Cracking Conclusion

"T-To fast! They both moved like ghosts!!"

"But even then, the genius freak Kazami Star was faster than Senior Sister Ruta sneak attack!"

Everything that occurs happened in a manner of seconds. First, everyone's brain was still trying to process Kuzumi's brutal crushing beating on Moli, and then next, Ruta suddenly attacked Kazami!

Though it proved to be avail as Ruta dripped with cold sweat as Kazami tower over from behind her. Smirking, Kazami flashed from behind. In the next instant, Ruta gazed match with a dark red lightning knee.

With only a split second to spare, she hastily crossed her arm to block, but Kazami resounding force sent her tumbling back. Barely any sound was heard, but Ruta felt her arms burn with pain as dark red lightning rampaged on her arms.

Gritting her teeth, she forcefully dispersed the lightning on her arm while a single blood trail dripped from her mouth.

Kazami power was far more immense than she could ever imagine! From out speeding her and this single knee strike, she knew her only hope against Kazami was going all out and using her hidden trump card.


In an instant, Ruta's dark purple lightning intensified as she brought out a beautiful looking purple hammer that carried a high-rank gold aura. Hammer in hand, Ruta aura skyrocketed as dark purple hammer Qi formed over her weapon.

"Ah! I just notice it now, but Senior Sister Ruta has two Qi types in its second stage!!"

"Holy shit! You're right! But will that even be enough for that freak genius?!"

Undoubtedly the news of having two Qi types in the second stage should've caused more shock. After all, if one possesses two Qi types when going into the Heaven King Sea realm, they would need only to boost one Qi type to the second stage.

But Ruta went far and beyond comprehending both Qi's to the second stage!

It's just this achievement felt rather lukewarm compared to Kazami majestic Griffin wings that caused awe throughout the sect. Similar to Kuzumi, Kazami God beast bloodline enraptured all who gazed upon it.

"Star Crush!!"

Suddenly Ruta's voice snapped everyone out of their stupor. On her hammer, two dark purple lightning stars formed at both ends of the hammer. Her power dramatically increased as she rushed the ever still Kazami.

Ruta didn't want to be on the constant receiving end on this fight, and she thought no matter what he has planned, he couldn't avoid this strike! Alas, her plan got destined to fail as Kazami pupils changed into purplish silver stars.


Kazami eyes sparked an intense light of purple and hint of silver. Immediately Ruta ceased all movements as she felt her soul get rattled by a violent hand. Furthermore, compared to all other times, Kazami used his eye powers; this time, Ruta felt her head racked with pain.

It was like it was about to split in half as she dazedly thought she saw several other Kazami behind him! Of course, in the real world, there was no additional copies of Kazami, and this was the small power of illusions!

And while Ruta senses got confused, everyone in the sect was affected by Kazami eye powers. Kazami had only scratched the surface of his Griffin's eyes, only using them for a surprise attack to leave his enemies open.

But now, after constant breakthroughs and entering a new realm, he decided for Ruta and the whole sect to be his perfect guinea pig. He put forth more power into his eyes, and besides a slight stinging feeling, it didn't cause too much strain.

The results from this was more than evident since the Heaven Ruler disciples felt their souls tightly grasped, halting their bodies in place. Not even the elders, great elders, or the three Guardians got spared as their souls shook lightly from Kazami attack.

Unmistakably, they weren't nearly as affected as the Heaven Ruler disciples, but the fact Kazami can accomplish this was a fantastic feat all on its own. Though the same couldn't be said for Guardian Lian disciples as they all nearly passed out from Kazami eye powers.

Mara group was stunned, and not even Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, nor Brenda could withstand this increased power of Kazami eyes.

Master Borson for the first time since meeting Kazami team was in absolute awe of him. He already had a clear judge on their strength, and that woman had also informed him of them.

Although now? He had no choice to admit Kazami genius as he mutters,

"P-Profound Spiritual Eyes.."

"Y-You're telling me this kid actually can use them?!?" Guardian Lian roared with shock as this was in a one in a million chance you would ever run into someone with these kinds of eyes!

At least on the humane plane, it was only the stuff of legends of cultivators having a tremendous talent to use their eyes for powerful soul attacks. Yet Kazami had just made history.

Once he got a touch with this new output of power in his eyes, Kazami decided to toy around with Ruta for a bit. With his quick speed, he flashed over Ruta and roughly grasped the still frozen girl hair.

In Ruta vision, she still saw several illusion Kazami looked down at her with disdaining smiles, and in the next second,


A loud crash jolted everyone's mind. Looking to where it happens, they all witness Kazami ruthlessly slamming Ruta head into the barrier. Ruta didn't get a chance to scream, nearly passing out from the impact.

Her whole body wracked with colossal pain, and her head felt like it was split open. But the dish wasn't over yet as Kazami let go of Ruta's hair and hover his foot over her back.



The sound of bones cracking along with Ruta wailing scream boomed through everyone's ears. Without a shred of mercy, Kazami stomped down Ruta like he was crushing a small ant.

Doing this felt immensely pleasant for Kazami. In his heart, he always loved to be in a superior position to anyone, especially if that someone has great pride. Even if they have little to no grievances with each other, he cared little about it and would still do what he wants to do.

