Her Kidnapper

When the Tang's left, Primo had the courage to speak directly to the girl who was standing near him.

"Have lunch me," His voice was begging but it wasn't enough to get Gabriella's attention. Instead, she walked away from him as if she had not heard him.

"Dulzura.." Primo chased and called his woman. Gabriella consistently ignored him and he was left with no choice but to chase and  grab her. "Please have lunch with me at least,"

"Have lunch with your other woman," The girl rebutted and forcefully squeezed herself out of Primo's grab but with no success. Primo was too strong for her and surely was hard to push away.

"Do you really think I have another?" 

"I didn't just think it out of nowhere. I've seen it first hand," She replied and evaded his eyes. "Please let me go, Lucy will be picking me up. Her men is always with her, I don't want any chaos,"