
While occupying herself with the view of her everly adored husband, Simione's attention was rather caught away when she heard some confrontation taking place a few meters away from her.

"I told you, unsupervised children are not allowed here," A man, one of the many farmers in the field, told the group of children that gathered in one spot. 

"Please sir, let us glean and gather sheaves behind the harvesters," The tallest of the children pleaded. "I promise we will not be of trouble,"

"I cannot allow you to do that as your guardians are not with you," The farmer explained. "If something happens to you in the field, we would be responsible,"

"But sir—"

"Enough…" The farmer concluded. "Please just go home, all of you. The master is here and we don't want to have trouble here by having unsupervised children. Also, everyone is busy, please just go quietly,"