
"Guardian Tier? Didn't brother, I, you and the others stomped on the strongest Guardian disciples already?" Kuzumi told in a curious tone. From their time being here, they haven't really heard of any other super disciples besides the Moli group.

Though it's not like she cared enough to find out more information.

"Well, Moli and Ruta were like the...most popular of geniuses here. There's five other Guardians beside the one we know, and Guardian Zheng disciple is the most reclusive but strongest one here. Before the Mystic realm opening, he was already at the fourth rank of Heaven King Sea! I have no idea what level he is now, though." Dela explained, feeling some sort of anticipation welled up inside her.

Despite how eccentric Kuzumi and Brenda personalities was, or how aloof Kazami was, or even how kind Lun Yuo was, there was one thing she and the others admittedly love about these guys. Which is the way they absolutely destroy and crush their enemies!

Even the sweet and gentle Lun Yuo can turn into a terrifying angelic demon in a snap! And tomorrow she knows quite a show will happen against the other Guardian disciples...

"Hahahaha!! This is perfect! There weren't enough for Yuo and I to fight before, but now! Hahahaha!!!" In an instant slaughtering, aura arouses in the space as Dela felt genuine fear.

Brenda always itches to use her sword or slaughtering aura in anyways possible in battle. It fuels her with burning passion and energy that not even Kuzumi can keep up with.

Since they didn't fight last time, Brenda got into a restless state and was only satisfied because of Kazami passionate love for her. But even then, a girl gotta eat! At least she thinks so in her mind.

Rolling his eyes, Kazami just patted Brenda's head, getting her to calm down instantly, while still holding a dangerous smirk. During the whole process, Kuzumi sigh like she was dealing with her troublesome little siblings back at home,

"Haah, this crazed woman going to put the fear of her white hair in all these pour kids! At least I have some decency."

"Oh, yea?! We'll see if you have some decency after tonight!!" Brenda flashed from Kazami hand, getting in front of Kuzumi's face. The words struck her like a Qi ball as she could tell Brenda always knew about her feelings!

And she dares to tease her about it?!


Kuzumi instantly donned her God bloodline state pushing her aura to the max, and at the same time, Brenda wore her max God bloodline state.

"An impromptu sparring session? You should stand a fair distance back, Dela; you know how crazy things get when either one of them riles each other up." Kazami spoke as he also donned his God bloodline state, his eyes igniting in a bright purple stars.

This wasn't the first time and certainly won't be the last of Kuzumi or Brenda provoking each other. Even at times, Lun Yuo becomes involved in these small fights.

But never once did he or any of the girls didn't find this fun. In fact, they always seemed to grow closer; trading blows like they were playing extreme tag.

Dela already ignited her purple lightning running as far as away possible to obverse the fight. She didn't need to be told twice about their insane prowess! And while she was running, she heard,

"Let's see if you twins can keep with speedy slaughter!!" Brenda vanishes from sights, but it didn't matter to Kazami nor Kuzumi.

"Nothing can break past my Qilin scales!" A barrier made of Qilin scales wrapped around Kuzumi as soon as she said it.

"Don't I usually win all of these fights, though?" Kazami Griffin's wings flapped, signaling the start of their 'fun times.'


It was late at night for the Holy Twilight sect, and seven outstanding youths were meeting up with each other at a barren courtyard. Five of them were Moli group and Ruta while there other two extremely handsome young men with them.

One of them was tall and thin with a calm, handsome face. He gave an intelligent, scholarly vibe to him with as well long black hair flowing down to his back. He wore the same set of high-quality twilight robes such as Moli, and to his back was a black sword strapped to him.

And his aura was impeccable! He was a fifth rank Heaven King Sea genius!

The other youth was a muscular, intimidating handsome young man. One can see the refined tone muscle busting through his robes along with his broad shoulders. He had short brown hair accompanying his manly face with purple brass knuckles on his hand.

Despite not being as high as the other youth, the brass knuckles youth aura was at the fourth rank Heaven King Sea! And he far surpasses Ruta being at the peak stage of the rank!

These two youths held curious interest expression observing the downcast Moli group and Ruta. They also saw the brutal beatdown Kazami team gave them, but they held no sympathy as it's impossible to win every fight in your life.

At least impossible for most people...

"Haah, do you two really want to fight them? Even after seeing their prowess? I'll be honest I don't know what you guys want us for." Moli tiredly said. After Kuzumi utterly crushed him, all he wanted to do now was never meet them again.

Honestly, it was much easier just to hang out with his friends than worrying about people they can never surpass.

"Perhaps we may have no chance. But it doesn't mean we can't try, right? And all of you five have in one shape or another came in contact with them." The swordsman calmly explained to them. He won't deny the initial suppressing fear he felt when seeing Kazami effortlessly destroy Ruta.

Despite being one level above, even now, he still wasn't sure he could ever match a freak like him! But cultivation isn't bread for the spineless.

"Hnm! So what, you want us to give what little info we have in hopes you can match Kazami Star?! Hahahaha!! Ok! I have a feeling tomorrow one of the others will tell Kazami Star and the girls about the battle arena, so from our meeting today, put on a good show for us!" Ashely spoke in disdain for these two. Truly she only feels like two clowns were paying her for a good show since it became engraved in her heart that Kazami Star is invincible!

If only she could gain his attention in someway...

"Oh, really, Ashely? At least if we get defeated, our defeats won't be as pathetic as your groveling. In fact, heh, Kazami Star team didn't even make you grovel; it was Guardian Chui disciples who showed far more talents than all of you!" The brass knuckle man sharply said, getting the Moli team to feel irritated.

