[Bonus chapter] Humble Farmer

After those long bath hours, Simione can be seen waiting in the garden while Hawk went off to get their ride. It was past noon time already and she could only blush on why it took them until past noon time to finally decide to go. Hawk had been overly clingy on her and it was a pity they spent the last few days quarreling and being apart when all they really ever wanted was to be with each other's arms.

A moment later Hawk appeared riding a stallion horse, looking so ever gorgeous in his riding outfit and masculine physique. He looked so hot and Simione could not help but gulp at the sight of him. Damn! How could Hawk Monsanto be ever so sexy? Also, nobody told her their ride would be a horse and so the outfit that Trita prepared for her just made sense now.

"What's with that face?" Hawk asked when he saw her looking at him in a weird way. He charged his stallion to stop just a few meters from Simione and offered his hand, inviting his wife to ride with him.