Guardian Chui Concerns

Kazami sensed, his, and his girls Ruler Cores massively increase in size as they all suddenly advanced!

He was now an eighth level Ruler Transformation, while the girls all shot up to the seventh level!

Furthermore, he felt all of their Qi's were far more...purified than before. And along with his regular cultivation, all of their God bloodline's experience a massive leap.

Kazami felt immensely more connected and in tune with his fused God bloodline, and he could sense his feather tattoo mark far more clearly. The strength he could wield with them, Kazami could tell, had advanced.

And it went for the girls too as he sensed that all of their bloodlines became closer to him, causing warmth to spread throughout his body.

'By now, I can probably fight with a first rank Emperor Sea cultivator, and that's just without my sword...'

Suddenly on his chest, the soft elastic body of Kuzumi began to stir, signifying she was waking up. Her beautiful silver eyes locked with Kazami's silver ones as a sunny massive smile bloom on her face.

With no words spoken, she tenderly went up to Kazami's face and kissed his lips.


Kuzumi gave him a sweet soft kiss as she poured all of her love into this kiss.

It was a lovely way to start off his morning, Kazami remarked.

"Good morning, Kazzy~."

She laid close to his neck, breathing in Kazami masculine aroma, and pure bliss spread throughout her chest.

From one lovely kiss, Kazami face was soon turned around as Brenda pulled him for another sweet kiss. She was clinging to his right arm, and in the mornings like this, were the moments she loved the most.

"Mhn...Good morning Kaz~."

And for the final good morning kiss of the day, his face was pulled to the left, and Lun Yuo poured in her love-filled kiss. Every time Kazami did kiss her, the look she pulled was one of absolute bliss.

He could honestly tell she loves him greatly...

"Ahh...Good morning Zami~."

"Once again, I can never get over how good it is to wake up like this."

Kazami said, and Brenda agreed by snuggling into his face, breathing out her intoxicating breath saying,

"Yoh...I agree. You are the essential routine of my daily mornings!"

"Ah?! Hey, hey! Did we all just breakthrough by so much from last night?!" Kuzumi had suddenly sensed her and the other bodies, causing vast waves in her!

For the first time, Kazami made love to Brenda and Lun Yuo, they all only advanced by one level. And for breaking through to the Ruler Transformation Realm, it was again only by one.

But now they all majorly leaped in levels!

" most likely has to do with our Star twins finally connecting with each other. And from that, dear Bree and I also gained the same effects." Lun Yuo hypothesized, since last night, she could remember the twin's feather tattoo igniting.

"Not only that, but I also feel far more in touch with my bloodline and my slaughtering sensations! Kaz, your juices are wonderful!!" Brenda exclaimed in excitement as she felt the fantastic changes in her body.

"In any case with this, we would need to spar more with each other to refine our prowess. I can sense our bloodline's prowess majorly improved, but all we need is a little training. I hope none of you will be busy today?"

Kazami said, and in response, Kuzumi gained a sultry smile and began to stroke his morning wood.

"Before we do any of that though...I need more of your love to start the day Kazzy~."

Her small soft hands felt incomparably good, and already Kazami felt the moistening of Kuzumi loins.

Despite only losing her virginity yesterday, like Brenda and Lun Yuo, her body still craved for Kazami, and she didn't feel any exhaustion.

"Oh~? So little Kuzumi is already becoming a hot contender with us~?" Lun Yuo angelic voice was challenging Kuzumi as she realizes, this girl might have just as much stamina as her!

"Heh! Let's see if she can even last for long in the morning!" Brenda was also challenging as she as well was ready for another bout of their lovemaking.

With a lustful smile, Kazmai used his hands to put a finger to put in Lun Yuo and Brenda secret gardens. And a third purple bloodline hand put a finger inside Kuzumi juicy pussy.


They all moaned at the sudden pleasure, and Kazami said,

"It's time to remind you girls who is the clear winner in the morning and night as well..."


Like a flash time swiftly moved by and another half of a month passed.

Throughout this time, while Kazami and the girls' levels didn't advanced, they tempered their combat prowess and perfected their Heavenly Skills.

Kazami had also trained with his brown sword, getting better at infusing his bloodline power with it. He could even soak a small portion of his feather tattoo in the sword for a couple minutes, although it would leave him heavily drained.

More than ever, Kazami was confident he and the girls could take on early levels Emperor Sea cultivators together or alone. The suppression of three mighty realms matters little to them now ever since that first night with Kuzumi.

And now it was only a day before Veiled City Qualifying Competition for the Ifrit Empire. Kazami was highly sure of himself, his girls, and Mara group's coming out on top.

As of now, Mara made it to the seventh rank, and Luo Ke, Su Mo, and Dela all made it to the sixth rank of Heaven King Sea!

Mara's group, if not counting Kazami's group, could be considered the strongest disciples in the Holy Twilight sect and perhaps even the whole City!

All the while, Kazami was thinking about what divine item this City manage to acquire, and the days counting until they kill the Horned Red tiger was swiftly coming.

Currently, Kazami was walking to Guardian Chui's common but neat looking courtyard. Just the day before, she seemed to have some vital information for him and wanted to talk to him privately.

