First Day (Part 1)

= Luke's POV =

I spent months planning and I finally feel ready to enter the Salvatore school. Won't lie I'm a bit nervous, so many things can go wrong. My biggest concern is the issue of me not being a vampire, werewolf, or a witch. I don't know if they will even accept me if I'm not one of those. I plan not to say anything at first but if worst comes to worst I will try to act as if I am a vampire after all I can't die. Anyway, the first part is to get into the school anyway. How do I plan to do that? Simple! I'm going to kidnap the Milton boy!

Look I know what you think, kidnap Milton?!?! Are you insane!?! And the answer is yes! I figure Alaric, the headmaster, will see me as someone "lost and unaware of his actions" and try to fix me, it is genius! I think.

The next day

I put on my normal outfit which is consisted of white vans, well ex-white they are more of a grey now, black skinny jeans which are ripped at the knees, and a white shirt with a plain pink hoodie over it, and yes I like the color pink deal with it. I set out walking towards the Salvatore school with a smile on my face due to my plan finally beginning. After a 15 minute stroll through the woods I arrive near the gates of the school.

I stare at the large fence and just as I am about to enter the school by hopping the fence, the gate begins to open a van drives out stopping right before me. I stare with my mouth wide open and wonder how my luck can suck so bad. The passenger door and driver door open and I see Alaric and the teacher name Emma step out.

"What are you doing here and skipping school for, do you want me to report you to your school" Alaric says with a strict tone.

"Wait wait wait" I quickly respond feeling down due to the unexpected circumstance. "Look I'm not from around here, I was umm, hunting" I continued my voice getting quieter towards the end.

Before you all judge me yes! I'm not a good lier but it is honestly not my fault, I never had a need to lie. I have always been stalking Klaus, I killed those I disliked and these that doubted me, well I killed those to. No one was stopping me from my revenge.

"You were hunting" Alaric and Emma said at the same time neither one sounding convinced.

"You know what, why don't you come inside, your not in trouble or anything I will just inform your parents where you are so they can pick you up" Alaric said to me his eyes looking me over. Guess I can't blame him my clothes are quite worn out, my face is a bit dirty, and my hair is as messy as ever. Not that I cared I lived outside for the last 20 years, self care lost meaning once I stopped aging honestly.

"I uh, don't have parents" I reply my voice so quiet that both Alaric and Emma barely heard what I said. 24 years was it... 24 years and I still cannot talk about my parents death without feeling pain.

"Oh" Alaric replies with an unexpected tone of understanding coming from him. "Just hop inside we'll give you a ride to the main building" he says opening the side of the van door which I slowly walk to and climb into. Then without anymore words spoken between the three of us Alaric reverses the truck back inside the fenced area and begins driving towards the school.

The ride is over in a mere minute and I freak the whole time. Obviously not on the outside, just inside my brain. My plan to infiltrate the school is ruined and now I have to wing it. The truck slowly comes to a stop before the door to the school and Alaric, Emma, and I all step out of the van. The first thing I notice is the constant staring I receive, I never thought of myself as shy but my face turned red due to the attention onto the three of us.

"Dr. Saltzman you decided not to go to the store" a curious Milton walks towards us and asks. "Oh, and who is the new guy" he continues once he notices me standing behind the two.

"He was standing near the gate, hunting according to him, I decided to postpone shopping until I dealt with him" Alaric said as he turns towards me and beckons me inside the large building. Emma enters first, then me, and them Milton and Alaric, me being in the middle, obviously not completely trusted yet. The walk takes us to a door labeled "Administrator's Office" and Alaric unlocks the door with a key before the 4 of us enter and I sit on the chair in front of the desk.

"So uh" Alaric starts saying as he sits at his seat at the table and taking out a weird orb and setting it onto the middle of the table, "what's you name" he continues after the orb is safely placed on the table.

"Luke Crates" I reply and notice Emma beginning to write that on a piece of paper. More noticeable though was the fact that the orb on the table glowed blue, only after that did it struck me. It can tell if I lie... oh God I'm so fucked, why is everything going wrong I cry inside my head.

"How very interesting" Alaric says breaking apart my thoughts and making me look up at him.

"What is" I question in return.

"You, you don't seem to be surprised by the glowing orb at all, in-fact... one could say your not surprised at all" he pauses before continuing "What were you really doing out there today when we saw you" he questions.

I look back at him feeling the plan fall to pieces "I really was hunting" I reply. Everyone in the office looks down at the orb and besides me the three of them are surprised at the orb glowing blue.

"Hunting for what exactly" Alaric questions again his eyes having a hint of interests in them.

"A vampire" I state back causing a look of shock to appear and Alaric Emma and MG.

"You are aware of vampires" Alaric questions me again his eyes looking at Milton in warning.

"I am" I reply.

"Are you one yourself perhaps" he questions me again.

"I am not why do you ask" I reply again staring at the orb at the table glowing blue again.

"Oh just you seem awfully young to be hunting vampires" he replied causing me to tremble I'm my seat slightly which catches Alaric's eye.

I won't lie, I forgot I look 17 at that moment. They all just see me as a teenager and no teenagers hunt vampires. At this exact moment I ran out of things to say. Sweat began showing signs on my forehead and I sunk a little deeper into the chair, but I did not reply to the headmaster staring at me. I did not know how to, if I say to little they be more suspicious, to much and they will know to much. Worst of all there is even a lie detecting magic orb thingy disabling me from lying. What am I supposed to do...

Authors Note (thoughts to small)

Hey you all, what do you all think of Luke so far? I did not wish to make him a perfect at everything and made him realistic. He won't be the best at everything and won't achieve everything easily, but seeing as I am trying to keep him realistic I figured flaws here and there are good. I hope you all enjoy reading, comment if you would love some certain things implemented, be it events or even personality traits of Luke. Also sorry for the possibly bad grammar, this is actually my first book thingy and I am trying my best I think. Love you all!
