Spirit Energies

"Would you look at this place. It got everything even some random noble would kill to get their hands on", Kuzumi remarked as everyone gathered into a massive building filled to the brim with various resources needed for cultivation.

The interior design was an artistic orange purple mix, and it had numerous shelves holding, cultivation skills, weapons, pills, herbs talismans, and various kinds of materials for creating talismans.

"Everything you guys will ever need is all right here. Plus, we have exclusive access to this place because of Master." Luo Ke explained to them, hoping they too will see the wonders of this place.

"But first! All of you shall witness me, creating my first talisman." Brenda confidently stated and flashed to the section of the building where the material for talisman got kept.

"She-she can't be serious, right?? Only experts master in Spirit Energies can create a talisman. And it requires extreme practice and patience, how can that crazy woman do it?!" Dela exclaimed aloud while her eyes were watching a white flash zip around the building.

"Spirit Energies? Spirit Energies...unless it's slipping my mind, what the hell is that again?" Kuzumi earnestly asked as out of the four she would rarely go out of her way to explore different kind power irrelevant to her.

"Ah! I'll be happy to explain sister Kuzumi it's-"

"The way cultivators form talisman together, create formation barriers and loads of other practical uses." As Mara started to explain happily, Brenda flashed back in front of them and said it herself.

Though because it was Brenda, Mara just had a wry smile, not minding the interruption.

In Brenda, hands were several small white sheets of paper with strange inscriptions that none of them besides her could read. Kuzumi hearing Brenda explanation was a bit interested now and asked,

"How did you even awaken Spirit Energies anyways? I can tell they most likely have no use in combat, and from what Dela spouted out, I wonder if your sonic mind can even use this energy."

"Yoh, you shouldn't underestimate me! From this past week, I read through various books on the art of talisman and eventually manage to awaken Spirit Energies. Just watch and learn!" Unanimously the youths took a step back to give Brenda some space as she closed her eyes.

Kazami, while watching her, began to wonder just when she did learn how to use Spirit Energies. During their relaxing week, he had always asked and talked with Brenda about the progress with the talisman, though for the most part, she kept telling him it will be a huge surprise!

With her being extremely cute while telling him, he patiently waited for his surprise now coming for him today. Although pondering about Spirit Energies, even he, along with his sister, couldn't recall learning much about it.

As far he knows during later realms, one would have to create a Soul-Spirit Body in their dantian, but it never related with Spirit Energies. But now thinking back to the fantastic talisman Slaughtering God gifted him, Spirit Energies hold a lot more mystery than he initially thought.

"Um, is Slaying Brenda, an expert Soul user?" Su Mo asked the god realm trio while waiting in anticipation for Brenda to open her eyes.

"Soul user? Not in the slightest, but ah! Thank you, Su Mo; you just reminded how one could use Spirit Energies." Lun Yuo had a flash of realization and earnestly gave thanks causing Su Mo to smile sweetly.

Though Kazami and Kuzumi shared a quick knowing look, everyone else seemed to know already what this is all about.

"Hmm? So everyone knows about this subject, eh? Only it's a shame I lacked time to read up about it." Kazami acted genuinely interested in the subject, pretending it wasn't his fault he didn't know about this.

"Oh, I just couldn't agree more brother time seemed to slip away between us twins. So, one of you explains it to us now!" Kuzumi also joined in refusing to admit she simply didn't bother to learn about it.

Mara, Luo Ke, Dela, Su Mo, and even Lun Yuo felt a bit funny seeing the twins not showing complete confidence in something causing Dela to have a slight chuckle saying,

"Heh, heh well now, the Stars twins don't know everything. No matter! I will...uh I mean, it will be my honor to tell you!" At first, she began to lightly tease them only to feel imminent danger seeing Kuzumi give her an indifferent smile.

"Basically, not everyone can control Spirit Energies. One, you have to be able to connect your Spirit Sense with your soul, which would come as a natural later down the line. But! In the connected state of your Spirit Sense and soul, you will need to sense Spirit Energies. And the thing is unless your soul is compatible with Spirit Energies, you will never be able to use it no matter how high your talent is."Dela explained to them, and Mara had also picked up saying,

"That's right, and as well, you must have excellent control over your soul even to control Spirit Energies. Furthermore, Spirit Energies can easily disperse from the slightest mishaps and waste a massive amount of your soul energy. And unlike Qi, it takes a significantly longer time to recover soul energy."