As he arrived there, he saw Guardian Chui sitting on top of her house peacefully meditating. Like always, she was beautiful as ever, and under the clear blue sky, it further added to her charm.

Kazami moved his God's bloodline a bit to fly up on the roof to sit next to Guardian Chui.

"So you can come on time, boy...I was sure you would be fooling around now." Guardian Chui chided without a change in expression. She found it frustrating, but every time she was alone with this boy, her heart would always race a bit.

Despite being busy a lot of the time, when they talk, he could make her laugh, become intrigued at his various opinions, or just enjoy any conversations they have.

Kazami never has the presence of a young teen genius youth, but more of a mature and charming noble emperor like presence. All the more, it just made her more attached to the young man.

"Well, during this time, Bree and Kuzumi like to pick up the intensity with sparring, so it was a perfect time for me to slither out. Besides, how can I miss out on time with the beautiful Guardian Rou?"

Kazami sat next to her and said, appreciating her beauty up close.

He also quite like Guardian Chui, but he never tried to do anything further with as he would simply let her come to him if she wanted to.

Guardian Chui face did gain a slight blush, but she still kept up her serene face saying,

"Quite buttery words boy, but now is not that time for that. Are you and the others prepared for the Qualifying competition?" She already knows of her disciples' tremendous progress, but she wanted to hear it from Kazami himself.

"More than prepared by now. You said Link only got to the sixth rank of Heaven King Sea, right? Well, even Dela could dominate him now, and she the slowest out of us all. Unless...does this City have any secret super-geniuses my girls and I can play with?"

Kazami had a ruthless smile on his face as he found it pretty enjoyable to crush people with great pride.

"'s very rare for rouge youthful cultivators to be some kind of special genius. And the strongest sect after us, the Raven Moon Sect, even with their Royal bloodline's are nowhere near us. But even so...are you prepared for the Ifrit Empire?"

Guardian Chui's voice had a hint of concern as she knew things about the Empires most others don't know.

"Those guys? Wasn't it said numerous of times that not even that Empire could casually go against this sect? But either way, I doubt they can even touch us."

"Don't get too overconfident now. From my resources, I've heard rumors about a sudden surge of the Empire geniuses being extraordinarily high. And that's not even accounting for their Crown Princes and princesses who we can only guess to be at the peak Ranks of Heaven King Sea..."

Towards this, Kazami gained a huge bright smile and started to laugh a bit,

"Heh, just peak Heaven King Sea? If they're not at least Emperor Sea, then their not worthy for us to even use half of our powers!" Kazami held a bold superior tone.

He was sure not even in the first Rank region; there were geniuses like that.

And even if there were, he never considered the Humane realm geniuses that impressive at all.

Considering the fact even in his Middle-rank god realm, there were monstrous geniuses far surpassing any Twilight Guardian in this sect.

"I know you don't bolster any words, but still. You need to be careful. That Empire has a shady history of uprooting and betraying nations to fuel their powerful might. Furthermore, for the past month for the upcoming tournament, they have been eerily quiet to the point we can barely get any new information on them."

Kazami had now begun to wonder a bit more about this Empire.

With how strange this planet was and how many weakened Gods showed up here, Kazami wouldn't be surprised if that Empire was also influenced by another decline God that somehow luckily arrived here.

But he still wasn't worried as by the time they would arrive at the Empire his, and the girls' prowess would increase.

"Guardian Rou, you can relax honestly. All of my girls and I have special skills that no one on this planet could ever predict us having...but thanks for having such concerns about us."

Kazami put his hand on Guardian Chui's shoulder, and she felt a burst of warmth from it. Little touches like this; she didn't have the heart to shrug off and felt immensely good.

"I-it's my responsibility to look after-Ah?!"

Guardian Chui let out a cute yelp as Kazami suddenly pulled her into a tight hug!

"Don't you remember what I say? It won't be very long before this sect becomes the true leader of this planet! And then... I'll be waiting for my reward..."

Guardian Chui felt her body melt with pleasure from Kazami hug.

Nowadays, it was like his bloodline had infused with his natural state. Kazami could make his girls feel even better, just from small touches or holding their hands.

It was like he had some sort of demonic incubus power as he could arouse his girls' lust if he used his bloodline powers.

And Guardian Chui was feeling the brunt of it and pleasure shocked all throughout her body.

Before she could regain her senses and push Kazami off, he took the initiative to break the hug and say,

"Well then I should go, tomorrow is a big day af-"

He abruptly stopped talking once he felt a soft angelic hands hold his.

"Wait...don't you want too...Uhm..." Guardian Chui held a scarlet face as she couldn't believe what she was doing!

Before she never took the initiative to touch him, but the desperate yearning in her bloodline for Kazami only got more intense once he hugged her.

And hearing he was going to go sent ripples in her mind.

Yet she wasn't sure what to say as she wasn't very experienced in this field.

"You know what? The girls are probably still going at it, so I have a bit more time to talk with you, Guardian Rou."

Thankfully Kazami was experienced, and with a charming smile, he took in the cute face of an embarrassed Guardian Chui.

'Now, this is what I need before I have some fun at this competition tomorrow...'