In tune with Kuzumi, these twins find it a sickening rush to crush their opponents like this no matter what outside opinion may develop.

Although his action caused an enormous change in Guardian Mida as she got prepared to rush Kazami. Her teeth grind with hatred as she wanted to blast Kazami off her disciple, but an overwhelming aura immediately crashed down on her.

The pressure massively increased for her as she turned to look at Guardian Chui, giving her the death glare. Even if Guardian Mida discounted Master Borson stopping her, Guardian Chui would undoubtedly make her suffer before moving.

"Just keep watching." Guardian Chui coldly stated to her as she turned back to the fight. Guardian Mida nails dig into her palms, watching Kazami slowly lift his feet from Ruta.

His foot caused numerous bones in Ruta back, to make a sickening audible crack and bleed out her organs. Yet she wasn't allowed to pass out as Kazami made sure to interject his bloodlines powers in her to keep her awake through the pain.

"Go on use yo-"

"PLEASE STOP!! NO MORE!!" Ruta grovels as now she couldn't even get up. The effect of Kazami illusion eye powers didn't decrease in the slightest as in her eyes, Kazami appeared as the demonic figure.

Plus, her body was in continuous enormous pain, further breaking down her mind. She knew clearly, even with her heavenly rank offensive skill, that it would only lead her to more immense pain.

Not only that, but even her own King Qi was also in massive disorder since Kazami aimed at a specific spot on her back where her Qi flowed the most. Because of his eyes, he was able to find this point. And crushing down on this point all but immobilized her.

"Guess that's it. Good work, you helped me in some way, rejoice!" Kazami cruelly praised while also sensing that powerful person comes close to them. Now he knew he'll be having an interesting conversation soon.

Before he could fly up, Guardian Chui flashed near him and personally took him back to the others. She didn't trust for a second that neither Guardian Lian nor Mida won't attack him during this brief period. After showing off his eye powers, Kazami became a more magnificent significant manner than the others.

Guardian Mida immediately flashed to pick up the despairing broken Ruta, her heart bleeding out, observing her condition. Of course, she could stabilize and heal her physical injuries but the mental ones?

It was something beyond her grasp. All disciples, elders, and great elders sucked in a cold breath as it was finally over. Compared to all other fights, the twins were just too nightmarish.

Not a single shred of mercy got given to either Moli or Ruta, and it was plain as day both of them wouldn't be the same after this fight. Plus, today had marked the day on who was the real top talent in the sect.

"That was an excellent display young Kazami. I'm now more than one hundred percent positive that with Guardian Chui disciples, our sect will get heard throughout the planet!" Master Borson had suddenly spoken up praising Guardian Chui students, and it broke for everyone else to admire the geniuses as well.

"Grand genius Kazami Star will have us reach new fame than ever before!"

"And Royal Mara, Senior brother Luo Ke, Senior sister Dela, all of them push our sect to the peak!!"

"No other sect can match us in terms of geniuses!!"

The eight youths under Guardian Chui all varying reactions with the shower of praise. Kazami and Kuzumi held small indifferent smiles as this was a forgone conclusion for them.

They weren't even the least intimidated by central god realms youths now, and the mortal realm was only a small stepping stone for the twins.

Mara, Luo Ke, Dela, and Su Mo all felt hugely proud of themselves. Finally, after all this time, they were in the grand spotlight where they gained massive respect from their peers.

Moli group got utterly demolished, and working with the Kazami team; there was nothing that can stop from going far and beyond in the future!

Lun Yuo had an angelic smile as she thought about the joyous days where she could happily exchange with all here. Her being the most open among the eight leads to wanting more harmonious chats than instilling fear into everyone.

But the white hair girl right next to her head contrasting thoughts. The admiration was nothing to Brenda, but instead, she felt a rush observing Guardian Mida and Lian gazes of hatred at them.

In her mind, she had concluded her next targets...

"Everyone is free to leave for today! All of you here massively gained from the Mystic Realm, and now it is the time to cultivate and train. Rest well!" Master Borson, once he finished, dropped the barrier and took off in a bit of a haste.

And with his call, everyone else was still bubbling with excitement, talking among themselves about the recent fights. Guardian Mida immediately took off with Ruta, not sparing another glance at the scene.

Along with her Guardian, Lian took off with his disciples. All five of them felt extremely chaotic from the fights and needed time for themselves. Only for one Guardian, his nightmare would begin anew at another time.

Guardian Chu was the last Guardian to leave as she observed her eight students talking with each other. She couldn't be prouder, and with a wave of her hand, she wrapped them up and flew back to her courtyard, with a special guest following behind them.


"All of you, my wonderful disciples, did absolutely wonderful! I can't even express how proud...Ah! Before I continue, Kazami come with me, it's an urgent matter!" Guardian Chui was preparing to shower them with praise but an essential call in her mind, got her to stop and call to Kazami.

Currently, they were back in the gorgeous courtyard, still talking about their fights, and now Kazami gained a knowing smile.

"Well then, let's go meet our special guest shall we Guardian Chui?"