"Even in our sect, there only one talisman master, and he is in the Great Emperor Sea Realm!" Luo Ke had also chimed in as the twins quickly understood the perilous trials of controlling Spirit Energies.

"You four are quite wise. It must be the work of Guardian Chui teaching. Though I hope you all are ready for a shock because Brenda ready." Lun Yuo calmly told them while the four snapped their attention back on Brenda, who still had eyes closed.

Few minutes passed since she started this process, and they began to talk, and Brenda yet was always still as a statue. And somehow now Lun Yuo could predict her awaking?

However, as Lun Yuo told them, the four became bug eyes as bright white energy slowly formed around the closed eye, Brenda. Not only them, but Kuzumi and Lun Yuo felt their bodies freeze up a bit as their soul was momentarily stunned from the white energy.

Kazami however, was the only that felt comfortable in the face with the white energy even feeling his body become a bit warmer as his soul became warm.

"I-i-it's actual Spirit Energies!!!" They quietly exclaimed, not wanting to disturb Brenda. As Lun Yuo guessed from Guardian Chui, they all learned about Spirit Energies and the various uses.

And the defining feature Spirit Energies would have is pure white color along with the absolute ability to affect anyone's soul slightly. Furthermore, to achieve this at the Origin Formation realm further broke the Mara group's collective sense of the world.

Brenda's eyes had slowly opened reveling pure white pupils but a broad toothy smile formed on her face,

"So redhead, still can't believe this crazy woman can use Spirit Energies?!" Dela in response quickly reacted pointing to her while shaking,

"You-you! How are you even able to still act like this while in this state!? You should be like a calm monk!!" From her and the other experiences with Great Emperor Sea talisman master, when he used Spirit Energies, his entire mind was on full focus.

He would barely speak and ignored everything that wasn't related to creating his talisman. Yet for this girl, it was like nothing change despite being in the same state!

"Hmm? Maybe that little Great Emperor Sea guy lacks an amazing soul. I'll be sure to visit him later. But for now! Kaz! Kuzumi! Yuo! Redhead! And the others, feast your eyes on this!!" Brenda exclaimed as she began to form her talisman.

The first time Brenda began the process of connecting her Spirit Sense with her soul was incomparably smooth, and she effortlessly did it within a day. Her feet couldn't even be recreated with neither Kuzumi and Lun Yuo as well.

And those two girls have the same divine level talent like her!

Even Kazami couldn't boast connecting his Spirit Sense with his soul to gain his Profound Spiritual Eyes went as smoothly as her.

The first time Brenda connected with her soul, she sensed something hidden and powerful deep inside though she couldn't touch upon it no matter how hard she tried. Although in contrast, she could detect her golden sword Qi and slaughtering Qi carved deep into her soul.

It wasn't the result of her divine bloodlines nor even her insanely high comprehension, which did play a small part in connecting her soul and sensing Spirit Energies.

No, it all flowed naturally to her like it was a third arm she could control.

In her hand, the inscriptions paper became connected with Brenda Spirit Energies as a white line connected the pieces of paper. In her mind, she read the text of,

'Speed Talisman.'

Which indicated what kind of talisman this material would get used for and information on how to construct it slowly appeared in her mind. Slowly in front of everyone's eyes, the connected inscriptions paper rises slightly in the air.

It took twenty minutes as everyone quietly waited while the papers slowly came together, forming a white sphere around them. On Brenda's hands, the words of the inscription of the paper appeared on her palm, and she carefully grasped her hands.



A blinding white flash made everyone shield their eyes as Brenda finished her first talisman! When they all open their eyes again, what appeared was a small white talisman floating down to Brenda's hand.

As it gently landed in Brenda's hands, she was panting and had sweat coming down from her beautiful face making her look incredibly intoxicating to Kazami.

"And...this...is...only...the...first...step!!!" Brenda panted out, getting everyone out of their stupor as they looked at the talisman in awe.

