
"You'd kill the tiger for a woman?" Someone intervened and both Mr. Blue and Hawk turned to the door to see a young man slid in. His steps were very light and his movements smooth, that both almost did not expect his presence.

"Black," Mr. Blue acknowledged him as he took full strides toward Hawk's table. His eyes were dark deep and had a very tanned complexion. He had a full envelop with him which he threw to Hawk's table right away.

"You didn't inform me prior to your arrival," Hawk ignored the thing that landed on his table and had his attention on the newcomer. "When did you learn to defy me?"

"I knew I was needed here," Black replied, meeting his eyes. They looked at each other for a moment but Black pulled away and apathetically sat on the sofa right at the corner. 

"I told you, you can't come here," Hawk was still looking at him with hardened jaws. 

"I got bored there, I'm rather useful here," He replied.