And only irritated since nothing he said was actually wrong. Whether they like it or not Moli group realizes in front of Guardian Chui disciples, they were below them, and the Kazami Star team will only further boost their prowess.

"Whatever, let's just get this meeting over with so I can...sleep," Ruta said with some slight fear. At her stage, a cultivator could go without sleep or food for days, but the frightening image of Kazami drains on her mind continuously.

She only hopes with serious cultivation that one day his image won't be as frightening since it will be fool dream to think she can forget him.

And from the outside, four tremendously powerful people watch at different corners. Two of the four still burning with rage but are learning to sallow it as their nothing they could do about it, for now...


Over at Guardian Chui courtyard, another night meeting was taking place, albeit in a lighter tone than the other one.

Kazami sat on their soft, comfy large bed with a madly blushing Kuzumi in his lap. To his two sides sat Brenda and Lun Yuo with a broad teasing smile. Initially, Kuzumi wanted to stand hand in hand with her brother for this meeting, but Kazami just chuckled and pulled her on his lap.

After all, this isn't some great battle or something; it was a simple discussion between soon to be family.

"I suppose she lost all of her spunky bravado now that her dreams became true!" Brenda jested while Kuzumi pouted to Kazami, making her seem more adorable than ever.

"Kazzy, why do you have put me in such an embarrassing position! You're making me lose my status among us!"

"Well in terms of status Kuzumi, I'm the eldest of-"

"Not true! I kiss Kaz first! Even if you receive his love first, I stole his first kiss!" Brenda proclaimed as Lun Yuo was talking. And both girls suddenly realized they indeed did lose on this point!

Even now, Kazami still remembers Brenda's lips touching his for the first time, and he smiled warmly, considering it was a rather dangerous situation when it happened.

Still, he spoke up saying,

"In terms of status, you're all unique in your own way. But honestly, you two naughty girls, how long have you knew about Kuzumi romantic feelings for me?"

"Hm? Ever since childhood? I mean, Zami looks at this way; there no way even for twins to be so close to each other. Not even your eldest brother or eldest sister are that close, and they were born around the same time." Lun Yuo recalled their younger days and how much Kuzumi clings to Kazami.

She could barely remember any days where she didn't see her holding his hand or dragging Kazami to someplace so they can play together. Although the only strange thing she notices was the almost blind eye, his parents would have to them like they never discern their extreme closeness even as the clinginess didn't stop when they got older.

Or perhaps it was just her imagination? And they only thought Kuzumi just really loves her brother.

"Yoh? Maybe around the time you first pour your love in me? When I saw Kuzumi jealous face of not feeling Kaz's love, I knew it right then!" Brenda told as Kuzumi exclaimed,

"I-I-I wasn't jealous! I only needed some quality time with my brother Kazzy!!" Her blush only increases, which didn't help her on the point of not being jealous.

And while Kazami was happy on the outside, he heaved a massive sigh of relief on the inside. Truthfully while he did desire women, once he tasted and now regularly dines on Lun Yuo and Brenda, he felt more than satisfied just being with them.

He didn't need four wives like his father, but Kuzumi was another ordeal entirely. He would honestly be a little confused if even one of his girls rejected Kuzumi. His love for all three of them was just too much, and he never wants any discord between them.

In their universe, polygamy marriages are as common as dirt on the ground. But rarely he would see what he calls genuine happy multiple relationships. Most of the time, anyone with immense power and a high-class family can gain numerous women like they were candy.

And secretly Kazami despises those kinds of relationships as besides sex, what else is there for them? Do they talk? Do they enjoy each other companies and can banter? Or is the only reason they're together is just because of strength?

He even doubts his parents' kind of love, but at least his father didn't go too far with the women he could actually get. All of this is why, despite his light flirty and teasing attitude with Guardian Rou, he will only focus on finding out more of these three girls and pouring his love into them.

Even for a future relationship, if he did catch feelings for another woman, it will only be because he knew them for a long time, and they could talk and enjoy each other companies. And he will consult his three cute girlfriends about another woman joining them.

It's also why still now he feels a bit guilty to Brenda and Lun Yuo. Brenda for moving fast in their relationship and thinking they should've taken things a bit more slowly and Lun Yuo for waiting so long to respond to her feelings since he always had feelings for her. Plus, he got caught up in the moment with Kuzumi, but he couldn't hold his feeling back from her any longer.

All these thoughts lead Kazami to wrap his arms around Brenda and Lun Yuo, pulling them in close, as all three girls were surprised by the sudden movement.

"Ah, don't mind me. Just know I love all three of you, and no matter what it is, I want you all to come to talk to me no matter how silly you think it is. And I'll do the same with you three."

"Eh? Kazzy, you think too much sometimes! We have basically been doing that ever since childhood!" Kuzumi just snuggles closer to Kazami chest; even if she already knew Kazami would do this, it didn't mean it didn't put warmth in her chest.

"Hahahah!! Kaz, like I, said when we first made love! I don't care how long we know each other, cause our love will never change!" Brenda rubs her face on his, being one of her favorite pass time to do.

"Oh, Zami~. Despite being so prideful at times, you're quite the softy~. I think I prefer this Zami, though~." Lun Yuo gave Kazami a soul striking smile while lovingly stroking his face.

They all felt incredibly comfortable and warm, and abruptly Kazami laid down on the bed with all his girls still clinging.

"Say what do you girls say we sleep like this? Been a while since we did while in that forest."

To his question, all three girls closed their eyes, giving Kazami their answer as he as well closed his eyes, thinking about how fun tomorrow will be.