing young, Kazami. Though I believe it's imperative to get along with your fellow disciples, don't you agree." She tenderly told him while keeping up her master stature until Kazami said,

"Oh? Is Guardian Chui no good with the first day of small talks? They can be awkward, but also entertaining in a way. Let's just speak what's on our mind then!" Guardian Chui nearly falters, hearing Kazami unashamed words.

It's like the boy didn't hold any reverence or higher respect a youth would typically have for a master. And only saw her as his equal but she only snorted telling him,

"I have you know, young Kazami; I'm well-versed in making small talk with new people. It's ju-"

"Oh my, would you look at this, the 'supreme guardian' is quickly bonding with her prince charming of a disciple."

A man forceful mocking voice interrupted everyone's conversation as up in front of them; five figures appeared obstructing their paths.

" there something you need?" Guardian Chui stopped them with displeasure laced in her voice.