"As expected from my genius gir-"


In their faces, the talisman combusted in white energies getting Kazami to choke on his words. The others were confused about why it exploded while Brenda sighed and shook her head.

"Hey! What happens?! Did you fail?!" Dela heatedly asks as this was an abrupt turn of the results.

"No, well, yes, I mean, just shut up and listen, Redhead! Honestly, I was guessing this might happen. It was an imperfect balance concentration; in short, I messed when creating the balance of Spirit Energies, meaning I need a bit more practice." Brenda answers her, and then she heard soft, gentle claps coming from Lun Yuo.

"No matter what this is a fantastic achievement, I'm sure no other youths can do congratulations, dear Brenda!" She was praising, and suddenly Su Mo yelled out,

"Ah! Ah! Innate Spirit Energy Body!!!"

"Wait! That legend master always tells us a joke is real!!" Luo Ke also cried hearing too.

"There something innate even for that too?! I wonder how that'll fair in actual combat, though?" Kuzumi said, not buying all in the hype those two have about it.

"Ah! Sister Kuzumi, you have to understand that this type of body could destroy sects or even empires all on their own. They can even establish themselves high in the fable God Realms from what Master told us even when she mocked the possibility of someone ever gaining this body!"

"Yoh? I don't know if I have this Spirit Energy body or not though if I did, I surely wouldn't have failed when creating this simple talisman." Brenda shrugged while telling them, getting others to believe that even if her soul control transcended them, she still had failed in the end.

"And now! Kaz~!" Brenda opens her arms wide as if she was waiting for her rewards from him. And smiling with all eyes on him, he went and lovingly hugged Brenda, who had a massive smile on her face.

"Yes, yes, my Brenda still did a wonderful job. I'm beyond proud of you." Hearing his honest praise, Brenda got excited and, in a flash, lightly pecked Kazami using her extreme speed.

For a second, Kazami felt her heavenly soft lips touch upon him as looked down at Brenda's affection blossoming in his eyes while Brenda had a small blush goofy smile.

"Are these two serious right now? Hey, were literally right behind you, you know?!" Dela shouted to them as she and Mara group were feeling a bit awkward watching their little pink world.

While Kuzumi and Lun Yuo only shrugged their shoulders as most of the time when Kazami would have an intimate moment with one of the girls, the ones getting left out would just cling on to Kazami demanding his attention as well.

Though this was mainly a problem with Kuzumi and Brenda as Lun Yuo was the most reasonable and tended to let the girls have their pink world moments, although she does have her moments of clinginess.

"Is that a challenge for a spar I hear?!!" Brenda swayed her body to give Dela a feral smile causing her to look everywhere else, but Brenda suddenly taking a keen interest in this building design.

Kazami pet Brenda head getting her to calm down while he looked at Mara telling her,"So ready to finish our tour guide around this courtyard?"

Mara was a bit surprised seeing Kazami suddenly talk to her as she was feeling drawn into the intimate scene Kazami and Brenda display.

"R-right! We do have all day, hahaha..." She strangely laughs with a slight blush and immediately takes the lead once again. Brenda had linked arms with Kazami, with Lun Yuo coming up link her arms with Brenda while Kuzumi connected with Kazami other arms following behind Mara.

"I feel like I might die of a heart attack one these days hanging with these four..." Dela tiredly sighed slowly, following behind them.

"Come on, Dela, it's our great luck we manage to acquaint ourselves with fairy sisters and Brother Kazami! At least I think it's our great luck..." Luo Ke tried to cheer up Dela and ended questioning himself at the end.

"They are...nothing like we expected." Su Mo concluded with a small smile, something that Luo Ke and Dela agreed with.….

Sitting on a large elegant bed inside a giant luxurious room was Kazami with Brenda and Lun Yuo on his laps leaning into his chest as they were thinking about this eventful day.

They all held peaceful smiles feeling warm in each other embraces as Kazami was slowly stroking their lushes hairs. It's slow and quiet times like this, where the three felt the closes with each other.

It was bliss until Kazami suddenly asked,"So what do you girl supposed we do about Guardian Chui brother and his disciples?"