Plans for Simione

It took days before finally Tabitha woke up and recovered her strength. Hawk never left the hospital when she was recovering as he felt utterly responsible for what happened to her. He personally took care of Tabitha and made sure she was well taken care of. 

When the girl finally recovered, Hawk's already busy schedule doubled up especially since he too had to investigate what happened in the market. Due to this, he rarely saw Simione especially since he comes home late often. Also, he doesn't want to face her without information about who wanted to hurt them. He sure does not want to appear incompetent in front of his wife.

"She can already go home tomorrow," The doctor cleared Tabitha. They did one final check-up and made sure she was ready.

"That's good," Hawk was pleased to hear she was recovering full well. He had already apologized to her a few days ago about what happened because of his carelessness and thanked her for saving his life.