Butler's Suggestion

Due to what happened, Simione stayed the rest of her days in her room, leaving only when necessary. She felt utterly guilty about what happened to Tabitha and felt more sorry for Hawk who according to Nana Doring had been coming home late and very exhausted. 

She had always been aware of the burden Hawk had to carry being the President of the M Conglomerate and the with recent events in Isla Sargaus—from the rebels down to Tabitha's injury, she was very aware she only made his work more difficult. Certainly, she could have at least been considerate because, for the last few days, the only thing she thought of was her own hurt and burden, looking not on the face of her husband whom she knew had always been physically tired. Not to mention he had just undergone a scandal in the capital that almost put the M Conglomerate to the edge, and guess what, she too had participated in such a downfall. It seemed like; Hawk had always been the one who picks up her trash.