Getting Married

"If you care about my health then you should have taken good care of Han's Scintillait!" Don Benedicto directed his anger to his son who immediately jerked back, surprised by the former's anger. "So incompetent!"

Before his head would explode of anger, the old man decided to leave the ground and head to the office. It was not wise to handle things in clear view of all their servants and associates so he decided to continue this conversation in their family office. The rest of the Han's followed him, as well as Simione who was forcefully dragged by her abductors.

Soon, the Han's were in a closed room, sitting around a big wooden table where they could clearly see each other face to face. Of course, all eyes of disgust and hate were on Simione.

"Grandfather, I implore you to punish Simione for this. If not for her, Hawk and I would have no problems at all," Feather started trying to convince her grandfather to blame everything on her hated cousin.