Start of the Revenge

Luke Crates never was a good person, he was the type of person people would cross the street to avoid. His parents died while he was young to a man known as Klaus Mikaelson. To those aware of the supernatural world, they would know him as the hybrid. His parents were actually a part of the supernatural community themselves, well his mother anyway. His father was a normal human who fell in love with his mom at first sight. His mother on the other hand was something else entirely, a fallen angle. He never did get to know where his mother came from, but he did inherit some of her powers. His father and mother loved and treasured each other, living as normal humans would. They got married and had him a year later.

Luke loved with his parents happily in California, they were not extremely rich but they lived comfortably in Los Angeles. When Luke turned 15, that is when everything changed. His mother who was supposed to be heading back to L.A. from Chicago never arrived. His father went to Chicago leaving Luke with a trusted friend in search of his mom. Luke didn't really understand what was happening due to shock and just waited patiently for word from his dad. Unfortunately, it never came. His father also never returned from Chicago and slowly Luke's life fell apart. He heard the next day that both his mother and father were found dead, a so called animal attack.

Luke with no living relatives was forced into the system. Going from foster home to foster home until he was 17, when he learned off the powers he inherited from his mother. He was nearly an immortal, or so he assumed as he could not seem to die, not that he tried killing himself or anything, he just survived events that should not be possible to survive. He first discovered his immortality when he was stabbed in the heart during a gang fight he accidentally wandered into as he was traveling after running away from a foster home. He had accepted death at that moment but when he opened his eyes he was completely alright, the knife was still embedded in his heart but he was not bleeding instead all he felt was a slight stabbing pain. This was when he figured out he was not a normal human and had powers.

Due to this accidental discovery his journey in search of his other powers began. For one he stopped aging, his body remained the same in age and looks ever since the stabbing. He also slowly learned that while he did not have large physical advantages he was still stronger and faster then normal humans. His strength and speed were around twice of three times that of an average adult. His endurance also was greatly enhanced, the downfall was that his powers ran out. He had to focus when he wanted to activate these powers, and after using them for awhile he would feel exhausted and be unable to activate them until he rested, the only power that was automatic was his immortality. While slowly discovering more and more about the world and himself he stumbled on a peace of news about a hybrid named Klaus Mikaelson.

Luke did not put much thought into it at first, that was until he arrived in Chicago and began searching about the events that caused his parents death. After being exposed to the supernatural world he slowly understood that his parents cause of death was a cover up. They were murdered by a vampire and he was going to get revenge. While searching for clues he stumbled upon a vampire who happened to tell him that Klaus was in Chicago and on a killing spree during the time his parents happened to die. After some more research and the  torture of a few vampires with vervain, he discovered that his mother was killed by Klaus during a killing spree and his father later killed by him as well when he came to investigate and was found by Klaus digging around for news.

Luke was devastated, not only did he finally confirm that his parents were murdered, but the one who killed them was someone he could not do anything against due to being hopelessly weaker then him. Luke never felt as mad as he did then, he began planning on how to achieve revenge with no good ideas. Eventually he began searching for Klaus while thinking of ideas to achieve revenge. When he finally tracked him down he arrived at the city of New Orleans. He watched as Klaus dethroned Marcel and took reign of the city. Hatred as never before grew within Luke, his parents killer was so close and yet he was unable to do anything. That is until he found out about Hayley, and her baby.

She was the weakness he was looking for, killing the baby would be a small part in his revenge towards Klaus. Unfortunately he never found an opportunity, the baby was looked after by all the Mikaelsons and he was not an opponent to any of them. So he watched in silence as Klaus fought against his enemies beginning with the witches and eventually the Willow. Luke never expected Klaus to sacrifice himself for Hope and was at a loss when he found out about his death. His death did not extinguish the hatred he felt towards Klaus and he wished to hurt him even more, in anyway possible. Slowly a plan formed in his head, Klaus might be dead... but his daughter lived... and while he might not be able to kill her, he could still ruin her.

The plan was to join the Salvatore school and slowly grow closer to Hope. Become her friend and someone she trusts. Eventually have her fall in love with him and place himself so deeply into her heart that she would not be able to live without him. Then, then he would leave, he would abandon her and watch as she slowly fell apart and suffered. After all if Klaus loved her enough to die for her, what would hurt him more the her suffering a broken heart.