His Brother

"Feather shhhhh…." Fara immediately shushed her daughter down. "How can you speak her name right here?"

"Mama, you won't believe me but Simione was Hawk Monsanto's woman!" Feather revealed with horror. "She came back and seduced Hawk!"

"Impossible!" Fara told her clearly not believing it.  "She's long been dead!"

"No she isn't. It was definitely her and she clearly told me she came for Hawk to get back at me" 

"No it can't be..." Fara's eyes widened at the revelation. "That's really not possible, Feather! If she was alive then how could she didn't reveal herself soon?"

"I don't know," Feather shook her head. "You should be the one who knows the answer,"

"I don't have any knowledge of this!" Fara panicked immediately. "Did….did...did Hawk Monsanto recognize her...did he…"